Final Review Flashcards
A social institution that transmits attitudes, knowledge, beliefs and etc to its members through formal systematic training
Formal training and instruction provided in a classroom setting
Education Functionalist
Macro; Contributes to societys stability solidarity and cohesion and provides opportunities for upward mobility
Education Conflict
Macro; reproduces and reinforces inequality and maintains a rigid social class structure
Education Feminist
Macro/Micro; Produces inequality based on gender
Education Symbolic inter.
Micro; Teaches roles and values through everyday face to face interaction and practices
Intelligence quotient (IQ)
An index of an individuals performance on standardized test relative to the performance of others of the same age
Hidden curriculum
school practices that transmit nonacademic knowledge, values, attitudes, etc that legitimize economic inequality and fill unequal work roles
An emphasis on cetificates or degrees to show that people have certain skills educational attainment levels or job qualifications
The children of alumni who have “reserved seats” regardless of their accomplishments or abilities
(Streaming or ability grouping) Assigning students to specific educational programs and classes on the basis of test scores, previous grades or abilities
Self-fulfilling prophecy
Whereby students live up or down to teachers expectations and evaluations that are influenced by a students social class ..etc
Social institution that involves shared beliefs values and practices related to the supernatural that unites believers into a community
Anything that people see as mysterious awe-inspiring, extraordinary and powerful, holy and not part of the natural world
Anything that is not related to religion
the way people demonstrate their religious beliefs
A religious group that is devoted to beliefs and practices that are outside of those accepted in mainstream society
New religious movement (NRM)
term used instead of cult by most sociologist
Charismatic leader
A religious leader whom followers see as having exceptional or superhuman powers and qualities
A religious group that has broken away from an established religion
A sub-group within a religion that shares its name and traditions and is generally on good terms with the main group
A large established religious group that has strong ties to mainstream society
Major religions
Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism
A process of removing institutions such as education and government from the dominance or influence of religion
The belief in the literal meaning of a sacred text
Civil religion
(Secular religion) Practices in which citizenship takes on religious aspects
Religion Functionalist
Macro; religion benefits society by providing a sense of belonging, identity and meaning …etc
Religion Conflict
Macro; Religion promotes and legitimates social inequality, condones strife and violence between groups
Religion Feminist
Macro/Micro; Religion subordinates women, excludes them from decision-making positions and legitimizes patriarchal control of society
Religion Symbolic inter.
Micro; Religion provides meaning and sustenance in everyday life through symbols, rituals and beliefs, binds people together in a physical and spiritual community
Protestant ethic
A belief that hard work, diligence, self-denial, frugality and economic success will lead to salvation in the afterlife
False consciousness
An acceptance of a system of beliefs that prevents people from protesting oppression
(Rite) A formal and repeated behavior in which the members of a group regularly engage
The state of physical, mental and social well-being