Final Exam pt 2 Flashcards
A hemoglobin molecule
all of the above
An advantage of a closed circulatory system over an open one is that:
it allows for more efficient delivery of O2 and nutrients
Exchange of substances between the cells and the environment
all of the above
the ventricles
pump blood into the arteries
Which of the following correctly describes the movement of electrical signals throughout the heart?
the SA node generates the signal which is held up for 0.1 seconds at the AV node to allow the atria to empty completely, then the signal moves to the apex of the heart, then spreads through the ventricles
Cardiac output
is the volume of blood per minute pumped by the left ventricle
all of the above
In the capillaries
the velocity of the blood is lower than in any other type of vessel
systolic pressure
is normally higher than diastolic pressure
Caffeine constricts blood vessels. This constriction:
increases the peripheral resistance
Fluid is filtered from blood as it enters a capillary due to the _______, but the fluid is reabsorbed as the blood exits a capillary due to the ________.
blood pressure from the heart; osmotic pressure from proteins in the plasma
Blood pressure
all of the above
In the leg veins
all of the above
transports O2 and nutrients to cells
The stem cells in the bone marrow
give rise to myeloid stem cells, which give rise to the lymphocytes
all of the above
are very efficient because blood and the respiratory medium flow in opposite directions, maximizing pressure gradients
Respiratory surfaces
all of the above
In the leg veins
all of the above
have small branches of air tubes that extend to nearly every cell in the body
ventilates the lungs
in birds
air moves in one direction
In positive pressure breathing in amphibians
air is pushed into the lungs due to a decrease in the volume of the oral cavity, which increases the pressure in the oral cavity
uses iron (Fe) to bind oxygen
control of breathing
is primarily based on carbon dioxide concentration in the blood and involves pH sensors that detect changes in pH
to adjust blood pressure independently in the capillaries of the gas-exchange surface and in the capillaries of the general body circulation, an organism would need a(n)…
four-chambered heart
In which of the following organisms does blood flow from the pulmocutaneous circulation to the heart before circulating through the rest of the body
the only vertebrates in which blood flows directly from respiratory organs to body tissues without first returning to the heart are the___.
Circulatory systems compensate for ___.
the slow rate at which diffusion occurs over large distances
A patient with a blood pressure of 120/75, a pulse rate of 70 beats/minute, a stroke volume of 70mL (milliliters per beat), and a respiratory rate of 25 breaths/minute will have cardiac outputs of ___.
4,900 mL/minute