Complication In Pregnancy Flashcards
Edward Syndrome: Tris 18
heart defects choriod plexus clenched hands micrognathia clubbed/ rockerbottom feet renal anomalies cleft lip and palate omphalocele - enlargement of CM microcephaly small plac 2 vessel cord IUGR
what percent of edwards syndrome miscarry
Down’s Syndrome: Tris 21
subtle anomalies nuchal fold > 6 mm ventricular spetal defect duodenal atresia bracycephaly hyperechoic cardiac focus macroglossia hyperechoic bowl sandal toe deformity clinodactyly low set ears short stature
Patau Syndrome: Tris 13
holoprosencephaly microcephaly cystic hygroma absent or small eyes facial cleft cardiac defects omphalocele polycystic kidneys clubfoot polydactyly IUGR poly
three complete sets of chromosomes Early onset IUGR holoprosencephaly hypertelorism micrognathia microphthalmia ventriculomgealy oligo 2 vessel cord cardiac abnormalities clubfeet syndactyly
Turner Syndrome
45 chromosomes, including a single x chromosome cystic hygroma cardiac defects renal anomalies cubitus valgus short femurs general lymph edema
defect of an organ that results from an intriniscally and development process
abnormal form, shape or position of a part caused by mechanical forces antenatally
defect of an organ resulting from the breakdown of previously normal tissue
refers to a pattern of multiple anomalies that results from a single anomaly or mechanical factor
amniotic band syndrome
- ruptured amnion sticks and entangles fetal parts
- assoc with fetal abnormalities and amputation
amniotic band syndrome sono findings
thin hyper linear structure floating withing amniotic cavity
beckwith weidamann syndrome increase risk of developing
wilms tumor
renal anomalies
beckwith weidamann syndrome sono findings
eagle barrett syndrome
prune belly
hypotonic abd wall muscle
eagle barrett syndrome assoc with
dilated bladder
small thorax
imperforate anus
eagle barrett syndrome sono findings
hydronephrosis megaureter oligo small thorax large abd cyrotorchidism hip dislocation scoliosis
limb body wall complex
- rare complex malformation caused by failure of closure of ventral body wall
limb body wall complex
two or more of these
limb defect lateral wall defect encephalocele exencephaly facial defect scoliosis
limb body wall complex sono findings
ventral wall defect cranial anomalies marked scoliosis limb defects short umbilical cord amniotic band
meckel gruber syndrome
lethal autosomal recessive encephalocele infantile polycystic renals oligo bladder not vis polydactyly
pentalogy of cantrell
congenital disorder characterized by two out of the following defects
- cardiac defect
- abd wall defect
- diaphragmatic hernia
- defect of diaphragmatic pericardium
- ectopia cordis
pentalogy of cantrell sono findings
pulsating mass outside chest cavity
hydrops fetalis
abnormal interstitial accumulation of fluid in the body cavities and soft tissues
fluid accumulation may result in
anasarca, ascites, pericardial effusion, pleural effusion, placentomegaly, and poly
Hydrops may results from
amniotics in the maternal circulation that destroy that fetal red blood cells (immune) of w/o evidence of blood group incompatibility (nonimmune)
Immune Hydrops
rh sensitivity
immune hydrops sono findings
scalp edema pleural effusion pericadiacl effusion poly placentomegaly
nonimmune hydrops
large for dates
nonimmune hydrops sono findings
anasarca edem or fluid accumulation in two site ascities scalp edema pleural effusion pericadiacl effusion poly placentomegaly tachycardia 200-240 bpm
What percent of pregnnacies beginning with twins will deliver a singleton pregnancy
Monozygotic twins
single fertilized ovum
dizygotic twins
two seperate ova
majority of pregnancies are
dizygotic pregnancies are always
di di
most common cause of discordant growth in dichorionic multifetal gestation
most common cause of discordant growth in monochorionic twins
twin to twin transfusion
di di
- zygote splits within 3-5 days of fertilization
- 4 layer membrane
di di sono findings
- two or more individual gestational sac and plac
- twick membrane with v shape called twin peak
monochorioinc diamniotic
- zygote splits 5-10 days after fertilization
- 3 layer membrane
mono di sono findings
- two or more individual gestational sac with shared placenta
- membrane attachment of one chorion creates a t shape
- moderately thick membrane
mono mono
zygote splits 10-14 days postfertilization
mono mono sono findings
two or more fetuses
single sac
no membrane
acardiac twin
- mono di
- rare
- twin reversed arterial perfusion syndrome
- blood is shunted through a vein to vein and art to art anastomoses from the normal or pump twin to the acardiac twin
- places a large cardiovascular burden on the normal twin
acardiac twin sono findings
partially imaged normal fetus and a large perfused tissue mass lacking an upper body
acardiac twin sono findings
acardiac twin
poorly developed upper body
absent or rudimentary heart
limbs may be present but truncated
acardiac twin sono findings
normal twin may develop
cardiac failure
conjoined twins
fusion of twin fetuses
usually ant and one body part
conjoined twins sono findings
inseparable fetal bodies and skin contours
limited or no fetal position change
no membrane
stuck twin/ poly oli
mono di
usually menifest between 16 and 26 gestational w
stuck twin sono findings
one twin displays poly
one has oligo
twin to twin transfusion syndrome
- same sex fetuses
- single placenta
- arterial blood of donor twin pumps into venous system of recipient twin (arteriovenous anastomosis)
- recipient twin ultimately recieves too much blood ( may be arterial to arterial anastomosis)
twin to twin transfusion syndrome sono findings
fetal weight >20%
donor twin may display iugr and oligo
receiving twin may acquire hydrops fetalis and poly
thin membrane
vanishing twin
early fetal demise of one embryo
vanishing twin sono findings
twin preg
demised twin resolves
becomes singleton pregnancy
used to analyze fetal chromosomes in early pregnancy
typically between 15 - 18 gest w
performed as early as 12 w
chorionic villi sampling
performed between 10 - 12 w
results in 1 w
- used to analyze fetal chromosomes
- fetal blood is aspirated through umbilical cord
- determine relationship between the lie or ut and cx
permits direct viewing of developing fetus