Final Exam Flashcards
Cells convert glucose into energy by what two methods?
Krebs cycle
s/s heat stroke
No sweating Throbbing headache Hot, red, dry skin N/V AMS
s/s heat exhaustion
Heavy sweating Weakness or fainting Cold, pale and clammy skin N/V Muscle cramps
When should you have a high index of suspicion?
Acute medical, traumatic, psychiatric, social condition w/ possible life-threatening or life-altering outcomes
Examples of when you should have a high index of suspicion
MOI Severity of injury or illness Abnormal vital signs Altered SI or HI Healthcare provider indicates change in PT condition
Applies to any hospital/health system that accepts payment from the Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for MEDICARE AND MEDICAID SERVICES (CMS)
5 Stages of Grief
Denial Anger Bargaining Depression Acceptance
How do you clean a tracheostomy?
Ask the caregiver to assist if available.
If not, clean cannula with 1/2 hydrogen peroxide and 1/2 water.
What can you rule out by diffuse abdominal pain?
Not much - hard to determine an organ of origin w/o location
Contraindication of D50
Intracranial hemorrhage
Types of on-line medication direction
Types of off-line medication direction
Standing orders
Trauma Triad of Death
Responsibilities of the triage supervisor
# of pts in each category Resources needed
What does epigastric mean?
Epi - above
grastric - stomach
Anaphylaxis vs anaphylactoid
Present the same except anaphylactoid has no previous exposure.
What is an allergic reaction?
Occurs when the immune system overreacts to a harmless substance known as an allergen.
If you are driving and your partners says delivery of fetus is imminent, what do you do?
Pull over
Assist w/ delivery
Assist w/ newborn resuscitation if needed
Continue transport
Where should you place the AED pads if a pacemaker is present?
At least 1” away from pacemaker
Postpartum eclampsia
Seizures that occur w/in 24 hours post birth
Pediatric dose of activated charcoal
GEMS Diamond
Geriatric patients : normal aging, atypical presentation
Environmental assessment : safety, neglect
Medical assessment : PMH, medications
Social assessment : basic needs, social network
Which valves of the heart are considered AV valves?
Tricuspid valve
Mitral valve
What does atrioventricular stand for?
Atria - from the atrium
ventricular - to the ventricles
Financial concerns through lifespan development in adulthood
Young adults : establishing careers, young children at home
Middle adults : preparing for retirement
Older adults : fixed incomes or chronic illness and unable to work
Hyperglycemia Dehydration Osmolality Electrolyte Deficits NO KETOSIS/ACIDOSIS - no fruity odor on breath
Complications of central venous catheters
Local infection Bloodstream infection Occlusion Bleeding Dislodgement
CSF leak
signs : clear fluid from nose or ears
Can occur spontaneously
Commonly found after head trauma
What makes up the shoulder joint?
Glenoid fossa
Head of the humerus
Standard Licensure Requirements for AEMT
- Basic EMT license or higher
- Completion of state-approved AEMT course that meets or exceeds National Emergency Medical Services Education
- Current CPR-BLS for “Healthcare Provider” or equivalent
- Completion of National Registry cognitive and psychomotor exams
Transfer of heat from body part to a colder object or substance by direct contact
Heat is transferred to circulating air
Body sweats to cool itself
Loss of body heat directly to colder object in the environment by radiant energy
Conversion of kg to mcg, mcg to kg
kg to mcg = kg - g - mg - mcg x each by 1000
mcg to kg = mcg - mg - g - kg / by a 1000
Class I hemorrhage
Blood loss (mL) : Up to 750 Blood loss (%) : Up to 15% Pulse rate : <100 BP : nl Pulse pressure : nl or increased Respiratory rate : 14-20 Urine output : >30 CNS/mental status : slightly anxious Fluid replacement : crystalloid
Class II hemorrhage
Blood loss (mL) : 750-1500 Blood loss (%) : 15-30% Pulse rate : 100-120 BP : nl Pulse pressure : decreased Respiratory rate : 20-30 Urine output : 20-30 CNS/mental status : mildly anxious Fluid replacement : crystalloid
Class III hemorrhage
Blood loss (mL) : 1500-2000 Blood loss (%) : 30-40% Pulse rate : 120-140 BP : decreased Pulse pressure : decreased Respiratory rate : 30-40 Urine output : 5-15 CNS/mental status : anxious, confused Fluid replacement : crystalloid and blood
Class IV hemorrhage
Blood loss (mL) : >2000 Blood loss (%) : >40% Pulse rate : >140 BP : decreased Pulse pressure : decreased Respiratory rate : >35 Urine output : negligible CNS/mental status : confused, lethargic Fluid replacement : crystalloid and blood
Hypothalamus secretes ACTH
ACTH targets adrenal cortex and causes cortisol to be secreted
Cortisol increases cell energy production
(During times of stress)
Articular cartilage
Cushion to protect bones from damage and wear. Allows ends of bones to glide over each other easily.
Sympathetic nervous system
Fight or flight response
Vagus nerve causes : Increased HR, dilate bronchi, inhibits digestion, stimulates glucose release, stimulated epi and norepi release, inhibit peristalsis and secretions, relaxes bladder
Ganglion : inhibits salivation
Pupils dilate