FIU 2-0 Requesting Fire Investigators Flashcards
Fire investigators will need to be to investiagate any structure fire when ____ is suspected or cause cannot be determined by the suppression crews on scene.
A. Unknown
B. Theft
C. Medical call
D. Arson
D. Arson
If fire investigators are already dispatched to a declared working fire, they can be cancelled at any time by the IC, if the cause for the fire is determined to be clearly ____ .
A. Arson
B. Murder
C. Shooting
D. Accidental
D. Accidental
Clearly accidental- would include but not limited to: lightning strikes, food on the stove with limited damage, electrical fire inside a will or electrical fire caused by downed wires from a storm, and fire that is confined by any appliance. ____ is also considered an accident.
A. Arson
B. Youth Fire Play
C. Insurance fraud
D. Spontaneous Combustion
B. Youth Fire Play
FIU shall be called to vehicle fires that are NOT clearly accidental. if for what ever reason an investigator cannot respond, the IC can attempt to contact and investigator for consultation. Then and OFD ____ shall be completed by suppression crews at the scene, and a tow orded by OPD with an “Arson hold”.
A. OFD 25
B. OFD 6b
C. OFD 127
D. OFD 191
D. OFD 191
Clearly accidental-a vehicle fire where the fire originates in the motor compartment and the owner is on location.
Which fire victim requires an investigator?
A. Electric shock
B. Smoke inhalation not from food on the stove
C. Injuries from consumer grade firework
D. Hot water
B. Smoke inhalation not from food on the stove
(Fire victim transported to the hospital for smoke inhalation, burn injuries as a result of open flame or because of injuries recieved from any time of explosion which causes burn injuries)
If a firefighter is injured by burns, explosion, or collapes at a fire scene, an investigator will need to investigate. If a firefighter sustains serious injuries at a scene and it is not caused by fire, explosion, or collapse the ____ can call and request that a formal investigation be completed. This would include complete documation of the scene, for Safety committee review
A. Firefighter
B. Captian
C. Incident commander
D. Assistant Chief
C. Incident commander
What is not a procedure following the request of an investigator?
A. Overall scene contol (Scene integrity)
B. Contol scene access (After fire is controlled not allowing anyone in the scene)
C. Minimize Overhaul
D. Allow OPD in to the scene
D. Allow OPD in to the scene