fluid and electrolytes Flashcards
Na/K pump: what & how
what: active transporthow: Na out / K in
Na function x3
- skeletal + cardiac muscle contraction- nerve impulse transmission- water balance (where Na goes, H2O follows)
- free H2O replenishment quantity calculation
[0.6 x wt (kg)]x[(measured Na/140) -1]
individuals at risk for electrolyte abnormalities
- elderly- altered renal function- Acute/chronic renal disorders- Acute/chronic endocrine disorders- SIADH, DM- Mentally impaired- unable to access fluids- meds that alter fluid/electrolyte levels- all hospitalized patients
thiazide diuretic site of action
distal convoluted tubule
loop diuretic site of action
thick ascending limb
aldosterone site of action
collecting duct
hypernatremia is…
↓ H2O : Na in ECF = ↑ total body Na / ↓ total body H2O↓ intracellular fluid volume because H2O drawn out of cells
acute water deficit rate of correction
1 mMol/hr
chronic water deficit rate of correction
0.5 mMol/hr
hypervolemic hypernatremia is
change in net body soluted/t…hypertonic saline or Na bicarb infusionskayexalate therapy (sodium polystyrene sulfonate)
hypervolemic hypernatremia tx
diuretics w fluid replacement- free H2O- D5Wtreat the cause
hypovolemic hypernatremia is
↓ body H2O + Nabut losing more H2Od/t…insufficient H2O intake: lt 600-700 ml/day loss of free H2O: excessive sweating, GI loss, osmotic diuresis
hypovolemic hypernatremia tx
NS 0.9%- LOSING Na AND H2Omay need add’l fluids to meet needs: free H2O, D5W
isovolemic hypernatremia is
↑Na, body H2O appropriated/t…inability to concentrate urineappropriate free H2O w/o Na excretion↑ serum osmolality (hyperglycemia, mannitol)
isovolemic hypernatremia tx
diuretics w fluid replacement- free H2O- D5Wtreat the cause
results of hypernatremia x4
↑ Na movement @ depolarization, = ↑ excitability/irritabilityH2O drawn osmotically out of cells = intracellular dehydration↓ intracellular fluid vol CNS: H2O shift brain interstitium → capillaries = cerebral atrophy
hypernatremia: clinical signs
neuro- early: lethargy, weakness, irritability - later: twitching, seizures, coma, deathgeneral- dry/sticky mucosa- ↑ body temp (no fluid buffer for metabolic processes)- thirst
hyponatremia is…
↑ H2O : Na in ECF = ↑ total body H2O ECF more dilute than ICF↓ excitable membrane depolarizationcellular swelling
hyperosmolar hyponatremia is
↑ body concentration w ↓Na- ↑ intravascular oncotic P (hyperglycemia, mannitol)- ICF → extracellular space- ↓ TBW- altered urine Na excretion– low - typical, Na retention appropriate—- d/t → extrarenal loss (GI, skin)– normal/high—- d/t → renal loss (diuretic [thiazide], adrenal insufficiency, Na-losing nephropathy)
hypoosmolar hyponatremia types x3
isosmolar hyponatremia is…
LESS COMMON usually d/t lab errorNa conc displaced w/o change in TBW contentmachine mistakes the following for electrolytes that don’t exist:- hyperlipidemia- hyperproteinemia- hyperglycemiafix apparent issues above before addressing Na (may be artifactual)
isosmolar hyponatremia tx
determine urgency of replacement: acute onset, Na
hypernatremia vs hyponatremia: difference between the types
hypernatremia: r/t volumehyponatremia: r/t osmolarity
- altered urine excretion of Na in hyponatremia x2
low - typical, Na retention appropriate- low Na d/t → extrarenal loss (GI, skin)normal/high- low Na d/t → renal loss (diuretic [thiazide], adrenal insufficiency, Na-losing nephropathy)
hypervolemic hypoosmolar hyponatremia
- see often d/t fluid dilution- ↑ hydrostatic P → peripheral edema, ascites, pulm edema- r/t ADH release from intravascular dehydration (CHF, cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome, ARF or CRF)
hypovolemic hypoosmolar hyponatremia
- presentation: dehydrated- intrinsic free H2O repletion exceeds Na repletion– d/t renal: over-diuresis, adrenal insufficiency, cerebral Na-wasting syndrome– d/t extrarenal: n/v, skin loss (ex: burn)
isovolemic hypoosmolar hyponatremia
total body fluid normal w high ingestion lyte-deplete fluids- more common if excretion impaired- psychogenic polydipsia- beer potomania (beer-drinkers hyponatremia)- SIADH
hyponatremia tx
- free H2O restriction (when appropriate; look @ volume status)- vasopressin V2 receptor antagonists (collecting ducts)- medical tx: aquaphoresis, slow continuous ultrafiltration (SCUF)- Na replacement: foods, IVF- hypertonic saline (3% NS) EXTREME CAUTION! can cause dramatic shift – monitor rate, serial BMP q4-6 hours
hyponatremia results
H2O osmotically drawn into cells: intracellular overhydration, cell lysis,;↑ ICF volume
hypernatremia vs hyponatremia results
hyper: cell atrophy (water out)hypo: cell lysis (water in)
hypovolemic hypoosmolar hyponatremia causes x2
renal: overdiuresis, adrenal insufficiency, cerebral salt wasting syndromeextrarenal: n/v, skin loss
K function x6
H2O balancenerve impulse transmissiontissue synthesismuscle contractioncarb metabolismacid-base balance
hyperkalemia is…
↑ extracellular K+↓ difference between ICF / ECF concentrationsfux up electrical neutrality- ↑ excitability- easy spontaneous stim / difficult appropriate stimulation
hyperkalemia causes
- 2 much repletion- ↑ intake- renal dz (+ K replacement)- hypoaldosteronism- ACE inhibitors, ARBs- spironolactone (aldosterone antagonist)- RBC hemolysis- tumor lysis syndrome- acidosis (excess extracellular H+)– body wants H+ → cell ∴ K+ → extracellular
relationship between hyperkalemia and acidosis
acidosis = excess extracellular H = H → cell∴ K → ECF (balance)
hyperkalemia clinical signs
NEUROneuralgias, paresthesias, weakness/paralysis, muscle twitchingGIn, d, intermittent colic↑ non specific / will kill you ↓CARDIAC- ↓ RMP- ↓ relative refractory period- peaked T waves- prolonged QRS,- ↓ P wave- sine wave, v fib, asystoleearly: excitable / late: 2 much K = slower conduction (Na open slow)!! often asymptomatic until cardiac arrest !!
lyte imbalance often asymptomatic until cardiac arrest
hyperkalemia tx
FIND THE CAUSE ASAPsymptomatic = intervene faster!!- restrict intake / potentiating rx- promote → cell– IV Insulin w 50% Dextrose (D50) – albuterol- remove from body– dialysis (HD or PD)– PD only if already on - don’t initiate– emergent dialysis if K ↑↑↑– kayexalate (Na for K in gut)- stabilize membrane action potential- Ca (Chloride/Gluconate/Carbonate)– CaCl = 3x available Ca vs gluconate + CENTRAL LINE – CaCarb = PO- Na bicarb (shifts acid-base bal so K back in)
hyperkalemia tx: promote K+ → cell x2
IV insulin w D50- dex 4 hypoglycemia, preventionalbuterol- can power Na/K pumps
hyperkalemia: stabilize membrane action potential x3
Ca (Chloride/Gluconate/Carbonate)- ↑ threshold potential; re-establishes gap btw resting + threshold. TEMPORARY FIX!– CaCl = 3x available Ca vs gluconate + CENTRAL LINE –CaCarb = PONa bicarb (shifts acid-base bal so K back in)
hypokalemia is
- ↓ extracellular K+- ↑ difference btw ICF + ECF concentrations– ↓ excitability of cellsK+ ↓ ICF + ECF
hypokalemia causes
- ↓ intake, malnutrition- hyperaldosteronism- rx induced: diuretics hyperinsulinism, hyperalimentation- v, gastric suction- alkalosis- contraction alkalosis
hypokalemia s/s
MUSCULARskeletal weakness ↓DTRsNEUROirritability, confusion, lethargyGI smooth muscle weakness↓peristalsis/paralytic ileusCARDIACmore neg RMP↑ relative refractory periodEKG change d/t K hanging out- non‐specific ST changes- T wave flattening / inversion- U wave- sinus brady- arrhythmias (esp vent)- PVC = myocard irritated bc can’t be stim’d