Airplane general Flashcards
What will cause the emergency exit lights to illuminate when armed?
Loss of Elec power to DC Bus 1 or AC power
Are there any limitations on an aircraft with retractable landing lights?
What do each of the exterior lights illuminate?
a. Emergency:
i. Ext emergency lights the Escape Slide areas
ii. Over wing escape route
iii. Ground contact area
b. Remaining:
i. Landing Lights (shine straight ahead)
ii. Taxi (shine straight ahead)
iii. Runway Turnoff (45 degrees)
iv. Logo (chester)
v. Strobe
vi. Anti- Collision (beacon)
vii. Position (Nav lights)
viii. Wing lights (fuselage to wing)
ix. Wheel well (nose and main wheel wells
When is 100% supplied to the flight deck oxygen masks?
In the 100% position. EMER/TEST is selected on the regulator
What triggers the (amber) lights? What triggers the associated System Annunciator
illuminates when any caution occurs outside the normal field of vision of the flight crew. ( forward
overhead, aft overhead, and fire control panels).
What causes the MASTER CAUTION and System Annunciators to Extinguish?
Pushing either MASTER CAUTION light. The caution light on the overhead panel remains
illuminated until the caution condition no longer exists (except for single / simple faults)
What is the difference between single and dual channel systems? How are system indications different for
single channel vs dual channel systems?
Dual channel systems for backup. Single or simple fault occurs, no caution light, stored in the
Master Caution System for recall. (eg Speed Trim System, Mach Trim, GPS, Auto slat)
What is the light logic of the aircraft?
a. RED: Immediate
b. AMBER: Timely
c. DIM Blue: Correct position
d. Bright Blue: In transition or Disagreement
How are the 6 Flight Deck windows different from each other? Which ones open?
a. Windows 1 & 2 are heated
b. #3 unheated
c. #2 window open FO’s from outside
What is the Flight Deck Access System (FDAS), and how does it operate?
a. Provides flight crew with full control of the flight deck door during normal operations.
i. - Automatically locks under DC power
ii. - Manual control with deadbolt and FDAS switch
iii. - Emergency code for access in case of pilot incapacitation
Flight deck door lock panel annunciators:
LOCK FAIL = lock selector in AUTO and lock has failed or FDAS switch is OFF
AUTO UNLK = correct access code entered, flashes and aural chime alert
After correct code entered into keypad, 60 second timer and: Two chimes each 20 seconds and steady
(40 sec) Last 20 seconds are continuous chime and flashing
Flight crew can select DENY = locks out the keypad for 5 minutes
Selector spring loaded to AUTO. UNLK will unlock door as long as selector held in position.
SH 1.030 PG 17-18
How is the Passenger Oxygen system actuated and how long does it supply oxygen?
a. Automatically when cabin pressure altitude reaches 14,000 feet
b. Manually - PASS OXYGEN switch ON, 12 mins
Which systems can pressurize the Potable Water System and what conditions must be met for it to operate?
ENG or APU bleed, 115 VAC elec compressor (Main Bus No.) 1 when water Press <30 psi, water
service door closed, CAB/UTIL sw ON
Do the FAs have control of the Emergency lights?
What priority do they have, if any?
Overrides the Flight Deck control
Where are the water fire extinguishers and halon fire extinguishers?
One halon in flight deck mounted on the P6 cb pnl behind F/O, 2 Halon min in Cabin
What do they contain, and what kind of fires are they effective on?
Water for class A fires (wood, fabric, paper, etc) mixed with antifreeze. Halon all types of fires
How are they pressurized, and how can you tell they are serviceable?
Water pressurized by CO2 cartridge, safety wire broken? Halon by nitrogen-pressure, gauge in
green and pin in with red tie
What causes the over wing emergency exits to lock?
3 of the 4 entry/service doors are closed, and either engine running, aircraft airborne or both
thrust levers are advanced
What do the Emergency Exit Lights illuminate, and how are they powered? Activated?
Passenger Cabin exit routes. Lights charge with AC power applied to the aircraft and the EMR EXIT
Lights switch in OFF or Armed. Auto illuminate If electrical power to DC Bus no. 1 fails or if AC
power has been removed