Final Flashcards
relative dating
sequence of geologic events in a region
Law of superposition
older layer is on bottom; Works best for sedimentary rocks
Principle of original horizontality
sediments are originally deposited as horizontal beds; Use for tilted/bent layers
What causes rocks to bend?
plate collisions or temperature
Folding happens after…
rocks were deposited
Law of cross cutting
An igneous intrusion/fault is younger than the rock layers that it cuts across
Law of inclusions
The inclusion is older than the rock it is in
Angular unconformities
younger sedimentary rock on top of older igneous rocks
missing sedimentary rock layers
How MI basin formed?
Deposited as Sea dried up; Forms circular patterns; oldest rocks on edges of basin
Relative dating
a sequence of geologic events
the exact age of a rock
Radiometric dating
divide parent isotope by 2 until reach amount left; count # times you divided by 2
moving apart; Mid-ocean ridge; Tensional stress
Example of Divergent boundary
Mid-ocean ridge; East African Rift
Moving together; Compressional Stress; Trenches
ocean-ocean convergence
Formes deepest trenches; Volcanoes form on ocean floor off continental coast; Island Archs + earthquakes; Andesite
Ocean-Ocean example
Japan; Caribbean Islands
Ocean-Continental Convergence
Trenches (not as deep); ocean subducts b/c more dense; Composite volcanoes; Pumice + rhyolite
Examples of Ocean-COntinental
Mt. St. Helens; Rings of Fire
Plates sliding past each other; Shearing stress; Shallow earthquakes
Example of transform
San Andreas Fault
How do plates move?
Convection currents + slab/pull
Convection currents
Hot magma rises and cold magama sinks creating a current
Slab pull
Plates pull themselves down at subductive zones due to gravity
How did Wegner change science of geology?
Continental Drift theory
How do magnetic reversals support plate tectonics?
Zebra stripes on ocean floor had to form together
Formation of Himalayas
Convergence of Australian-Indian plate w/ Eurasian palte
San Andreas Fault
Transform fault between North American and Pacific Plate
Andes mountains
Convergent of nazca and South American plates
Mt. St Helens
Convergent of Juan De Fuca and North American plates
Mid Atlantic Ridge
Divergent of North American and Eurasian plates
Red Sea
Divergent of Arabia and African plates
Mariana Trench
Ocean-Ocean Convergence of Pacific and Phillipine Plates
Ocean Divergent of North American and Eurasian Plates
How a spit formed…
Ridges of sand tht extends into mouth of an adjacent bay; Created by longshore currents + beach drift; Depositional
How tombolo formed…
Ridge of sand that conects an island to the mainland; Created by longshore currents; Depositional
How baymouth bar formed…
Sandbar that corsses a bay; Sections off bay from open ocean; Depositional
Sea arch
when sides of headlands are attacks by wave refraction; Erosional
Wave cut platfrom
Created from cutting action of surf against rock of coastal land, gradually over hanging rocks erosed; Erosional
Emergent coast
Developed due to an area experiences uplift or result of drop in sea level
Submergent shorline
created when sea level rises or land adjacent to land subsides underwater
Longshore current
Pushes the sand
Ocean sand
Well rounded, well sorted, and usually mainly quartz
Desert sand
Great Lakes sand
Variety of minerals because glaciers
Problems with groins
current erodes sand from beach on leeward side of groin
Problem with seawalls
seaward side of beach experience significant erosion; Eventually wall falls due to reduced width of beach and increased pounding of water
pacific Coastlines
rocksy, tectonically active, beach sand supply from rivers
Atlantic coastlines
subject to hurricans, has barrier islands
Barrier islands
sand deposits
How Morains formed
depsoited along edge of glacier dueing melting
sediment of morians
Curving ridges of stratified drift; deposited by melt water streams;
Sediment of esker
Kame formation
depsoited at end of meltwater streams (delta); Mined for gravel
Kame sediment
Kettle lake formation
made from ice blocks
Kettle lake sediment
Outwash plain formation
lake meltwater; Formed next to moraines
Drumlin formation
Hills of sediment deposited by glacier
Drumlin sediment
How glaciers formed Great Lakes
- each of Great Lakes started as rivers; 2. glaciers carved v-shaped valleys into u-shaped valleys as climate cooled; 3. As climate warmed; glaviers began to melt and retreat; 4. freshwayer from melting glaciers filled in u-shaped valleys
Oldest GL
Youngest GL
3 pieves of evidence to support glaciers in MI
- MI covered in till; 2. Morain deposits follow outline of GL; 3. Erratics; 4. Striations/grooves
Plesiocene glaciers (When/Where)
2 mya; As far as Ohio/Illinois
unsorted, deposited by ice
bowl shaped depression located where glacier begins to form
long, deep narrow salt water valley; Glaciers carved u-shaped valley
a pointedrock peak left at top of mtn
spins/ridges of rock that seperate glacial valleys
Isostatic rebound
land uplifts, once the weight of glacier is taken off to original elevation
Variations in shape of Erath’s orbit about the Sun
Changes in the angle that the axis makes with the plane of Earth’s orbit
The wobbling of Earth’s axis
along bottom; Most erosive
Suspension load
silt/clay; Make water cloudy; Gives water color
Dissolved load
dissolved minerals/pollutants in solution; Creates foam
Early stream
Deep; high gradient (steep); High downcutting (v-shaped valley); High velocity (rapids, waterfalls); Narrow; Lots of eroision; Low deposition; Low sidecutting
Late stream
Shallow; Low gradient (flat); Low downcutting (flat); Low velocity; Wide; Differential erosion (low); lots of deposition (large deltas); High sidecutting
Flood plains
Sand/gravels originally as Point Bar by meanders, shifting laterally across valley floor
Successive flooding over years; Increase in elevation
Due to drop in velocity as stream enters still water
oxbow lakes
due to buildup. plugs with silt and clay
point bars
deposited that occurs inside “point” of the bend as water travels around bend
Undercut slope
Cut bank; water hitting the meander, loosens the material, which travels downstream which is then deposited on point bar
Yazoo streams
due to flooding on floodpain and runs parallel to river
V shaped valleys
forms by downcutting
Stream Gradient
Rise/ Run
Rule of V’s
opposite direction of v’s is direction of stream flow
Base Level
The lowest point a stream can erode its channel to; The way it flows
Flowing Artesian Well
Water must be confined between impermeable layers; Must be below recharge zone/ water table
Nonflowing water table
located where the pressure surface is below ground level
Zone of aeration
above water table
Zone of saturation
below water table
Best place to bury toxic waste
Ca + Mg ions from Limestone; Leaves sa white film, scale in hot water; no suds
Calculate permeability
Low permeablity rock
High permeability rock
How a septic tank works
Bacteria and filters allow for liquid to move through but not effluent, and solids settle out; Sand filters out solid in effluent; Clean water returns to water table
Dissolution of Limestone; Lowering of water table
bedrock erodes which causes overburden to fall and then soil faills as well
Slow sinking of ground due to groundwater withdrawl
karst topography
acid water dissolves Limeston; Series of Sinkholes
Sources from pipes; causes brain damage
Source: naturally in shale/SS and pesticieds; Problems: aresenocosis and cancer
Flint water crisis
Found high levels of lead, iron, and bacteria in drinking water when switched To Flint River water and didn’t add phosphate
Contour interval
Change in Elevation b/w index contours / # of space between
Land Survey Method
Smallest to largest; SE 1/4, NE 1/4, Sec 14, Township (T) 25, R3W
North and South
East and West
Circles with tick marks around them
Circle within circle
Flat lands
Flatter = farther apart the lines
Elevation of hills and pits
Give range
Large intervals
Fractional Scale
1 Inch to … Miles
RF scale
1inch to 62,500 inches
Verbal Scale
1 inch : 45 miles
Normal fault
tensional stress; Divergent boundaries
Reverse fault
Compressional stress; Convergent boundaries; Usually highest magnitue earthquake; Tsunamis
Strike slip
Shearing stress; transform boundary
Calculating Richter magnitude from seismograph readings
Find difference from S/P wave – divide S wave from P wave; Find distance on graph, plot distance and amplitude found in first graph
highest wave
Determine location of epicenter
- determine lage time b/w P and S waves; 2. go to graph to find distance b/w epicenter and seismograph; 3. plot circles with distance radius; 4. intersect of circles = epicenter (triangualte)
What do the circles represent?
The distance the seismograph and the epicenter
Mercalli scale
Measures intensity; Depends on population and building type
Primary Waves
Compressional; Travels through liquids and solids; Travels through outer core and mantle; fastest
Secondary Wave
up/down motion; Ground moves up and down; Travels through solids; Travels through mantle
Raleigh wave
Rolling motion (like water); Very damaging; Slowest
Love waves
Horizontal shifting of surface; Very damaging; Slowest
Intraplate earthquake
Thought to be from ancient falts or the astehnosphere causing vertical movements
Solid that flows; P+S waves
Outer core
Liquid; P waves
Inncer core
Solid; P waves
Moment magnitude scale
For bigger earthquakes; x32
Directly above focus (Earthquake source)
Formation of tsunami
Displacemnt of water due to power and enegy gained from subduction
Evidence supporting contiental drift…
- shapes of continents fit together; 2. Identical fossils seperated by oceans; 3. Same rock layers match actoss continents; 4. Glacial evidence in today’s tropical climates
Why continental drift theory was not widely excepted?
Wegner didn’t know what moved the plates; couldn’t descire how continets plow through oceans b/c no ocean data
Slab pull
plates pull themselves down at subduction zones due to gravity
How are continetal shelves related to plate tectonics?
Not related at all
Post wegner Evidence
ocean floor is not flat; zebra stripes; ocean crust is young compared to continets; Pattern of earthquakes
What is a plate?
Lithosphere and upper asthenosphere
the boudary b/w crust and mantle
Older rocks at…
Edge of MI basin
32x; Energy released
Prediction of earthquake
loaction can be predicted by when it will occur is not easily determined
A tsunami is created from
an underwater reverse falt
San Andreas fault type…
Most of what we know about Earth’s interior
comes from seismic waves
Location closest to epicenter
has largest waves
Watertable is highest in…
Trench plate boundary
Composite plate boundary
Ocean- Continetal
Divergent volcano
Hotspot volcano