Follow Up And Community Mobility Flashcards
Types of community mobility options
Local programs that offer rides
Demand responsive services or paratransit
Private program services
Taxi/car services
Mass transit
Types of follow up services
Extended evaluation
Driver Ed and training
Alternative transportation
Refer to healthcare and community services
Post vehicle modification inspection / fitting
Classroom education topics
Rules of the road
Safety belts
Smith system
Space cushions (12-14 sec visual lead time, 3-4 second following distance)
When to use simulators
Familiarization of road situations
Evaluation of decision making
Intro to adaptive equipment
Emergency situations
In vehicle training topics
Familiarization with vehicle and adaptive equipment
BTW Evaluation
Practice for state test
Driving test and license
What to include in behind the wheel eval
Simple right and left turns
Backing 100 feet
Three circles to left and right
Three figure 8s to right and left
Reaction time
3 point turns
What to address during residential driving
Stop signs
R/L turns
Minimum traffic
What to address during commercial driving
Parked cars
Carls pulling in/out of traffic
Faster rate of speed
What to work on for highway/freeway driving
Following distance ce
Lane changes
Complex traffic
Merging traffic
Toll booth
High rate of speed
What to address with parking skills
Backing and pulling in
Parallel parking
Program to develop effective visual habits for driving
- Focus well ahead on center of path
- Check mirrors, blind spots, and dash displays
- Scan and search the traffic scene
Procedures and practice for visual habit 1 (focus well ahead on center of path)
-Focus vision down middle of lane selected
-With marked lanes, look to left outside mirrors and along left front fender to see how far from line car is
-non-marked lanes, imagine carpet the width of car ahead of the car
- do not allow vision to get fixed on center of path
-practice 12 second visual lead time
-when turning, aim high for center of intended path and look through turn
- line car up with middle of imaginary pathway the width of the car when parallel parking
- use markings and other objects/cars as reference points only
- focus on using more fringe vision when focusing down center of path
- look beyond headlights at night
Common errors during training of visual habit 1
Hugs left edge of lane
Veers to left to avoid roadside objects
Swings wide on right turns
Cuts short left turns
Sits on edge of seat
Does not adjust speed ahead of time in areas of limited space availability
Encounters unpleasant surprises
Procedures and practices for visual habit 2 (check mirrors, blind spots, and dash displays)
-use habit of small scale shifting of head
- check only one gauge or display at a time
- employ the quick glance technique to maintain continuous awareness of traffic
- make a quick head check to check blind spots before lateral movements
Common errors
Not aware of following cars or those about to pass
Drives over the speed limit
Is not aware of his car speed or fuel supply
Exits freeway at excessive speed
Drives with turn signal flashing
Fails to maintain lane or speed when making head checks
Dives with bright lights on when approaching oncoming cars
Procedures and practice for visual habit 3 (scan and search the traffic scene)
- moves eyes regularly, in sweeping action, to each sector of the traffic scene, pausing only a second or two on any one object
- concentrate on various sectors in proportion to the # of events or likelihood of hazards
- search rate and pattern should vary with traffic conditions
- use ground viewing habit, scan near and far to both sides
- look through glass areas of other vehicles for objects and events
Common errors and evaluation for visual habit 3
Does not dispose of eye holding problems or distractions
Does not prepare for stops and turns well in advance
Does not see delays well in advance - become trapped or boxed in, without adequate space to maneuver
Fails to maintain space cushion
Procedures and practices to integrate the three visual habits
– When scanning the traffic scene search for elements related to each classification
-for each class of elements, seek an answer to the four questions: what is it? Where is it? What is its condition? What is it doing?
– Build up a store of information about what to look for or expect for each class of elements
-use commentary driving to identify verbally significant events and cues observed
– Make a list of all significant highway traffic system events for: they given intersection, a city block, a given segment of rule Highway
Common errors when integrating the three visual habits
– Overlooks important clues in the immediate traffic scene
– Misinterprets signals given by other users
Josh fails to maintain adequate spacing
What to include in a road lesson plan
– Lesson goal or general objectives
– Expected student Outcomes or specific objectives
– Lesson introduction
– Driving around with instructional alternatives based on potential skills (grading the activities)
– Notations in the plan to modify lesson for different disabilities
-Notations of any part of driving routes that could create special problems and hazards to students of varying disabilities
– Cues to yourself as instructors
– Lesson conclusion or wrap up

Steps for entering the freeway
- Check blind spot where on ramp narrows to one lane
- Signal
- Increase speed
- Do not check for gap while turning onto acceleration lane
- Check traffic – look for gap When at gore point
- Adjust speed to merge with gap (usually 45 to 50 mph)
- Merge
8. Cancel signal
9. Adjust speed for Lane/move to safe lane
 Steps for leaving the freeway
- Read all signs. Identify your exit well in advance
- Get improper lane for your exit at least half mile before exit
- Check traffic
- Maintain safe speed for outside lane – usually 25 to 50 mph while approaching deceleration lane
- Check Blindspot just over right shoulder before entering deceleration lane
- Answer the celebration lane and slow as necessary
- Check speedometer frequently after reaching surface Road to avoid exceeding posted speed limits
Preignition safety checks
– Check around vehicle
-Enter from appropriate side
– Close and lock the door
– Key in ignition – don’t start engine yet
– Adjust seat
– Adjust mirrors
– Fasten seatbelt and shoulder harness
– Check passengers for security
Steps for moving the vehicle away from the curb
1. Press foot break down and hold
2. Shift to drive
3. Release parking break
4. Signal for a left turn
5. Check mirrors and take direct look backward over left shoulder to check for approaching traffic from the rear
6. Safe, Eastfoot offbreak and accelerate gently
7. Cancel signal