Flight Controls Flashcards
Which hydraulic system(s) can power all primary flight controls?
A & B
What are the secondary flight controls?
Trailing Edge Flaps, Leading Edge Devices (Flaps/Slats), Spoilers (Flight/Ground)
The Trailing Edge Flaps and Leading Edge Devices are normally powered by
How does placing a FLT CONTROL switch to STBY RUD affect the flight control panel lights?
STBY RUD ON light, Arms the LOW PRESSURE light
How would a single channel failure of the Speed Trim system be indicated?
SPEED TRIM FAIL light on during Mstr Ctn Recall.
Which system(s) help in identifying and controlling stalls?
Yaw Damper, Autoslat, Elevator Feel Shift, Speed Trim System, Stick shaker, SMYD
What does the SMYD computers use to determine when a stall warning is necessary?
Angle of Attack, ADIRU inputs, A/Ice Controls, Wing Config, Thrust, FMC output, Mach
How would a single channel failure of the Mach Trim system be indicated?
During MASTER CAUTION Recall: MACH TRIM FAIL (amber) light
Can the Speed Trim System be overridden? If so, how?
Yes: - Control Wheel Trim Switches, manual rotation of Stabilizer Trim Wheel, engage AP
What is the purpose of the stall warning “Stick Shaker”?
Warning of Impending Stall
What is required to activate the Main Yaw Damper?
Hyd System B pressure, B FLT CONTROL switch in the ON, and SMYD computers providing continuous
system monitoring
How are the Rudders, Ailerons, and Elevators operated in Manual Reversion?
Ailerons and elevators are operated manually via cables, No cables to rudder
What would cause the Speed Brake lever to automatically stow after deployment on landing or RTO?
Either thrust lever advanced
How is roll controlled with jammed spoilers? Jammed ailerons?
a. Ailerons jammed : F/O control wheel actuates the Aileron Transfer Mechanism, provides roll control
using the Flight Spoilers.
b. Spoilers jammed Captain’s control wheel provides roll control using the ailerons
How is the horizontal Stabilizer Trim normally powered? Is there an alternative way?
Single electric trim motor. Stab Trim Switches on the control wheel or autopilot trim or Stabilizer Trim
. Through the use of the Alternate Flaps UP/DOWN switch, how are the Leading Edge Devices and Trailing Edge
Flaps operated?
LEDs hydraulic, Single tap down of Alt flap switch, Trailing edge flaps electrical, cont hold of switch
until at required position
What is the purpose of the flap load relief system?
protects the trailing edge flaps from excessive air loads @ 15 or greater. Retracts the TE flaps one
What protections are provided during an alternate flap extension?
What is the purpose of the LE FLAPS TRANSIT light on the main panel, below the Trailing Edge Flaps indicator?
Indicates any LED in transit or LED is not in the correct position with respect to TE flaps
(disagreement), Or an LED uncommanded motion, or during alternate flap extension until all LE
devices are fully extended and TE flaps reach flaps10 (15 SFP Option)
How is the Standby Yaw Damper activated?
FLT CONTROL sw A + B to STBY RUD. YAW DAMPER switch must be reset to ON
When will the SPEEDBRAKES EXTENDED light illuminate?
a. Flight: SPEED BRAKE lever beyond the ARMED position, and: TE Flaps > 10, or RA< 800’
b. GND: Lever Down, Spoiler not Stowed
What is the light logic on the Leading Edge Devices annunciator panel on the Aft Overhead?
Out: stowed, Amber: transit, Green: in commanded position