Chapter 5 Flashcards
Social interaction
the process by which we act towards and react to peoples around us
Social structure
an organized pattern of behavior that governs peoples relationship
Social position that a person occupies in a society
Statues set
A collection of social statues that a person occupies at a given time
Ascribed status
a social position that a person is born into
Achieved status
A social position that a person attains through personal effort or assumes voluntarily
Master status
An ascribed or achieved status that determines a persons identity
Status inconsistency
The conflict that arises form occupying social positions that are ranked differently
Behavior expected of a person who has a particular status
Role performance
The actual behavior of a person who occupies a status
Role set
The different roles attached to a single status
Role Conflict
the frustration and uncertainties a person experiences when confronted with requirements of two or more statuses
Role strain
Stress that arises from incompatible demands among roles within a single status
Thomas theorem
If men define situations as real, the are real in their consequences or outcome
Self-fulfilling prophecy
A situation in which if we define something as real and act on it, it can, in fact become real