Automatic flight / AP Flashcards
Normally, the A/T is controlled automatically by which system to fly an optimized lateral and vertical flight path
through climb, cruise and descent?
Left FMC
How can the A\P be disengaged?
Pushing either A/P disengage switch, Column or wheel force override, elec stab trim, MCP sw, AP Disc
bar, Press TOGA W/ Single AP engaged below 2,000 or any alt with flaps extended or GS engaged
With both FCC MA lights illuminated, how are the F/Ds being operated?
Independent F/D
What does an amber CWS R above the attitude indicator mean?
Roll mode engaged in CWS
From left to right, what are the three flight mode annunciations displayed above the attitude indicator
Autothrottle , Roll, Pitch
When will LNAV automatically disconnect?
Reaching end of route, Discontinuity, Intercepting an approach in APP or VOR/LOC, Selecting HDG
What happens when deviating by 200ft or more from the selected altitude?
ALT tone Alt box turns amber and flashes
If you are outside of 3NM of the active route segment, how will LNAV engage?
Intercept course of 90 or less, Going to intercept the route PRIOR to active waypoint
Which FMA annunciation indicates that power has been removed from the auto throttle servos during takeoff?
What is the initial pitch attitude that the F/D will command after TO/GA is selected on a two engine go around?
15 degrees nose up
. Single-engine go-around
13 degrees
On a go-around with the auto throttle armed, after the second push of either TO/GA switch, the thrust levers
advance to ______.
Full G/A N1 Limit
If windshear is encountered during F/D takeoff or go around, the F/D pitch command bar provides commands to
maintain _____ until vertical decreases to approximately +600 rpm,
”target speed” ; then it commands 15 degrees nose up.
After localizer and glideslope capture, what will exit the APP mode?
Push TO/GA, or A/P off AND F/D’s off or Retuning the ILS freq
Except for when APP mode is engaged, selecting the non-operating A/P will do what?
Disengages the other AP (Cannot have two at once unless in APP mode)
What mode will the A/T be in during a V/S descent?
. What does the STAB OUT OF TRIM (amber) light indicate?
The autopilot is not trimming the stabilizer properly
With the pitch mode in MCP SPD, how is aircraft speed controlled?
Via Mach/Speed knob on MCP
The bank angle selector sets maximum bank angle for AFDS operation in which roll modes?