ANTI-ICE, RAIN Flashcards
Which Flight Deck windows are heated?
The SIDE WINDOW HEAT switches control heat to the respective L/R number 2 window.
The FWD WINDOW HEAT switches control heat to the respective L/R number 1 window.
What happens if an overheat condition is detected in windows L1/R1 or L2/R2?
An overheat will automatically remove power from the window heat system and illuminate the OVERHEAT light for the associated window.
The Engine Anti-Ice System uses engine bleed air to prevent ice formation on which part(s) of the engine?
Engine Thermal Anti-Ice (TAI) prevents the formation of ice on the engine cowl lip using bleed air from the 4th and 10th stages.
Core anti-ice is automatically controlled by the EEC with no Flight Crew input or indication.
What does the green TAI indicate above the N1 indicator?
TAI is indicated above the N1 indication on the Engine Display when engine TAI is in use. TAI indicates the valve is open and supplying bleed air to the cowl with the ENG ANTI-ICE switch ON.
What does an amber TAI indicate above the N1 indicator?
Amber TAI indicates the cowl anti-ice valve disagrees with the ENG ANTI-ICE switch position for more than 8 seconds.
What causes the ENG ANTI-ICE light to illuminate?
ENG ANTI-ICE light indicate the associated cowl TAI has been inhibited due to a system failure or engine core anti-ice valve has failed in the closed position.
What causes the COWL ANTI-ICE light to illuminate?
COWL ANTI-ICE lights indicate an overpressure condition in the associated duct downstream of the engine cowl anti-ice valve.
The Wing Anti-Ice System uses engine bleed air to prevent ice formation on which part(s) of the wing?
The Wing Anti-Ice System provides icing protection for the three inboard leading edge slats using bleed air.
How does wing anti-ice affect stall logic?
Positioning the WING ANTIICE switch to ON in flight will open both wing anti-ice valves and adjust stall warning logic to increase stick shaker and minimum maneuver speed for the remainder of the flight.
What occurs if wing anti-ice is used during takeoff?
In order to preserve takeoff thrust, if the WING ANTI-ICE switch is ON and the thrust levers are advanced for takeoff, the wing anti-ice valves will close automatically. At lift-off, the WING ANTI-ICE switch will trip OFF to match the valve position.
Which parts of the aircraft are electrically heated?
Pitot tubes, AOA vanes, and the TAT probe are electrically heated.