Flight Management, Navigation Flashcards
Explain the function of the FMC Source Select Switch
BOTH ON L - selects left FMC for all FMC operations
- Left FMC controls CDUs and provides input to the autothrottle system
- Right FMC operates in synchronization with left FMC.
- Maps display composite information from both FMCs
BOTH ON R - selects right FMC for all FMC operations
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Explain the function of the VHF NAV Transfer Switch
NORMAL - VHF navigation from default receiver. Int he event of a receiver failure, this switch must be manually positioned to one of the below positions (NO AUTO FUNCTION):
BOTH ON 1 or BOTH ON 2: Transfers VHF navigation source to selected receiver
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Explain the function of the IRS Transfer Switch
NORMAL - Attitude and heading information from default IRS. In the event of an IRS failure, this switch must be manually positioned to one of the below positions (NO AUTO FUNCTION):
BOTH ON L or BOTH ON R: switches all attitude and heading to selected IRS
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Explain the meaning of the amber FMC P/RST alert light on the forward panel
An alerting message exists for both CDUs
Nore: P/RST = Push to Reset.
THE LIGHT IS AMBER, not red, white or magenta
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Describe the alert associated with failure of a single FMC
- If the right FMC fails, FMC alert light and the FMC message light will illuminate. The message SINGLE FMC OPERATION will be displayed in both scratchpads
- If the left FMC fails, the FMC alert light will illuminate. The MENU page will appear on both CDUs
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Explain the alert associated when ANP exceeds RNP
If ANP exceeds the displayed RNP value, the UNABLE REQD NAV PERF - RNP message will be displayed on the CDU scratchpad. ANP and RNP annunciations on the MAP display turn amber. When in the approach environment, an additional amber UNABLE REQD NAV PERF - RNP will be displayed on the MAP
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Describe how to enter VNAV Speed/Altitude Restrictions into the FMS
- All speed restrictions are considered by the FMC as “at” restrictions unless modified by the pilot
AIRSPEED comes first therefore requires the slash (/) after it, then altitude. EX crossing a fix at or below 250kts at FL 200 is…
White modified by the pilot:
- “At or above” airspeed restrictions are entered with a suffix letter A (ex: 250A/)
- “At or below” airspeed restrictions are entered with a suffix letter A (ex: 250B/)
- Mandatory airspeed restrictions are entered without any suffice letter (ex: 250/)
- “At or above” altitude restrictions are entered with a suffix letter A (ex: 250A)
- “At or below” altitude restrictions are entered with a suffix letter A (ex: 200B)
- Mandatory altitude restrictions are entered without any suffice letter (ex: 220)
- Altitude restrictions that are between two altitudes are displayed with the lower limit first, followed by a suffix letter A, then the upper limit, followed by a suffix letter B (example 220A240B).
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Explain the meaning of the CDU messages DRAG REQUIRED and DES PATH UNACHIEVABLE displayed during a VNAV PATH descent
- The CDU message DRAG REQUIRED is displayed when airspeed is 10kts or more above FMC target speed
- The CDU message DES PATH UNACHIEVABLE is displayed if the FMC determines that the planned descent profile cannot be accomplished
VOL 2 / 11.12.4
Describe the commanded acceleration after takeoff when VNAV is engaged
- last MCP speed (V2) +20 kts until acceleration height
- if an engine failure is detected, target speed will be last MCP speed (V2)+20kts if the airplane is at that speed or greater, or the existing speed if the airplane if between V2 and V2+20kts
- the flap placard speed minus 5kts
- 230kts or less when leading edge flaps are not fully retracted
- 250kts with flaps retracted
- the active target speed
- waypoint speed contraints, or the speed restriction associated with the origin airport, whichever is more restrictive
VOL 2 / 11.9.3
Explain the meaning of an illuminated GPS light on the IRS Mode Selector Unit (ISDU)
- Indicates failure of both GPS units
- Indicates failure of a single GPS unit when Master Caution recall is initiated
Note: GPS light on the Aft Overhead Panel
VOL 2 / 11.1.2
Explain the meaning of a flashing ALIGN light on the IRS Mode Selector Unit (ISDU)
- No present position entry (in the FMC)
- Unreasonable present position
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What is the function of the VHF NAV Transfer Switch on the Forward Overhead Panel?
All of the above
- NORMAL- VHF navigation from default receiver
- BOTH ON 1 - transfers VHF navigation source to VHF Nav receiver 1
- BOTH ON 2 - transfers VHF navigation source to VHF NAV receiver 2
ESV-SA: Flight Management
What is the meaning of the CDU message DRAG REQUIRED during a VNAV PATH descent?
The airspeed is 10kts or more above FMC target speed
ESV-SA: Flight Management
What does the message SINGLE FMC OPERATION in both CDU scratch pads indicate?
Failure of the RIGHT FMC
Note: failure of the left FMC takes both CDUs to the main menu
ESV-SA: Flight Management
What is the function of the FMC Source Select Switch in the BOTH ON L position?
Selects the left FMC for all FMC operations
ESV-SA: Flight Management