First Aid Flashcards
What are the three objectives of first aid?
1) Maintain breathing
2) Stop Bleeding
3) Prevent or treat for shock
How many basic wounds are there?
Name the 11 basic wounds:
1) Fractures, open and closed
2) Sucking chest wound
3) Abdominal Evisceration
4) Massive Hemorrhage with Amputation
5) Laceration
6) Electric Shock
7) Smoke Inhalation
8) Burns
9) Hypothermia
10) Heat Stress
11) Puncture Wound
What is the basic protocols for treatting wounds?
Scene is Safe
Call 911
Send someone to retrieve first aid gun bag and litter
Assess “CAB”
Reassess “CAB”
Reassess intervention and continue to monitor
What does CAB stand for?
Circulation- check for pules or signs of life
Airway- open
If bone is sticking out?
Do not push back in, stabilize above and below fracture
If organs are protruding?
Do not apply pressure to intestines. Do not stick back in.
If placing tourniquet?
Place 2-3 inches abover wounds, not over joint. Write T and time of placement of forehead. Never release tourniquet once applied.
If amputated body part is retrieved?
Wrap body part in towle/sheet/ect. Place in bag of ice. Do not place body part directly on ice.
If electrical shock before you assess CAB?
Secure power source. If power source cannot be secured, use a non-conductive object to move casualty away from source.
If smoke inhalation what is the first line of treatment?
Oxygen. after assessing CAB move paitent outside of smoke boundaries.
What are the degrees of burn?
1st- red skin, mild pain.
2nd- red skin, blister, sever pain.
3rd- charred clack skin/tissue, may or may not be painful due to nerve damage.
What is the “Rule of Nines?”
Estimated percentage of body surface area burned. Head, chest abdomin, left and right legs: front 9% and back 9%. Left and right arm: front 4.5% and back 4.5%.
If treating burns?
Do not break blisters. Do not remove charred clothing sticking to skin.
If treating hypothermia?
Removed wet cloths and cover with dry blankets.
If treating heat stress?
Move casualty to cool area. Begin cooling measures. Remove excessive cloths. Drench with water. Ensure good ventilation area.
If there is a penetrating object?
Do not remove object. Stabiliaze and bandage.
If there is a sucking chest wound?
Seal with plastic over and tape all four sides or use chest seal. Check for exit wound.
Three ways for controlling bleeding?
1) Direct pressure
2) Pressure points
3) Tourniquet (last resort)
Describe the basic treatment for suicide gesture or attempt.
Always assume that a suicide threat is real; do not leave alone. Keep patient from inflicting harm to themselves. Get them under the care of a trained psychiatric professional.
What are the symptoms of a joint dislocation?
Rapid swelling and discoloration, loss of ability to use the joint, severe pain and muscel spasms, possible numbness and loss of pulse below joint, shock.
First aid treatment for a joint dislocation?
You should not attempt to put a dislocated bone back into place. Instead loosen clothing, place victim in most comfortable position, support injured part, treat for shock, and get medical help as soon as possible.
When do you apply a cold pack to a sprain?
the first 24-48 hours to reduce swelling and to control internal hemorrhage
When do you apply a heat pad to a sprain?
After the swelling stops, moist heat can be applied for short periods (15-30 minutes) to promote healing and reduce swelling. Heat should not be applied until 24 hours after the last cold pack.