First Trimester Flashcards
Gravid (G)
the number of times a women is pregnant,
regardless of delivery
Para (P)
refers to a delivery of a fetus weighing 500 grams
or more and is over 20 weeks gestation regardless if fetus is alive at birth. Multiple births are considered a single para event
a developing young in the human uterus > 8 weeks
menstrual age
period is from 2nd through 8th menstrual weeks
Menstrual age or Gestational age
refers to the age of the pregnancy calculated from the first day of the LM
Conceptual age
refers to the age of the pregnancy from the calculated ovulation
Conceptual age used by who
Early embryology Step 1
Ovum and sperm join in the distal fallopian tube (ampullary portion)
Early embryology Step 2
Cells of the zygote multiply, cluster
Early embryology Step 3
enters uterus and fluid rapidly enters forming a blastocyst
Early embryology Step 4
Blastocyst implants into
After 9 menstrual weeks, the embryo is called
a fetus
1st 9 menstrual w is called an
During a _____ day cycle, a mature ovum is realed at day ____
ovum is swept into teh distal fallopian tube
Fertilizationg occurs
1-2 days after ovulation
hCG is produced by
trophoblastic cells of developing chorionic villa
hCG doubles every
30-48 hours
hCG peaks at
10th gest w
hCG declines
after 10th w and levels out at 18 w
GS should be identified TV at
1000 mIU/mL
hCG allows the
corpus luteum to continue to secrete progesterone
causes ut to not shed endo lining
Decidual reaction
- 3 layers
- double decidua sign
- help defferentiate an IUP from ectopic
Deciduas capsularies
covers the surface of the blastocyte
Decidual basalis
located between the conceptus and the uterine wall
Decidual parietalis (or decidua vera)
covers the remainder of the uterus
Neural Plate begins to form around
- 4th w
- when closes, forms neural tube
- if fails, result is neural tube defect
Primitive heart develops
- 5th w
- by 8th should have definite form
vascular network begins to develop by the end of
8th w
peripheral vascular system is completed by end of
10th w
Kidneys ascend from pelvis starting at
8 w
When do the kidneys get into their final position
11th w
All limbs formed by
- 10 w
almost all congenital abnormalities occur before or during
embryonic period
normal sac can be identified by
5 menstural weeks TA
Implantation implants in the ___ of the uterus
low implantation in ut has increased risk of
GS shape
starts out round and becomes kidney shaped
Secondary Yolk Sac present by
5.5 menstrual w
secondary yolk sac appears
round w. echogenic wall and sonolucent center
secondary yolk sac is contianed
in the chorionic cavity
secondary yolk sac produced
alpha fetoprotien
secondary yolk sac function
transfer of nutrients and hematopoiesis- production and development of blood cells
secondary yolk sac connected to fetus by the
vitelline duct also known as omphalomesenteric duct
Liver takes over of secondary yolk sac by
8th w
eventually part of the yolk sac will become
primitive gut
How many cavities are withing the GS?
chorion and amniotic
Chorionic cavity
contains yolk sac and fluid
Amniotic cavity contains
simple-appearing amniotic fluid and the developing embryo
Amniotic membrane or amnion is a
thin echogenic line loosely surrounding the fetus
Amnion and chorion typically fuses around
the middle of the first trimester, but may not totally fuse until 16 weeks gestation
Cardiac Activity can be seen ____ w w/ a normal HR at
5-6 w
100-115 bpm
Heart motion can be detected in
for sure in 5 mm
CRL grows
FHR increase to
140 bpm by 9 w
poor prog
under 90bpm
1st sign of fetal demise
Fetal limb buds are identified by
7 w
Fetal head is proportionally
larger than body
w/in head, cystic structure is seen most often represnting
rhombencephalon or hindbrain
rhombencephalon will develop into
4th ventricle
Physiological bowl herniation begins at
8 w when bowl herniates into the base of the umbilical cord
Physiological bowl herniation should resolve by
12 w
if not, followup needed
By the end of 1st trimester, what can be seen
- lateral ventricles containing echogenic choroid plexus
- fetal movement
- stomach
- urinary bladder
- umbilical cord
- spine
seen as a well- defined crescent shaped homogeneous mass of tissue along margins of GS
Placenta is formed by
- decidua basalis (maternal contribution)
- chorion frondosum (fetal contribution)
Umbilical cord visible during
the later half of the first trimester as a tortuous structure connecting the fetus to the developing placenta
- 11w 0 d - 13 w 4 d
- detects chromosomal anomalies
NT measurement
- inner to inner
- Sag
> 3 mm is abnormal
Ectopic contributing factors
- Previous ectopic pregnancy
- Previous tubal surgery
- History of pelvic inflammatory disease
- Undergoing infertility treatment
- Previous or present use of and intrauterine device
- Multiparity
- Advanced maternal age
negative hCG rules out
possibility of an ectopic
Ectopic Pregnancy most common sites
ampulla of fallopian tubes
Ectopic Pregnancy second most common sites
isthmis of fallopian tube
Other Ectopic Pregnancy
- Interstitial or corneal (2-5%)
- Ovary (0.5-1%)
- Cervix (.1%)
- Fimbria: very rare
Heterotopic pregnancy
both ectopic and IUP, most common with assisted reproductive therapy
Ectopic Clinical Findings
- Pain
- Vaginal bleeding
- Palpable abdominal/pelvic mass
- Shoulder pain(secondary to intraperitoneal hemorrage and diaphragmatic irritation)
- Low hematocrit (with rupture)
Ectopic Sono findings
- Extrauterine gestainal sac containing a yolk sac or embryo
- Adnexal ring sign
- Adnexal mass
- Large amount of free fluid within the pelvis or in Morison pouch
- Complex free fluid could represent hemoperitoneum
- Pseudogestational sac
- Poor decidual reaction
- Endometrium containing blood
Gestational Trophoblastic Disease (Molar)
A group of disorders that are the result of an abnormal combination of male and female gametes
Tophoblastic cells produce
Gestational trophoblastic disease results in the
excessive growth of the trophoblastic cells and excessive amounts of hCG are released in the maternal circulation
Complete Molar Pregnancy Clinical Findings
- Hyperemesis gravidarum
- Markedly elevated hCG level
- Vaginal bleeding
- Enlarged uterus
- Possible preeclampsia/or eclampsia
Hydatidiform molar pregnancy complete
- most common
- characterized by hydropic chorionic villa
- absence of fetus an amnion
- benign with malignant potential
Hydatidiform molar pregnancy partial (incomplete)
- May be accompanied by a co-exiting triploid fetus, parts of fetus, or amnion
- Minimal malignant potential
Invasive molar pregnancy (chorioadenoma destruens)
- Molar pregnancy that invades into the myometrium and may also invade through the uterine wall and into the peritoneum
- Result of malignant progression of hydatidiform moles
- Most malignant form of trophoblastic disease with possible metastasis
- Result of malignant progression of a hydatidiform molar pregnancy
- Most common sites for metastasis are the liver, lungs and vagina
GTD treatment
- dilatation and curettage
- hCG monitoring
- hysterectomy
- chemotherapy
- chest xray to check for metastasis
Blighted Ovum or Anemryonic Gestation is diagnostic when
there is no evidence of a fetal pole or yolk sac within the gestational sac
Blighted Ovum or Anemryonic Gestation GS often has
irregular border with a poor decidual reaction
Blighted Ovum or Anemryonic Gestation pt presents w/
vaginal bleeding, a low hCG, and reduction of pregnancy symptoms
Fetal demise cardiac activity
should be present in a fetal pole that measures 4-5 mm
Threatened abortion
- Vaginal bleeding before 20 weeks gestation
- closed cervical os
- Low fetal heart rate
Complete(spontaneous ) abortion
- All products of conception expelled
- no IUP
Incomplete abortion
- Part of the products of conception expelled
- Thickened and irregular endo, enlarged uterus
Missed abortion
- Fetal demise with retained fetus
- No detectable FHR
Inevitable abortion
- Vaginal bleeding with dilated cervix
- Low-lying gestational sac
- Open internal os of cervix
Subchorionic Hemorrhage
A bleed between the endometrium and the gestational sac
Subchorionic Hemorrhage appears
- an anechoic, crescent-shaped area adjacent to the gestational sac
- resembles second GS
Subchorionic Hemorrhage
Small bleeds vs large bleeds
small: benign
large: misscarriage and stillbirth
Uterine Leiomyoma and Pregnancy two most important findings are
location and size
Uterine Leiomyoma and Pregnancy location
determine type of delivery
Uterine Leiomyoma and Pregnancy size
may increase due to stimulation of estrogen
Uterine Leiomyoma and Pregnancy differentiated
- focal myometrial contractions
- disappear w/in 20-30 mins