FINISHED Personality disorders Flashcards
These are the definitions out of First Aid, NOT lecture
What are the three cluster A personality disorders?
Paranoid, schizoid, and schizotypal (“weird”)
What are the four cluster B personality disorders?
Antisocial, borderline, histrionic, and narcissistic (“wild”)
What are the three cluster C personality disorders?
Avoidant, obsessive-compulsive, and dependent (“worried”)
What are the general features of cluster A personality disorders?
Odd or eccentric; inability to develop meaningful social relationships; no psychosis; genetic association with schizophrenia
What are the general features of cluster B personality disorders?
Dramatic, emotional or erratic; genetic association with mood disorders and substance use
What are the general features of cluster C personality disorders?
Anxious or fearful; genetic association with anxiety disorders
Pervasive distrust/suspiciousness of others and a cynical view of the world are features of which personality disorder?
Voluntary social withdrawal, limited emotional expression, and being content with social isolation are features of which personality disorder?
Eccentric appearance, odd beliefs, magical thinking, and interpersonal awkwardness are features of which personality disorder?
Disregard for and violation of the rights of others, lack of remorse, criminality, and impulsivity are features of which personality disorder?
Adolescents with conduct disorder are most likely to have which personality disorder as adults?
Unstable mood and interpersonal relationships, impulsivity, self-mutilation, suicidality, a tendency towards splitting as a defense mechanism, and a sense of emptiness are features of which personality disorder?
Excessive emotionality and excitability, attention seeking, being sexually provocative, and being overly concerned with appearance are features of which personality disorder?
Grandiosity, sense of entitlement, lacking of empathy, requiring excessive admiration, demanding the “best,” and reacting to criticism with rage are features of which personality disorder?
Hypersensitivity to rejection, social inhibition, timidness, feelings of inadequacy, and desiring relationships with others are features of which personality disorder?
Preoccupation with order, perfectionism, and control along with being ego-syntonic are features of which personality disorder?
Obsessive compulsive
Submissiveness, clinginess, excessive need to be taken care of, and low self-confidence are features of which personality disorder?
What are the general features of paranoid personality disorder?
Pervasive distrust/suspiciousness of others and a cynical view of the world
What are the general features of schizoid personality disorder?
Voluntary social withdrawal, limited emotional expression, and being content with social isolation
What are the general features of schizotypal personality disorder?
Eccentric appearance, odd beliefs, magical thinking, and interpersonal awkwardness
What are the general features of antisocial personality disorder?
Disregard for and violation of the rights of others, lack of remorse, criminality, and impulsivity
What are the general features of borderline personality disorder?
Unstable mood and interpersonal relationships, impulsivity, self-mutilation, suicidality, a tendency towards splitting as a defense mechanism, and a sense of emptiness
What are the general features of histrionic personality disorder?
Excessive emotionality and excitability, attention seeking, being sexually provocative, and being overly concerned with appearance
What are the general features of narcissistic personality disorder?
Grandiosity, sense of entitlement, lacking of empathy, requiring excessive admiration, demanding the “best,” and reacting to criticism with rage
What are the general features of avoidant personality disorder?
Hypersensitivity to rejection, social inhibition, timidness, feelings of inadequacy, and desiring relationships with others
What are the general features of obsessive-compulsive personality disorder?
Preoccupation with order, perfectionism, and control along with being ego-syntonic
What are the general features of dependent personality disorder?
Submissiveness, clinginess, excessive need to be taken care of, and low self-confidence