Final Exam Vaccines Flashcards
What are the 2 major components of a vaccine?
- antigens to induce immunity
2. control infectious disease
What 3 things do vaccines contain other than antigens?
- preservatives and stabilizers
- specific antibiotics
- adjuvant- enchancing the immune resp. to Ag
Why are antibiotics found in vaccines?
to inhibit bacterial and fungal growth
a pharmacological or immunological agent that modifies the effect of other agents
What are 2 reasons adjuvants are added to vaccines?
- delay release of Ag from injection site
2. induce secretion of chemokines by leukocytes
What are 2 examples of adjuvants?
aluminum hydroxide and saponin
What are the 3 types of adjuvants?
- depot adjuvants
- particulate adjuvants
- immunostimulatory adjuvants
which type of adjuvant slows the removal of antigen and prolong immune response?
What type of adjuvant enhances antigen presentation and enhances cell mediated immunity?
particulate adjuvants
what type of adjuvant stimulates TLRs and enhances antibody production?
Immunostimulatory adjuvants
List some components of an ideal vaccine:
- inexpensive
- consistant
- stable
- proper immune resp.
- range of immunological epitopes
- long-lived immunity
- no side effects
What are the 3 types of infectious vaccines?
- Live attenuated vaccines
- Recombinant vaccines
- marker vaccines
a vaccine prepared from live microorganisms or functional viruses whose disease-producing ability has been weakened but whose immunogenic properties have not.
Live attenuated vaccine
which type of vaccine causes low level infection and does not induce significan tissue pathology or clinical disease?
live attenuated vaccine
What are the 2 pros of using live attenuated vaccine?
- rapid onset of immunity
2. sustained immunity after single dose