FM Pt3-9 Handing for procedures Flashcards
What are the key elements of successful cat handling?
Technique, practice, and confidence.
How should you position a cat for cephalic blood sampling or catheter placement?
With the cat standing on your right side, use your right arm to bring its hindquarters toward your body, extend the right forelimb, and use your thumb to raise the vein. Gently place your left hand under the cat’s jaw to prevent biting.
What is a helpful distraction technique when inserting a needle for a jugular blood sample?
Gently blowing on the cat’s face can act as a distraction.
How do you restrain a cat for jugular blood sampling?
With the cat on your right side, hold the forelimbs with your right hand, and use your left hand to gently raise the cat’s head for vein access.
What is the proper positioning for saphenous vein blood sampling or catheter placement?
Place the cat in lateral recumbency with legs toward the sampler, one handler restraining forelimbs and neck, while the second handler raises the vein and extends the hind limb.
Why is the saphenous vein sometimes used for catheterization instead of the cephalic vein?
It is used when the cephalic veins are unsuitable or for longer-term fluid therapy requiring larger bore, long-stay catheters.
How should you restrain a cat for an ultrasound?
Similar to saphenous sampling, but gently hold the hind limbs in each hand, allowing the cat to lift its head if it helps to calm it. Stroking behind the ears and head can also be calming.
What are two possible positions for holding a cat during cystocentesis?
Either as for saphenous sampling with hind limbs gently restrained, or in a standing position with gentle front leg restraint.
What should be avoided when restraining a cat by the neck?
Avoid placing pressure on the cat’s throat; only apply pressure around the bony temperomandibular joint if needed.