Final Q4 T2 Flashcards
Hallmark sign for agenesis of the corpus collosum
Teardrop shaped ventricle
Cordocentesis is more commonly used for what procedure
Guidance for transfusions to treat fetal isoimmunization
An isolated unilateral cleft lip defect commonly originates on the ____ side of the face
On the left side of the face
Which of the following statements about epignathus is false?
A) Swallowing is not impaired in fetuses with epignathus
B) A small stomach may be present
C) An epignathus is a teratoma located in the oropharynx
Swallowing is not impaired
Most common aneuploidy condition
Trisomy 21
Reasons to perform an amniocentesis include all of the following except:
A) multiple gestations
B) maternal age
C) abnormal AFP
Multiple gestations
The sonographic findings of cranial anomalies, choroid plexus cysts, clenched hands, and rocker bottom feet may be seen in:
Trisomy 18
A large cystic hygroma, hydrops, coarctation of the aorta may be seen in a fetus with:
Turners syndrome
Ventriculomegaly is when lateral ventricle measures greater than:
The differential considerations for anencephaly include all of the following except:
D)arachnoid cyst
Arachnoid cyst
Small chin:
Results from a malformation of the lymphatic system
Cystic hygroma
Differential for cystic hygroma includes all of the following except:
A) encephalocele
B) goiter
C) cystic teratoma
D) myelomeningocele
This supplement has been shown to significantly reduce the likelihood of neural tube defects
Folic acid
A lack of sulci within the fetal cerebrum is an indication of:
An open spinal defect characterized by a protrusion of meninges and spinal cord through the defect, usually within a meningeal sac
The maxilla and orbits are ____ imaged in the true sagittal plane
Fetuses younger than expected will have ____ afp levels
Lower than expected
An elongated forehead in the sagittal plane and triangular in shape in the axial plane:
Associated with meckel-gruber syndrome
term used to describe the herniation of meninges and brain through a calvarium defect
The sonographic findings of increased nuchal thickening, duodenal atresia, cardiac anomalies, and echogenic bowel may be seen with
Trisomy 21
Trisomy 13 is also known as
Patau syndrome
Elevated MSAFP levels are reported as
Multiples of the median(MOM)
Imaging plane best used to image cleft lip and palate
Modified coronal
The optimal collection site for an amniocentesis includes
Away from the central portion of
the placenta
away from the fetus
away from the umbilical cord
toward the maternal midline
Large space between the first and second toes:
Sandal gap
And early non-invasive means of assessing the risk of aneuploidy
Nuchal translucency
The most common congenital anomaly of the face
Cleft lip
What shape is the cerebellum when a spinal defect is present
The best imaging plane to Sonographically evaluate the spine for spina bifida
A fluid filled cystic structure filled with CSF that results from hemorrhage and communicates with the ventricular system
a vein of Galen malformation will have ______ flow on Doppler
Dangling choroid sign is associated with
Most common neck mass in fetus
Cystic hygroma
Most common reason for elevated afp
Incorrect gestational dates
Facial anomalies occur as ____ defects or part of a syndrome
A strawberry shaped skull is associated with
Edwards syndrome/trisomy 18
Cephaloceles are more commonly involved in which skull bone
Holoprosencephaly and Probiscis are most likely to be found in a fetus with
Trisomy 13
The forebrain forms into the
Pregnancy associated plasma protein A(PAPP-A) levels ____ throughout pregnancy
Most severe form of holoprosencephaly characterized by a single common ventricle and malformed brain
Anencephaly is an example of what type of condition
Neck teratomas are usually located _____
Oral teratomas are referred to as:
Differential considerations of dandy-walker should include
Arachnoid cyst
Neural tube defect characterized by a lack of development of the cerebral and cerebellar hemispheres and cranial vault and is fatal
Test used in the 1960’s to relieve polyhydramnios but is now used to evaluate for chromosomal abnormalities
Most likely fetal cranial finding with TORCH infection
Intracranial calcifications
After amniocentesis, the sonographer should demonstrate and document
Fetal cardiac activity
Following an intracranial hemorrhage, a cyst is noted within the cerebrum that communicates with the lateral ventricles:
Head anomaly characterized by the presence of a single primitive ventricle
Craniosynostosis may be defined as
Premature closure of the cranial sutures
Beta-hCG can be assessed in maternal serum in the first trimester to evaluate for an increased risk of which anomaly
Trisomy 21/ Down syndrome
Diencephalon develops into the
Occurs due to failure of the primary and secondary palate to fuse
Cleft lip
Term used to describe the herniation of the meninges and brain through a calvarium defect
An isolated unilateral cleft lip defect commonly originates on the ____ side of the face
Sonographic finding of a fluid-filled cranium with absence of cerebral tissue is consistent with:
Most common open neural tube defect
Double bubble denotes:
Dilated duodenum next to the fetal stomach
Probiscis suggests what abnormality
Chromosomal abnormality associated with theca lutein cysts
Development of a fluid-filled cleft within the cerebrum is consistent with
Absence of the CSP is a distinguishing characterized of
Agenesis of the corpus collosum
Ventriculomegaly coupled with an enlargement of the fetal head is called
AFP is produced in early gestation by what stucture
Yolk sac
Banana-shoes cerebellum and lemon-shaped head are characteristics of
Arnold-Chiari malformation
Macroglossia is most commonly found with
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome
A condition in which a complete or partial absence of the cranial bones is
MSAFP levels peak at ____ weeks
Anomaly characterized by the presence of a posterior fossa cyst and the splaying of the cerebral hemispheres
Dandy-Walker malformation
The quadruple screen evaluates:
Unconjugated estriol
Inhibin A
Method of genetic testing that is performed at 10-14 weeks gestation and allows results to be available within 1-week
Chorionic villus sampling (CVS)
Kleeblattschadel is also referred to as
Clover-leaf skull
An obstruction caused by a ventricular defect is referred to as ______ hydrocephalus
Obstruction outside of the ventricular system is referred to as _______ Hydrocephalus
Club foot is also referred to as:
What form of holoprosencephaly is characterized by a common ventricle, hypotelorism, and a normally placed nose with a single nostril