Command SORM and Organization Flashcards
State the purpose of the SORM?
To issue regulations and guidance gocverning the conduct of all members of the US Navy.
What does SORM stand for?
Discuss the contents of the SORM.
Unit Administration Standard unit organization Roles and responsibilities Watch Organization General guidance and regulations Unit bills Safety Training Ship maintenance and modernization Unit directives system
What is the dual chain of command?
The administrative chain and the operational chain.
What does the operational chain of command consist of?
The president, through the Secretary of Defense to a commander of a unified or specified command to the assigned operational forces.
Task-oriented and can be structured as necessary to meet operational requirements.
What does the administrative chain of command consit of?
The Secretary of the Navy and the Chief of Naval operations to the operating forces.
Operating forces are organized in a permanent fashion.
What is a unified/specified as it applies to the operational chain of command?
Command composed of elements of two or more services. It has a broad continuing mission and has a single commander.
What are the 3 kinds of unified command?
Joint forces command
Transportation command
Strategic Command
What are the geographic commands?
Northern Command Southern Command Central Command Pacific Command European Command
List the Fleet Commanders.
CINCPACFLT (pacific)
CINCLANTFLT (atlantic)
What is a task force?
Divides fleets into forces, groups, units, and elements. Each subdivision has a numbered designation and an appropriate communication call sign. A fleet numbering system is used.
Example Commander sixth fleet: striking force TF 60; amphibious force TF 61
What is a task group?
Within task force there may be further subdivision.
example TG 60.1
What is a task unit?
Task groups may be further subdivided
example TU 60.1.1
What does SECNAV stand for?
Secretary of the Navy
What is the SECNAV responsible for?
Civilian in charge of the department of the navy responsible for the policies and control of the department of the navy including its organization, administration, operation and efficiency.
What doe CNO stand for?
Chief of Naval Operations
What is the CNO responsible for?
Senior military officer, principal advisor to the President and SECNAV on the conduct of war and principal naval advisor and executive of the SECNAV on conduct of Department of the Navy activities.
What does CINC stand for?
Fleet Commander in chief
What fleets does the CINCPACFLT command?
Third and seventh fleets
What fleets does the CINCLANTFLT command?
Second Fleet
What fleets does the CINCUSNAVEUR command?
Sixth Fleet
What is the Naval Air Force Commander?
directly below CINC, pacific or atlantic fleet, in the administrative chain of command. Usually a vice admiral in rank.
What does CDRAIRPAC stand for?
naval air force commander U.S. pacific fleet
What does CDRSIRLANT stand for?
naval air force commander U.S. atlantic fleet
What are Type Commanders?
In command of a certain type of squadron. They may be in command of all VA squadrons or VAW, VS, etc.