What is the purpose of the Display Processing Computers (DPCs)?
Each DPC interfaces with aircraft subsystems and sensors to collect data. The collected data is then processed and displayed on the Flight Deck DUs.
How are outboard Display Unit failures automatically handled?
When an outboard DU failure is sensed, the displays will automatically reconfigure to ensure that each pilot has a PFD, and that an Engine Display is shown.
How are the standby instruments provided airspeed and altitude information?
Airspeed and altitude are computed from pneumatic pressure data provided by direct connections to the auxiliary pitot and alternate static sources.
How is inertial position and track data provided to the FMC?
The ADIRUs provide inertial position and track data to the FMC as well as attitude, altitude, and airspeed data to the displays.
How is maximum operating speed indicated on the PFD?
Maximum Operating Speed (red and black). Bottom of the bar indicates the maximum speed.
What does the VNAV speed band on the PFD indicate?
The VNAV Speed Band (magenta) indicates the FMC target airspeed during VNAV PTH descents. The bottom of the bar indicates the autothrottle wake-up speed. The top of the bar indicates the speed at which VNAV will change VNAV PTH to VNAV SPD.
When do the Pitch Limit Indicators (PLIs) display?
The Pitch Limit Indication (amber) indicates pitch limit (stick shaker activation for existing flight conditions).
• displayed when the flaps are not up
• displayed at slow speeds with the flaps up
How is flight path angle and drift angle displayed on the PFD?
The Flight Path Vector (FPV) Indication (white) displays flight path angle and drift when selected on the EFIS control panel:
• flight path angle is displayed relative to the horizon line
• drift angle is displayed relative to display center
How is standard pressure set on the altimeter?
STD is displayed when the Barometric Standard (STD) switch is selected on the EFIS control panel.
What does the ALT DISAGREE alert indicate?
Captain’s (left) and First Officer’s (right) altitude values disagree by greater than 200 ft for more than 5 seconds.
What does the IAS DISAGREE alert indicate?
Captain’s (left) and First Officer’s (right) airspeed values disagree by greater than 5 kts for more than 5 seconds.
What does the AOA DISAGREE alert indicate?
Captain’s (left) and First Officer’s (right) AOA values disagree by greater than 10° for more than 10 seconds.
What does the solid green dot along the vertical flight path vector of the Vertical Situation Display (VSD) indicate?
The Range to Target Speed Dot (RTSD) (green) indicates where the aircraft will achieve the FMC or MCP target speed.
At what altitudes are decision gates on the VSD provided?
Decision Gates (white, amber) – Displayed on the FMC approach glide path angle line or 3° reference line at 500 ft and 1000 ft above field elevation.
How is the HGS system controlled?
The HGS uses the MCDU as a control panel to control modes of operation, display values, and system test and status information.