Food regulations and control Flashcards
What does HACCP stand for?
Hazard analysis and critical control point
Is sleeping allowed in a building where meat is sold?
Only if not directly connected to room containing meat
No sleeping in a room where meat is sold
No sleeping place should communicate directly with such room
The meat inspection regulation of 1963 states that no person shall use a slaughterhouse for the slaughter of what animals?
Any animal NOT intended for human consumption
What does ALOP stand for?
Appropriate level of protection
Level of protection deemed appropriate for ‘public health goal’
What are the 2 approaches to food safety management?
Hazard based approach
Risk based approach
What is a performance objective?
Maximum frequency/conc of a hazard in food BEFORE the time of consumption
What is a food safety objective?
Maximum frequency/conc of a hazard in food AT THE TIME of consumption
What is a performance criteria?
The EFFECT in frequency/control of a hazard that must be achieved by applying control measures
What is a process criteria?
Physical process control parameter
E.g. time or temperature
What is microbiological criteria?
Number of organisms that can be present in food