Finals: Ankle & Foot Flashcards
What are the joints for each 3 DIVISIONS OF THE FOOT
HINDFOOT; Tibiofibular joint, Talocrural joint, Subtalar joint
MIDFOOT; Midtarsal joint
FOREFOOT; Tarsometatarsal joint, Intermetatarsal joint, Metatarso phalangeal joint
Resting position of Tibiofibular Joint
Plantar flexion
Closed packed position of the Tibiofibular joint
Maximum dorsiflexion
Capsular pattern of Tibiofibular joint
Pain when joint is stress
Capsular pattern of Talocrural
plantar flexion, dorsiflexion
Resting position of Talocrural joint
10 deg plantar flexion, midway between inversion and eversion
closed packed position of Talocrural joint
Maximum dorsiflexion
Capsular pattern of Subtalar joint
Limited ROM (varus, valgus)
Resting position of the Subtalar joint
Midway b/w extreme ROM
Resting position, closed packed position, and capsular pattern of Tarsometatarsal joint
Closed packed position of Subtalar joint
Resting position of the Midtarsal joints
Midway b/w extreme ROM
Capsular pattern of the Midtarsal Joint
Dorsiflexion, plantarflexiojn, adduction, Medial rotation
Closed packed position of the Midtarsal joint
Resting position, closed packed position, and capsular pattern of Metatarsophalengeal joint
Syndesmosis joint is Supported by 4 ligaments:
Inferior transverse
Anterior tibiofibular
Posterior tibiofibular
Interosseous ligaments
Maneuvers that stress the joint (tibiofibular joint)
dorsiflexion and lateral rotation (external rotation)
Resting position, closed packed position, and capsular pattern of Interphalangeal joint
Synovial joint
Uniaxial, hinge joint
Dorsiflexion, plantar flexion
HIGH ANKLE SPRAIN Mechanism of injury and manifestation
MOI: dorsiflexion and ER
Pain Above the malleoli
Swelling on distal tibiofibular joint
Components of Ankle mortise
connects end of tibia and fibula to talus
Lateral collateral ligaments
antafi, potafi, cafi)
Anterior talofibular ligament
Calcaneofibular ligament
Posterior talofibular ligament
What ligament will be affected if the MOi is Plantarflexion and invert
Anterior talofibular ligament
What ligament will be affected if the MOi is Neutral and inversion/pure inversion injury
Calcaneofibular ligament
What ligament will be affected if the MOi is Dorsiflexion and inversion
Posterior talofibular ligament
Medial collateral ligaments / Deltoid
(antati, potati, cati, tina)
Anterior talotibial
Posterior talotibial