First Aid Special Growth Medias Flashcards
Sabouraud agar is used to grow what?
Agar containing Vanco, Trimethoprim and Colistin is called what? What organism does it help isolate?
Thayer-Martin Agar; N. gonorrhoeae and N. meningitidis
Chocolate Agar is useful for isolating…
H. influenzae
Charcoal yeast extract agar is used for isolation of what? The agar also needs to be buffered with which two compounds?
Legionella; Charcoal yeast agar is buffered with Cysteine and Iron
H. influenzae is grown on Chocolate agar that has been enhanced with what two compounds?
Factor V (NAD+) and Factor X (Hematin)
Bordet-Gengou Agar is sued to grow what? What is the base of the media?
B. pertussis; Bordet-Gengou is a potato based agar
E. coli turn a metallic green on what agar?
Eosin-methylene blue agar (EMB)
B. pertussi can be grown in media with Charcoal, blood and antibiotics. What is the name of the agar?
Regan-Lowe medium
Lactose fermenters turn MacConkey Agar what color? Why?
They produce acid that turns the agar pink
Tellurite agar and Lofflet medium are used to isolate what?
C. diphtheriae
Eaton agar, with added cholesterol, allows isolation of what?
M. pneumoniae
What agar would you use to grow up the bacteria sampled from a Ghon complex?
Lowenstein-Jensen Agar; used to culture TB