AIR SYSTEMS Flashcards
What are the sources of air the Bleed Air System?
Bleed air can be supplied by the engines, Auxiliary Power Unit (APU), or an external pneumatic/conditioned air source (on the ground).
What is the purpose of the Air Supply Controller (ASC)?
Control of the PRSOV and the HPSOV is achieved by the ASC.
The ASC digitally controls the output of 4th- and 10th-stage pneumatic air in response to bleed air demands.
Duct pressure is maintained by the ASC using the PRSOV.
What causes the engine bleed air valve to automatically close?
The IASC will automatically trip both the Pressure Regulating Shutoff Valve (PRSOV) and High Pressure Shutoff Valve (HPSOV) closed in response to high temperature (254°C) or overpressure (170 psi for 5 seconds).
What does the illumination of the BLEED light indicate?
• bleed sensor(s) have closed the associated engine bleed air valve for over-temperature or excessive pressurization of the bleed duct, or
• a failure within the Bleed Air System that may not be resettable, or
• an incorrect bleed configuration after takeoff or go-around.
What causes the automatic closure of the APU bleed valve?
The valve will automatically close when the APU is shut down, regardless of switch position. Selecting OFF will close the valve.
What is the position of the isolation valve with the ISOLATION VALVE switch in AUTO?
In AUTO, the isolation valve is controlled by engine BLEED and PACK control switches. With both engine BLEED switches ON and both PACK switches in AUTO or HIGH, the isolation valve is closed; manually placing any engine BLEED or PACK switch to the OFF position will automatically open the isolation valve.
What does the illumination of the DUAL BLEED light indicate?
The DUAL BLEED light illuminates when two sources of bleed air (Engine and APU) could be pressurizing the left bleed duct.
• Engine No. 1 (left bleed) switch ON and APU bleed air valve open
• Engine No. 2 (right bleed) switch ON, ISOLATION VALVE OPEN, and APU bleed air valve open
NOTE: The DUAL BLEED light monitors engine BLEED switch position and APU bleed valve position.
In the event of a single pack failure at altitude, the remaining pack is capable of maintaining cabin pressure and comfort up to what altitude?
A single pack in high airflow mode can maintain pressurization and acceptable temperatures up to the maximum certified ceiling.
What causes a pack to automatically switch to high airflow?
The AUTO position also has an automatic high airflow mode. If a pack or an engine fails when the aircraft is airborne with Flaps UP and both engine BLEED switches ON, the operating pack will automatically switch to high airflow mode. Additionally, positioning a PACK switch OFF in flight with the Flaps UP will also cause the remaining pack to go into high airflow mode.
The illumination of the EQUIP SMOKE light of the Equipment Cooling System will automatically switch both packs to high airflow mode to protect against smoke entering the cabin.
How many controllers does each pack have?
Both air conditioning packs have a dual channel pack/zone electronic controller. Each controller has a digital primary channel to control its respective pack and an analog channel that provides backup control for the opposite side pack.
What does the illumination of the PACK light indicate?
The PACK light on the BLEED air panel illuminates to indicate:
• failure of both the primary and standby pack controls for the same pack; the pack will continue to operate uncontrolled unless tripped off by excessive temperature, or
• failure of the pack valve to open when commanded, or
• an incorrect PACK switch configuration after takeoff, (both PACK switches OFF for 45 sec. after flaps UP)
• a pack overheat
Do the Flight Attendants have any control of cabin temperature?
Temperature set points for the forward and aft passenger cabin zones can be adjusted +/- 3 degrees from the Flight Attendant panel in the cabin.
How is the failure of either the primary or standby pack controller indicated on the ground?
The MAINT light on the aft overhead panel will illuminate after landing, along with the OVERHEAD System Annunciator and MASTER CAUTION lights.
What provides cooling air for the pack systems?
The Ram Air System provides cooling air for the air conditioning pack heat exchangers.
How is a supply duct overheat indicated?
ZONE TEMP lights indicate a supply duct overheat of the associated temperature zone.
What is the primary source of conditioned air for the Flight Deck?
The Flight Deck receives air directly from the left pack.
What is the purpose of the recirculation fans?
Recirculated air through use of two recirculation fans reduces the Engine Bleed Air and Pack System demands and increases engine efficiency. Roughly 50% of cabin air is recirculated air, which also helps to maintain humidity in the cabin from the very low humidity air from the engine bleeds. Airborne particulates and micro-organisms are filtered through High Efficiency Particulate (HEPA) filters, delivering clean air back to the cabin.
Can pre-conditioned air temperature be controlled by the packs?
NO, Conditioned air temperature is controlled at the external air source.
What does the Equipment Cooling System cool?
The Equipment Cooling System cools the electronic equipment in the Flight Deck and Electrical Equipment Bay (E & E Bay).
Which cargo compartment is heated by warm air from the Equipment Cooling System’s exhaust fans?
In flight with high cabin pressure differentials, the Overboard Exhaust Valve is normally closed and diffuses warm air to the lining of the forward cargo compartment.
What does the EQUIP COOLING OFF light indicate?
Loss of airflow due to the failure of a fan is indicated by the illumination of the OFF light.
What does the illumination of the EQUIP SMOKE light indicate?
Two smoke detectors are installed downstream of the fans. The EQUIP SMOKE light and the OVERHEAD System Annunciator and MASTER CAUTION lights will illuminate if smoke is detected.
How is the alternate pressurization controller selected?
When the pressurization mode selector is in the AUTO position, the Pressurization Control System operates automatically using one of the two automatic controllers. The system changes the active controller with each flight. Selecting ALTN on the Cabin Pressurization panel will switch control to the standby controller.
How are pressurization controller failures indicated?
With illumination of the AUTO FAIL light, pressurization control automatically transfers to the other, alternate, controller. This will illuminate the ALTN light. (Single controller failure)
Dual cabin pressurization controller failure would illuminate the AUTO FAIL light but not the ALTN light. In this situation, the FLT ALT and LAND ALT windows will display dashes.
What would cause the OFF SCHED DESCENT light to illuminate?
Should a descent begin prior to the aircraft reaching the set FLT ALT, e.g., an air turn-back during climb, the OFF SCHED DESCENT light will illuminate.
The CABIN ALTITUDE light and altitude warning horn activate at approximately what altitude?
If the cabin altitude exceeds 10,000 ± 1000 ft, the CABIN ALTITIDE lights illuminate and the cabin altitude warning horn (intermittent) activates.
Can the cabin altitude warning horn be silenced using the ALT HORN CUTOUT switch about 10,000 ft?
An ALT HORN CUTOUT switch is located on the Cabin Altitude panel. Pushing the ALT HORN CUTOUT switch will silence the intermittent horn, but the CABIN ALTITUDE lights will remain illuminated until the high cabin altitude condition no longer exists.