Fisheries Flashcards
how many fishers are there globally?
- sole fishermen and those on big ships.
where accounts for over 90% of global capture fishers?
Africa and Asia
how many livelihoods depend on fish production
660-820 million
12%rely on fishing for their livelihood
how many rely on fish on 20% of their animal protein?
- 1 billion
- we rely on fisheries and fish for nutrition worldwide
what % of wild caught fish is reduced to fishmeal and fish oil and used for aquaculture feed and human consumption?
when did growth of aquaculture take off?
what % of fish for human consumption come from aquaculture?
do we know how much is being taken out of oceans?
we don’t know the what actually is - thus can’t act on it in a sustainable way cut don’t know the whole picture.
fishing methods and impacts?
beam trawlers.
nets dragged on bottom - disruptive and catch more than just fish.
scallop dredging etc
Grand Banks cod fishery collapse
- it supported many jobs
- 40,000 jobs lost
- small island and few alternatives
- $3.1 billion invested by Canadian government to assist those affected
maximum sustainable yield
if we know the rate fish can reproduce and other biological aspects then we can work out what can be done and how many fish we should fish
- hard to get accurate data tho
ecosystem based management
seeks to broaden scope of traditional resource management so it considers a wider range of eco, envtl and human factors in the exploitation of resources.
ecosystem based management aims
- broaden stakeholder involvement
- view ecosystem as a whole
- evaluate multiple simultaneous drivers or pressures on ecosystems
- emphasis on location
e.g.s of fisheries management
- licence
- closed seasons
- gear restrictions like mesh size
- incentivised
- catch share
EU common fisheries policy
- regionalisation
- reduce envtl impact
- sustainable
- fisheries science
- only works if you enforce the rules
what % of UK quota is caught by one boat
landing obligation
- undersized fish can’t be marketed
- species on board counted against quota
- prohibited species returned to sea
does climate change affect fisheries
yes - with warmer temps fish will move to poles, so tropics lose out
how ocean acidification affects fishing
ocean absorbs co2 - sea less alkaline - direct and indirect effects on marine life
how storms affect fishing
storms effect ecology of oceans and who fishes where and how
some places will have more and some will have less storms