FINAL EXAM Flashcards
Which pain impulse is carrying the pain impulse to Sarah’s cortex?
Spinothalamic (anterolateral) pathway
Which type of cell is the pain receptor in Sarah’s toe?
Free nerve ending
Which part of the autonomic system contributed to Sarah’s feelings of anger?
Sympathetic nervous system (SNS)
Why does Sarah’s anger feel quick and intense but takes longer to calm down?
SNS are more diffuse than PNS
Why did Sarah feel the sharp pain before the dull ache?
because sharp pain travels on myelinated A fibers
What is the name of the reflex that Sarah experienced when her leg bent in response to stubbing her toe?
flexor (withdrawal) reflex
What would Sarah’s right leg do automatically when she bent her leg and lifted it off the floor?
extend & engage to keep her from falling
The part of the sensory pathway that carries the pain impulse from Sarah’s toe to the nervous system is also known as…
first order neuron
T/F - the tract that carries information to Sarah’s brain would cross in the spinal cord
the last myotome Tommy can move is C4, this means he can _____ but can’t _____ them
Shrug his shoulder
Can’t abduct them
T/F - Tommy would have feelings in his face but nothing else
What is the outermost protective layer of Tommy’s spinal cord?
Dura layer
Tommy’s injury would be considered an _____ injury
upper motor neuron (maybe lower?? idk)
Which of these tracts is in Tommy’s posterior spinal cord?
dorsal columns medial lemniscus
CSF comes from the _____
Tommy drives his power wheelchair using a _____ system. The nerve that allows him to use his facial MM for this is _____
“Sip and puff” system
facial nerve (VII)
When Jill feels the heat of the light, what process does the sensation go through before it reaches the brain?
Stimulation → Transduction → Generation → Integration
When Jill is standing at the podium, which sensory receptors are providing information about her body position, mm length, tension, position and motion of joint and equilibrium?
Jills thermoreceptors are sensitive to…
cold and warm temperatures
Why does Jill feel her shoulders are sore after her run?
referred visceral pain
If the spotlights got above 40ºc which receptors would kick in?
Which part of Jill’s brain is most likely contributing to her emotions?
Where in Jill’s brain does the sensory information about the hot lights and pain end up?
Primary somatosensory cortex in the parietal lobe
When Jill twisted her ankle, which of these receptors were stimulated?
Golgi tendon organs, MM spindles
list the possible peripheral nerve injuries from least to most severe
Jill’s pounding heart is a result of which neurotransmitters in the ANS?
Acetylcholine & Norepinephrine
The cells that secrete acetylcholine are called…
The synapses that these neurotransmitters travel across are…
Input from the ANS is often from…
Which neural pathway consists of 2 motor neurons?
somatic & motor
The sympathetic preganglionic neurons are located in the…
spinal cord
The enteric division of the nervous system consists of…
nerves & ganglia within walls of the GI tract and regulates both contraction of smooth mm and secretion of digestive glands
works with vagus nerve
The sympathetic division increases…
heart rate
Cholinergic neurons release _____ while adrenergic neurons release _____
Which sensory pathway carries impulses regarding coordination, posture, and balance from the limbs, trunk, and neck to cerebellum
Types of neurons conduct impulses from the thalamus to the primary Somatosensory area of the cerebral cortex
third order neuron
Which describes each type of sensation - such as touch, pain, vision, or hearing
sensory modality
Type of sensation pacinian corpuscles respond to…
Which nerves arises from the lumbosacral plexus?
femoral nerve
What do astrocytes do?
create the blood brain barrier