bloody Flashcards
CO x Hgb x 1.36 x SaO2
Transfusion-Related Acute Lung Injury
- -non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema
- develops 6 hrs after any blood component
- theory: ab (donor) + ag (recip) rxn –> inflam response
Transfusion-Associated Circulatory Overload- s/s fluid overload
stop transfusion immediately r/o other possible causes
supportive: ventilation, ↓TV & plateau pressure
slow or stop infusion, diuretics
Transfusion-Related Immunomodulation
down-regulation of immune system as result of transfusion
theory: leads to malignancy recurrence, post-op bacterial infections, new cancers
proteins (aa)
role in erythropoesis & consequence of deficiency
cellular membrane component, impaired hgb synthesis
impaired cell membrane integrity, hemolytic anemia, ↓ RBC lifespan
vitamin B12
role in erythropoesis & consequence of deficiency
synthesis of DNA, facilitator of folate metabolism
Macrocytic (Megaloblastic) anemia
folate (folic acid)
role in erythropoesis & consequence of deficiency
Synthesis of DNA & RNA, maturation of erythrocytesMacrocytic (Megaloblastic) anemia
vitamin C
role in erythropoesis & consequence of deficiency
Fe metab (reducing agent → ferrous sulfate Fe2+ form) normocytic-normochromic anemia
role in erythropoesis & consequence of deficiency
hgb synthesis
normocytic-normochromic & iron-deficiency anemia
hct & hgb
Most common & sensitive test for anemia – not specific to type of anemia HCT (PCV) – %age RBCs in total blood vol - M: 42-54% - F: 38-46% hgb – total meas hgb in the blood - M: 13.5-17.5g/dL - F: 12-15.5g/dL
erythrocyte count
# erythrocytes per vol blood M: 4.5-5.9 x 1012/LF: 4.1-5.1 x 1012/L
reticulocyte count
%age reticulocytes in vol of blood (a reflection of erythropoiesis)
values ↑ during ongoing arterial hypoxia or O2 demand
red cell distribution width (RDW)
variation in RBC width (“diversity” in RBC size)
anistocytosis: RBC size highly variable
11. 5-14.5%
mean corpuscular volume (MCV)
avg vol of a single RBC (size or stature)
80-100 femtoliter per RBC
mean corpuscular hgb (MCH)
amt hgb in a RBC (“content” or “weight” of hgb in avg RBC in circulation)
27-31 picograms/cell
mean corpuscular hgb concentration (MCHC)
avg concentration of hgb in given vol of RBCs (hgb density)
how to dx specific anemia
- Get CBC w differential
- MCV: micro, normo, macro -cytic?
- MCH & MCHC: hypo, normo, hyper -chromic?
- Reticulocyte count (↓ or ↑?)
- Consider peripheral blood smear, Fe studies, other specific dx tests based on info from above steps
microcytic anemias x2
MCV lt 80
Fe Deficiency Thalassemias
normocytic anemias x3
MCV 80-100
Acute Blood Loss
Chronic Disease
Sickle Cell
macrocytic anemias x2
MCV gt 100
Pernicious (B12)
Folate Deficiency
iron storage protein
18-270 ng/mL
transferrin saturation
transports iron
iron normal #
50-175 ug/dL
total iron binding capacity (TIBC)
250-400 ug/dL
most common cause of anemia
Fe deficiency
Fe deficiency anemia
most common cause of anemia, more common in Fusually asymp until hct lt 30%
pica unique to
Fe deficiency anemia