Foot/Ankle Flashcards
Name of ankle joint
Talocrural joint
What makes up the foot?
All tarsal bones and joints distal to the ankle
Components of rearfoot
Talus, calcaneus, subtalar joint
Components of midfoot
Cuboid, navicular, cuneiforms
What are the components of the forefoot?
Metatarsals and phalanges
What percent of BW does fib support?
The tibia expands ___________ for what reason?
Distally; accommodate load (90% of BW)
Distally, is the tibia facing more medial or lateral?
Tibia has _________ of the long axis which leads to “toe out”
Name all of the tarsal bones
Talus, calcaneus, navicular, cuboid, 3 cuneiforms
What structures joins the foot to the leg?
Bone that lacks muscular attachments
The talus is 70% covered by ______________________
Articular cartilage
Direction that the head of the talus projects
Forward and slightly medially
What part of the talus articulates with the calcaneus?
Articular facets on inferior surface
Largest tarsal bone
Attachment for achilles
Attachment site for post tib
Navicular tuberosity
How many sides does the cuboid have?
How many sides of cuboid articulate with adjacent tarsal bones?
Metatarsals are _________ on plantar side
Describe the shape of the head/base of metatarsals AND where they are located
Head: convex; distal
Base: concave; proximal
How many phalanges are there in one foot?
What plane does DF/PF occur in?
Plane that inversion/eversion occurs in
Plane that abd/adduction occurs in
AOR of pronation/supination
Pronation/supination = ________ motion
3 movements that make up pronation
DF, eversion, abduction
3 motions that make up supination
PF, inversion, adduction
Where is there more tibfib joint movement?
Parts of tib/fib that make up proximal TFJ
Head of fib + lateral tib
What type of joint is the proximal TFJ?
Why is there not a lot of movement at prox TFJ?
To ensure force from biceps femoris and LCL are transferred effectively from fib to tib
Parts of tib/fib that make up distal TFJ
Fibular notch of tib and distal fib
Distal TFJ joint type
Syndesmosis (fibrous union)
What limits movement in the distal TFJ?
Ligamentous support
Components of ligamentous support of distal TFJ
- Interosseous ligament
2. A/P tibfib ligs
Movement of distal TFJ
Rotation and translation in 3 planes
Restricted TFJ mobility has been associated with _____________________
Ankle pain
Parts of talus/distal TFJ that make up talocrural joint
Trochlear dome and sides of talus AND mortis
90-95% of ______________ forces pass through _______________
Compressive; talus and tib
3mm of articular cartilage can compress by ___________ to ______________
30-40%; absorb force
Talocrural joint has a ________ reinforced by ligs
4 ankle ligs
- Deltoid
Purpose of deltoid lig (2)
- Limit excessive eversion
2. Check extreme ranges of motion
3 LCLs
LCLs control __________ stress
Varus (inversion)
ATFL purpose
Check inversion with PF
CFL purpose
Inversion with DF
PTFL purpose
Stabilizes talus in mortise
Which ligs (lateral or medial) are more prone to injury?
Most commonly injured ankle lig
How many DOF at talocrural joint?
1 - DF/PF
Axis of talocrural joint
Close packed position of talocrural joint
DF occurs with slight __________ and ___________
Abduction and eversion
Minimum DF ROM for normal function
10 degrees
Normal DF ROM
10-20 degrees
PF occurs with slight ___________ and _________
Adduction and inversion
Normal PF ROM
20-50 degrees
What causes the obliqueness of the talocrural axis?
Lateral malleolus is more inferior - AOR runs through distal tip of each malleoli
Roll/glide of talus in DF
Talus rolls anteriorly, glides posteriorly
Roll/glide of talus in PF
Talus rolls posteriorly, glides anteriorly
What forms the subtalar joint?
Posterior, middle and anterior facets of calcaneus and talus
What is the subtalar joint primarily stabilized by?
CF and deltoid ligaments
Define subtalar neutral
Neither inversion or eversion looking at subtalar joint
Close packed position of subtalar joint
Describe motion of subtalar joint
Triplanar motion about a single oblique axis (uniaxial)
Motions of subtalar joint
Supination and pronation
Components of supination at subtalar joint
Inversion and adduction
Components of pronation at subtalar joint
Eversion and abduction
ROM differences in eversion/inversion at subtalar joint
Inversion 2x eversion
Two joints that make up the transverse tarsal (midtarsal) joint
Talonavicular joint
Calcaneocuboid joint
3 components of the talonavicular joint
Convex talus, concave navicular, spring lig
Mobility of talonavicular joint
Twisting of midfoot relative to rearfoot
2 components of calcaneocuboid joint
Anterior distal calcaneus and proximal cuboid
Which of the transverse tarsal joints is more mobile?
Talonavicular joint
Transverse tarsal joint rarely functions in ____________
Usually functions with subtalar joint
Transverse tarsal joint
In open chain, mid tarsals augment ___________________
Transition between hindfoot and forefoot
Transverse tarsal joint
Adds to overall ROM of pronation/supination
Transverse tarsal joint
How many AOR does transverse tarsal joint have?
Two AORs of transverse tarsal joints and movements that occur there
Longitudinal AOR: inversion/eversion
Oblique AOR: abd/DF and add/PF
What is the role of the distal intertarsal joints?
Amplifies pronation and supination
What makes up the distal intertarsal joints?
Navicular and cuneiforms, intercuneiform
Articulation between the bases of the metatarsals and the distal surface of the 3 cuneiforms and the cuboid
Tarsometatarsal joints
What type of joints are the TMT joints?
Purpose of TMT joints
Position MTs and phalanges relative to WB surface
TMT joints are often called
Lisfranc’s Joints
More mobility @ ________________ in PF and DF
Medial and lateral MTs
head of metatarsal is _____________
Distal on proximal MTP joint movement is
and type of DOF of MTP joints
Flex/ext, abd/add (2)
Digit used to reference abd/add
2nd digit
Describe hallux rigidus
Limitations in hyperextension of 1st MTP - interferes with normal gait pattern in toe off
1st MTP extends ________ than 2nd-5th MTP
How many proximal and distal interphalangeal joints are there?
5 proximal, 4 distal
DOF of IP joints
1 - flex/ext
IP joints serve to… (2)
- Smooth the weight shift to opposite foot during gait
2. Maintain stability
What bones make up the medial longitudinal arch?
Calcaneus, talus, navicular, cuneiforms, and associated 3 MTs
What is the reasoning behind the structure of the MLA?
Loadbearing/shock absorption
What reinforces the bony arch of the MLA?
Plantar fascia + extrinsic muscles
Concave “instep” of medial foot
O+I of plantar fascia
Calcaneus –> proximal phalanx of each toe
What increases tension in the plantar fascia?
Active or passive toe extension
Where does BW fall during normal WB?
At midfoot, around the talonavicular joint
-then distributed through the MLA
What does MLA do during gait cycle?
Cyclically rises and falls
Describe the rearfoot shock absorption function
WB depresses talus inferiorly flattening MLA - results in slight rearfoot pronation
What forms the transverse arch?
Intercuneiform and cuneocuboid joint complex
What does transverse arch do during WB?
Flattens, allowing weight distribution across all 5 MT heads
Rearfoot inversion = tibial __________
Rearfoot eversion = tibial ______
3 roles of ankle plantarflexors and supinators
- Decelerate forward tib translation during gait (ecc)
- Accelerate body forward/upward (con)
- Stabilize knee extension
2 primary evertors
Peroneus longus/brevis
When are DF most active?
Mid to late stance
Purpose of DF?
Decelerate the rate and extent of supination at subtalar jt
Role of peroneus
Provide active lateral ankle stability
Describe plantar fasciitis
Heel pain, greatest in AM, decreases with walking but increases again with prolonged walking
Hook of bone that develops in calcaneus
Heel spur
Heel spurs most often seen in
Middle aged men and women
Heel spurs likely coincident with
Plantar fasciitis
A bunion on the big toe
Hallux valgus
Lateral deviation of hallux relative to midline of body
Hallux valgus
Sign/symptom of hallux valgus
Inflammed or painful MTP
OA/limited motion at the 1st MTP
Hallus rigidus
Term for abnormally dropped MLA
Pes planus
Pes planus associated with ______________________
Midfoot/proximal forefoot laxity
3 things that could be weak in pes planus
Plantar fascia, spring lig, post tib
Abnormally high MLA
Pes cavus
Associated with rearfoot varus
Pes cavus
A pt with pes cavus is more vulnerable to ________________ associated with _____________
Stress fractures; increased rigidity
In a lateral ankle sprain, the ___________ is most often the main lig affected