Final Q4 Flashcards
What abnormality refers to a fetus with a significantly narrow diameter of the chest?
Asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy
The most important determinant for fetal viability
Pulmonary development
Sonographic evaluation of the normal fetal thorax should include
Chest circumference measurements are made in the _____ plane
Chest circumference measurements are made at the level of the
4 chamber heart
Congenital maldevelopment of the proximal portion of the digestive tract is:
Esophageal/duodenal atresia
What chromosomal abnormality is associated with echogenic bowel?
Trisomy 21
Common abnormalities associated with pulmonary hypoplasia include:
- renal agenesis
- posterior urethral valve syndrome
Sonographic findings in Cystic Adenomatiod Malformation include all of the following except:
- cystic adenomatoid malformation may be an echogenic mass in type 2 cystic adenomatoid malformation
- cystic adenomatoid malformation may occur below the diaphragm
- Cystic adenomatoid malformation may be a large cyst in type 1 CCAM
-cystic adenomatoid malformation may occur below the diaphragm
Diaphragmatic hernias may occur anteriorly and medially in the diaphragm through the foramen of ______
lung cysts detected prenatally, is the most common
Bronchogenic cyst
The severity of pulmonary hypoplasia depends on:
The timeframe that it occurs
Supernumerary lobe of the lung is referred to as:
Pulmonary sequestration
What organ(s) produce amniotic fluid after 12-weeks
Fetal kidneys
The congenital maldevelopment of the rectum and absence of anal opening is termed:
Anorectal atresia
Functional bowel disorder within the fetus that is caused by the absence of intestinal nerves:
Hirschsprung disease
Pulmonary sequestration _____ occurs below the diaphragm
The most common type of diaphragmatic defect occurs ______ and _______
Posteriorly and laterally
An omphalocele is associated with all of the following except
A) meconium aspirations syndrome
B) patau syndrome
C) pet aloft of cantrell
D) trisomy 18
A) meconium aspirations syndrome
Herniation through the foramen of Bochdalek is usually found on the ____ side of the diaphragm
Most common type of colonic atresia
Anorectal atresia
Presence of pleural effusion may cause a shift of ____ structures
Bilateral renal agenesis will most likely demonstrate ____hydramnios
Defect in lower abdominal wall and anterior wall of bladder
Cloacal extrophy
Anomaly with large cranial defects, facial cleft, large body-wall defects, and limb abnormalities
Limb-body wall complex
Evisceration of bowel to the right of the umbilical chord
If scoliosis and large cranial defects are found, consider:
Limb-body wall complex
Most common malignant adrenal pediatric tumor
Beckwith-wiedemann syndrome includes:
Most common fetal abnormality noted during exam
Bladder extrophy may be accompanied by:
Inguinal hernia
Undescended testes
Most common types of anterior abdominal wall defects
Gastroschisis, omphalocele, umbilical hernia
Critical part of closing the abdominal wall
Embryonic folding
Birth defect in which the sex cannot be determined
Ambiguous genitalia
An ophalocele that only contains bowel has a _____ risk for chromosomal abnormalities
Long standing obstruction leads to development of fibrous & cystic replacement of renal tissue:
Obstructive cystic dysplasia
Small bowel is ____ found in gastroschisis
Pelvocaliectasis is also
Pentalogy of Cantrell is not associated with cleft in the _____ sternum
Fusion of the lower poles of kidneys:
Horseshoe kidneys
Coexistening anomalies are _____ with gastroschisis
Most common location for ectopic kidney
Stomach on the right, heart is on the left: ____ situs inversus
Bowel is mildly echogenic and diffuse: grade ___
Grade 1
Haustra folds are in:
Most common fetal renal tumor
Mesoblastic nephroma
Normal esophagus in the 2/3rd trimesters appears:
Multilayered pattern
Most common midgut malformation
Meckels diverticulum
If fluid in the stomach is not seen, the stomach should be reevaluated in ____
10-15 minutes
Sonolucent band near the fetal anterior abdominal wall:
Most reliable criterion for diagnosis of dilated bowel
Bowel diameter
Ascites is ____ associated with esophageal atresia
Mild dilation of the renal pelvis can be associated with:
Down’s syndrome
Peritoneal calcifications noted in a fetus at 30 weeks gestation may represent:
Meconium peritonitis
VACTERL is associated with:
Esophageal atresia
Heart is on the right, liver on the left and spleen on the right : ___ situs inversus
Complex disorder of the bowel and genitourinary tract:
Anorectal atresia
Protrusion of the posterior wall of the bladder with contains the trigone of the bladder and uterus orifices:
Exstrophy of the bladder
Both ovaries and testicular tissue present:
Renal agenesis, oligohydramnios, pulmonary hypoplasia, abnormal factors, and malformed hands and feet:
Potter syndrome
Most common characteristic of MCDK
Multiple noncommunicating cysts of variable size
Bladder with “keyhole” appearance:
Sonographic findings in prune belly syndrome may include:
Pulmonary hypoplasia
Renal system fails to develop:
Potter syndrome
Permanent kidneys arise from:
Kidneys initially lie:
Close together in the pelvis
Develops if the lumen of the allantois persists while the urachus forms:
Urachal fistula
Uterovesical junction obstruction would demonstrate: