finals (what I still need to go over) Flashcards
Physically what is happening during the first heart sound?
Closure of the mitral and tricuspid valves
Contraindications for moderate exercise as a part of daily nursing care would be
Cardiovascular or respiratory disease
keratitis affects what body structure
The second heart sound typically audible during auscultation (S2) is created by
Closure of the aortic and pulmonic valves
what abdominal organs can be
easily palpated in the cranial ventral abdomen?
Which is commonly observed when an animal has Otodectes?
b. crusty dark brown ear exudate
c. scratching at ear
lenticular sclerosis affects what body structure
ocular lens (silver, hard covering - not blind)
What is the approximate distance (inches) from the vulva to the urethral opening?
1-2 inches
What size tube should be used to perform orogastric intubation on an adult 40 lb. dog?
18 F
At what age can puppies be weaned from the mother’s milk and/or milk replacer to puppy food only?
4-6 wks
If a drug is extremely hypertonic and acidic, the manufacturer would probably indicate that the drug be
administered by which route?
The initial triage examination in the hospital includes a brief history, quick examination and target discussion with
the owner(s) and should only take about ______ minutes.
If you are to place a nasoesophageal tube in a cat for supportive care, the length of the tube should be measured from the nose to the
a. 6th rib
b. 1st rib
c. last rib
d. where the stomach can be palpated
e. none of the above
Answer: E
socialization period for puppies and kittens
3-16 wks; 2-7 wks
applied behavior analysis
antecedent, behavior, consequence
classical conditioning
connecting one stimulus with another that already gets a response
gradual approach to a stimulus
juvenile period for dogs and cats
end of socialization to sexual maturity; 5-18 months and 4-10 months
3 behavior related tasks
pre-acquisition training
educating the client on history
evaluating non vet referrals (trainers)
response gets weaker overtime
response gets more intense over time
replacing an already conditioned response
nosocomial infection
hospitalized patients acquire this
pairing exercises reduces what
fear at visits
2 categories behavior meds fall into
baseline or mainstay AND event based or shortterm
operant conditioning
consequences drive future behavior
nursing plan
gather data
prioritize that data
make a plan
gather additional data