Earthquake Review Flashcards
Measures energy of earthquake; doesn’t vary; uses seismograph
Depends on population + building type; Mercalli Scale; Doesn’t use seismograph; varies
What does Mercalli scale measure?
Measures intensity; Depends on population and builidng type
Moment magnitude formula
Mo= NxDxA; N= Rock rigidity; D= Distance rock slip; A = area of fault
What would moment magnitude be used for?
More accurate; Used for larger earthquakes
Determine location of an epicenter from seismograph reading
- Determine lag time b/w P+ S waves; 2. Go to graph to find distance b/w epicenter + seismograph; 2. Plot center w/ distance radius; 4. Intersectio of circles = epicenter (triangulate)
What do circles represent
The distance the seismograph and the epicenter
Explain the Richter scale
Measures ground shaking/ energy; Designed for smaller earthquakes
How is the Richter scale sclaed
32x energy released; 10x amplitude
Primary Wave
Push/pull; compressional; Fastest; Body wave; travel through liquids + solids; Comressional
Secondary wave
travels only through solids; not liquids; Sharing waves -> up/down motion
Raleigh wave
Surface wave; Travel on surface; slow; similar to water waves; Rolling; Very damaging
Love waves
Surface wave; Very damagin; travel on surface; Horizontal shifting of surface; SLow
Solid that flows; Mg+ Fe; P+S waves
Outer core
Liquid; Fe + Ni; P waves; NO s waves
Inner core
Solid; Fe + Ni
Normal fault
tensional stress; Divergent boundaries
Reverse/ thrust fault
compressional stress; Convergent boundaries; often create tsunamies; Usually has highest magnitude earthquake
Strike slip
Shearing stress; Often happen on divergent boundary
Small earthquakes; shallow; normal fault
Ex of divergent
Iceland + mid-ocean ridge
Most major earthquakes; Reverse faults; shallow through deep
Ex of Convergent
Shallow earthquakes
Ex of transform
San Andreas + Haiti
How an earthquake cn occur intraplate
Occur in middle of plate; Thought ot be ancient faults or the anthrospphere causing vertical movements; Ex: Haiti
Formation of tsunami
The displacement of water due to the power and energy gained from the subduction
What should you do during a tsunami warning?
Get to higher ground
Haiti earthquake
Most deady earthquake in W. Hemisphere; 7.0 magnitude; Transform
Chile Earthquake
Aftershock of Haiti; 8.8 earthquake; tsunami; Convergent
How are earthquakes predicted
Seismometer can be used to pick up vibration in Earth’s crust
How accurate in earthquake prediction?
Not very accurate
Causes the ground to act like a liquid; Due to increased water pressure from earthquake waves
Is depth of earthquake related to its magnitude?
What type of boundary has deep focus earthquakes?
Subduction/ Convergent zones