cardiac management Flashcards
SVR equation & normal
[ (MAP - CVP) / CO ] x 80
- 800 to 1200 (1000)
MI door-to-needle
30 min
MI door-to-cath
60 min
MI elevations (CK-MB, Trop I & T) & note
CK-MB: gt 120 IU/L
Trop I: gt 0.35 mcg/L
Trop T: gt 0.2 mcg/L
note: repeat 8 hours later
cardiac reserve
difference between the rate at which the heart pumps blood and its maximum capacity for pumping blood at any given time
metabolic syndrome criteria
3 of 5
- waist 40 m/ 35 f
- hyperlipidemia
- hypertension
- ↑ CRP
- insulin resistance (FBG 110+)
What precedes S1 and what is it?
Diastole precedes, S1 = closure of AV valves.
What precedes S2 and what is it?
Systole precedes, S2 = closure of semilunar valves.
dilated cardiomyopathy: pathophys
severe ventricular dilation + systolic dysfxn
causes: idiopathic, postpartum, EtOH, viral myocarditis, ischemic heart disease
dilated cardiomyopathy: mgmt
↓ preload: restrict Na, fluid
↓ afterload: vasodilation
↓ workload: activity restriction
↑ contractility: digoxin, dobutamine
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: pathophys
aka idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis
increased muscle mass of septum obstructs LVOT
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: mgmt
max preload/more filling time: BB, CCB
control dysrhythmias: amiodarone (CCB)
reduce septum size: septal myectomy OR alcohol ablation
NOTE - AV node, Bundle of His in septal wall = conduction problems
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: dx
Echo: septal wall hypertrophy, increased pressure gradients between aorta & LV
12 lead: LV hypertrophy
PE: systolic murmur
restrictive cardiomyopathy: pathophys
muscle becomes constricted & can’t fill/pump
causes: amyoidosis (produced in bone marrow, accumulates in organs) or collagen disorders
ankle brachial index: calculation & purpose
highest dopplered –
SBP (PT or DP) / SBP (brachial)
screening for PAD severity