First 3 weeks of development Flashcards
What are the 5 stages of development in the first 72hrs?
- Zygote
- 2 cell (30hr)
- 4 cell (40hr)
- 8 cell
- Morula (72hr)
What surrounds the morula?
zona pellucida
Where does the morula travel to and implant?
travels down the fallopian tubes and implants in the endometrium (fundus or posterior wall of the uterine wall)
What happens to the morula at the time of implantation?
fluid begins to accumulate in the intracellular spaces and merge to form a single cavity
What does the inner cell mass form?
differentiate to form primary germ layers;
- ectoderm
- endoderm
What is the process of differentiation of the inner cell mass referred to as?
What occurs at day 8?
embryoblast differntiates into epiblast and hypoblast to form a bilaminiar disc
What is the small cavity that appears within the epiblast called?
amniotic cavity
What is the primitive streak?
shallow groove on the dorsal side of the bilaminar disc; caudal region = inferior end
At what day does a trilaminar disc form?
What occurs on day 17?
Epiblast cells migreate through the primitive streak and create a 3rd layer between the epiblast and hypoblast
Middle layer =
What happens to form the notochord
Prenotochordal cells migrate through the primitive streak to form the notochordal plate within the endoderm. It then detaches to form the notochord which activates the signalling pathway involbed in tissue differentiation and development
Urinary and genital
body walls and cavities