Electrical Flashcards
What does the STANDBY PWR switch do and when would you expect it to be used?
Auto or man control of power to the Standby Buses. AUTO: batts pwr standby loads if loss of ac xfer
bus 1 or DC bus 1 (loss of AC pwr sources). AC Standby Bus I powered from the batts via the Static Inv,
the DC Standby Bus, Battery Bus, Hot Battery Bus, and Switched Hot Battery directly from batts
How is DC power supplied?
3 (TR) Units, Main Battery, Main Battery Charger
How is AC power supplied?
Two Engine-Driven Generators, one APU Generator, external power
What is the basic principles of operation for the 737 Electrical system?
There is no paralleling of the AC sources of power, The source of power being connected to a Transfer
Bus automatically disconnects an existing source
Under normal conditions how is the AC Standby Bus powered by
Powered from AC Transfer Bus 1
The DC Standby Bus is powered by?
by TR1, TR2, or TR3
What does the Static Inverter do?
24-volt DC power from the battery to 115V, 400 Hz, single phase AC
What is the Cross Bus Tie Relay and what does it do?
Connects or isolates: DC Bus 1, DC Bus 2, and the DC Standby Bus
b. AUTO opens at G/S capture if FD or AP ILS approach. OFF opens the DC Cross Bus Tie Relay to isolate.
What protection, if any, is available if the APU is still powering both transfer busses after an aircraft takes off?
Automatic Generator On-line system,
What does the BUS TRANSFER switch do?
Allows BTB’s to operate automatically to maintain power to the AC transfer buses or Off to isolate
Through the Bus Transfer system, how can the transfer busses be powered?
Via BTB’s
What triggers the STANDBY PWR OFF Light?
indicates one or more of the following buses are unpowered, AC Stby, DC Stby, Batt BUS.
Which Display Units are available if all generators are inoperative (Standby Power)?
Captain OB DU (PFD), Captain IB DU (MFD,) Upper DU (N1, N2, etc)
What does the BAT Switch do?
a. ON:
i. Provides power to the Battery Bus and Switched Hot Battery Bus
ii. energizes relays to provide automatic switching of the Standby Electrical System
b. OFF:
i. Removes power from Battery Bus, Switched Hot Battery Bus when normal power sources
ii. removes power from Battery Bus, Switched Hot Battery Bus, DC Standby Bus, Static Inverter,
and AC Standby Bus when battery is only power source
What does an ELEC (amber) light indicate? On the ground and airborne?
. Fault exists in DC Power System or Standby Power System on ground, ELEC light is inhibited in flight.
What does an illuminated BAT DISCHARGE (amber) light indicate?
Main or Aux battery is discharging
When could you expect to see it?
Excessive discharge (5 amps for 95 s, 15 amps for 25 s, or 100 amps for 1.2)
What is the TR Unit light logic?
i. On the ground, with a failure of any TR
ii. In flight, if: TR1 fails, or TR2 and TR3 have failed
What do the Generator DRIVE lights indicate?
IDG low oil pressure due: IDG failure, engine shutdown, disconnect
What happens when an IDG is decoupled?
IDG must be removed from the aircraft
How is the electrical system designed to work with a single generator in operation?
One gen can provide essential and non-essential (possibly load shed) loads.
What does the GEN OFF BUS light indicate?
IDG is not supplying power to the respective Transfer Bus
What does the APU GEN OFF BUS light indicate?
APU is operating above 95% RPM (ready-to-load condition) and not powering a bus.
What is the load shedding process for the APU?
a. Gnd: No shed
b. Inflt: Galley and Main Buses AUTO shed.
What is the Load Shedding process for the Generators?
a. Incremental based on actual load sensing (Galley and main 2 Then galley/main bus 1 Then IFE)
What does the GRD POWER AVAILABLE light indicate?
Connected and the power quality is in limits