FLSE Final Flashcards
Which of the following components of school fire drills and crisis reaction planning involves announced and unannounced drills throughout the academic year to ensure that all student, faculty, and first responders understand their roles in an emergency?
Provide training and practice
Which nationally recognized initiative is designed to units the fire service and many other organizations in a collaborative effort to reduce home fire injuries, deaths, and property loss?
Fore is everyone’s fight
What is the most effective form of marketing for message retention?
Face to face
Ordinary sprinkler heads are designed to operating when the device itself is heated to approximately _____
Which of the following “Three Es of Prevention” is the creation and adoption of codes, ordinances, and requirements of compliance?
Which certification level of Public Fire and Life Safety Educator involves demonstrating the ability to create, administer, and evaluate educational programs and information?
Which of the following reaction message subjects is at an appropriate level for preschoolers?
Know what smoke alarms sound like
A(n) __________ is designed and developed to provide students with the knowledge and skills to be able to meet and achieve the standards.
What can aid a fire department in improving future tours?
Which of the following prevention message subjects is at an appropriate level for adolescents?
What can aid a fire department when conducting station tours?
Standard Procedures
Which type of prop it’s better for message retention?
What action do some older adults do that no only endangers them but fire department personnel responding to assist them as well?
Which stage of fire os occurring when a form of energy transfer, usually heat, generates gas from a fuel source so the fuel us able to mix with the air?
Incipient stage
What type of company provides fire fighters who deliver water as the scene, deploy hose lines, and connect and extinguish fires in vehicle and structures?
Which of the safety message is used in connection with standard time and daylight savings time change in time?
Change your clock, check your battery
Which legislation ensures all medical records, medical billing, and patient records meeting certain consistent standards with regard to documentation, handling, and privacy?
During Fourth of July campaigns safety educator can remind people that the end of a sparkler can reach what temperature?
What monthly safety campaign traditionally occurs in October?
National Fire Prevention Week
Which type of evaluation is a systematic, consistent, methodical, accurate, and valid form of evaluation and is conducted according to a plan and a set of guidelines?
What type of audience is the group directly addressed by the educator?
Which of the resources below can assist safety educators by providing programs, materials, data, and research regarding age-appropriate fire prevention and natural disaster programs?
U.S. Fire Administration
Which of the following is a risk of not evaluating fire and life safety programs?
Waste of Resources
What percentage of U.S. households do not have landlines and rely on mobile telephone service?
A typical preschooler can attend to a lesson for approximately:
10-15 minutes
What type of system us available to allow emergency vehicles to turn traffic signals green, providing them the right of way during an emergency response?
Traffic signal preemption system
The foundation for the format of any training program is the _________, precisely what the student should be able to do, understand, or care about as a result of the teaching.
What can a safety educator use to experience the administrative time spent on activity reports?
Fill in the blank forms
Which of the following prevention message subjects is at an appropriate level for older adults?
Known your limitations
_______ is a comprehensive all-hazard unifying approach that includes programs, actions, and services used by a community, which prevent or reduce the impact of fire, injures, and other disasaters within a community.
Community Risk Reduction
What is the ideal length of time for a presentation?
18 minutes
What enables people with disabilities to fully participate, use a product or device, and receive information?
What is the best method of dealing with an older adult who hoards?
use task force of educators, police, fire, and mental health professionals
What type of research includes opinion polls, observations, physical evidence, casual interviews, and publicity?
Which of the following reaction message subjects is at an appropriate level for adults?
Close the door
Which method of evaluating a program is helpful when a safety educator want to learn information about the target audience?
Which of the following can an educator use to enhance communication across diverse cultures?
Employer the Community
What type of message does the educator use to teach the correct reactions to emergency situations?
Which of the following factors historically exhibit higher fire and injury morbidity and mortality rates?
What type of evaluation examines the effects or outcomes of projects, and technologies?
Which step in the “Hunter Model” of teaching involves the components of input, modeling, directions, and checking for understanding?
Observations, surveillance, perceptions, student feedback, self-appraisals, dialogues, and discussions, anecdotal notes, and rubrics are all examples of what type or evaluation?
Which domain of learning involves feeling or emotion areas and attitudes?
What monthly safety campaign traditionally occurs in September?
National Campus Fire Safety Month
What is a form that a person signed to voluntarily give up his or her rights?
Which of the following preparedness message subjects is at an appropriate level for elementary aged children?
Home emergency telephone list
Which teaching method has the instructor as a facilitator and is very useful when trying to engage the affective domain and when working with concepts, ideas, and feelings?
Which of the following components of school fire drills and crisis reaction planning involves establishing a task force of safety professionals that collaborate with school each year to discuss best practices?
Establish relationships between the schools and public safety agencies
What type of learning occurs when students are required to participate by reading, weighting, discussing, solving problems, and engaging in higher level thinking?
The process wherein occupants become aware of a fire-related emergency within the building and experience a variety of mental processes and actions before and while they travel to reach a place of safety within our outside the building is known as:
Which of the following “Three Es of Prevention” is an intervention used to change structures, products, and processes through the use of technology, materials, construction, and environmental change:
Which certification level of Public Fire and Life Safety Educator involves demonstrating the ability to coordinate and delivering existing educational programs and information?
Young children are very curious and eager to learn, and they do so through _, reinforcement, active involvement, and praise.
Which of the following us a characteristic descriptor of a true professional?
Who should the safety educator concentrate on to receive safety messages pertaining to places of assembly?
Which class of fire involves ordinary combustible such as paper, cloth, wood, plastics, and rubber?
Class A
Using Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, which level must be satisfied before a person will be interested in satisfying “safety needs”?
Physiological needs
In what year were Boston, Mass building codes changed to require more fire-resistant building materials?
How should final evaluation results be presented when reporting information regarding costs, rate of occupancy in a given population, or comparisons among populations?
Per capita
What is the primary difference between a residential sprinkler system and a commercial sprinkler system?
Component size
What physical arrangement of classroom for large groups accommodates the most people per area but is difficult for the audience to taken notes?
Theater/Auditorium style
What type of evaluation includes information about people’s experiences, perceptions, opinions, feelings, and knowledge and answers to why and how?
Which of the following phases of injury prevention involves efforts focused on stopping an injury before it happens?
Primary Prevention
What cab be used as guidelines for instruction to facilitate better learning among children and adults?
Age group characteristics
A(n)_________ device senses the presence of heat or smoke, detects a sprinkler activation or a triggered manual activation and sends a signal to the control panel.
What can an educator do to enhance instruction of a student with autism spectrum disorder?
Provide a visual reminder of the work to be done
What type of burn is cared for by applying water to cool the area?
The duties of a(n) __________ company include forcible entry, search and rescue, ventilation, provision of ladders, secure of utilities, and overhaul functions at a fire scene.
What is the role of an educator when teaching adults?
In which age group does grasp of space, time, and abstract concepts deepen and allow for more in-depth examination and discussion of complex issues, including politics, religion, morality, and ethics?
Which of the following fires was the real precursor for today National Protection Association (NFPA) 101 - Life Safety Code?
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
Which term refers to a person unable to physically navigate on his or her own without assistance?
The first priority of any evaluation is to make sure the method and its results are:
Which of the following evaluation measure is what the student should be able to do at an expected level of achievement and their ability to do the task for which they are being trained or instructed?
What a child adjusts to a new experience by changing his or her conception in order to interpret the experience correctly, this is called:
What is one element that can fail and compromise the safety provided by any protective system devise installed in a high-rise building?
Human Behavior
Using the Hunter model of teaching, what is the second step of the process that occurs after defending the teaching objectives?
Standards of expectations
Which of the following domains of development focuses on the mind, how it works, and the ability to think and reason?
What is the first step of the community risk reduction process?
Identify Risk
What type of research is based primarily on measurement and provides a higher degree of predictability and reliability and includes data from hospital, schools, or fire and police departments in terms of numbers of injures and fires?
A ___________ is a team of fire fighters with apparatus assigned to perform a specific function in a designed response area.
The ____________ always drive(s) the lesson.
What is the first step a safety educator must take to set up a public relations function?
Conduct research
In which literacy skill level do people demonstrate higher level information-processing skills?
Level IV
What type of release can a safety educator use that doesn’t close the department money?
Public Service Announcement
What physical arrangement of a classroom for small groups is often preferred by trainers?
U-shape style
____________ is a chemical chain reaction that includes a self-sustaining rapid oxidation of a fuel accompanied by the release of heat and light.
What functional area of a fire department staffs the fire and EMS apparatus and responds to calls?
What type of formative evaluation helps stakeholders define the program or technology, the target population, and possible outcomes?
Structured Conceptualization
Which learning style is used when people learn through seeing charts, graphs, photographs, slide shows, diagrams, animations, and video’s?
What type of sprinkler system is designed to protect areas that could have a fast-spreading fire that could engulf an entire area and feature open heads (no fusible elements), dry piping, and a deluge valve that controls the supply of water or foam solution to all heads in the area providing coverage of the entire area all at once?
Which type of printer material is easiest for older adults to read?
Black letters on white paper
Which of the following preparedness message subjects is at an appropriate level for adolescents?
Babsitting kids
Which of the following domains of development focuses on physical development?
What percentage of adults over age 70 experience some kind of disability?
What type of news is background information or human-interest stories, and entertains, or advises the reader?
Soft News
Typically, storage should be maintained at a height at least ______ below a sprinkler head?
18 in
Who should be included in panning and evaluating the program and its message for high-risk populations?
Member of the high-risk population
Which stage of a fire is occurring when all contacts within the perimeter of a structure are burning?
Fully developed Stage
What format does the safety educator use to alert the press of an upcoming news event?
Media Advisory