Final Flashcards
An embolus is a thrombus that becomes dislodged and enters the bloodstream aka it travels
A thrombus is formation of a blood clot w/in a vein due to slowing of blood return aka its stationary
What is a dissection of the aorta
A disruption of the inner layer (tunica intima) of the vessel wall. Allows blood to enter the layers of the vessel wall.
What does dissection of the aorta look like
On a CXR will show widening of the aortic shadow, wavy or irregular border
symptoms headache, vertigo, light sensitivity, & vomiting are signs of a what?
What can cause hydrocephalus?
can be congenital (genetic abnormality) or acquired aka trauma, stroke, head injury, inflammation, etc
What is a HSG used for?
What does multiple sclerosis do to the nervous system?
Causes degeneration of the myelin sheath (demyelination) covering the nervous tissue of the spinal cord and white matter
What is leukemia?
Neoplastic disease of unknown cause that results in overproduction of WBC,s. Can be acute or chronic
What are the types of thyroid cancer?
Papillary(most common), Follicular, Medullary, Anaplastic
What pathology presents radiographically as “fish hooks”?
Benign prostatic hyperplasia
What are leiomyomas?
benign tumors of smooth muscle cells in the myometrium stimulated by estrogen
What is pulmonary edema?
An abnormal accumulation of fluid in the pulmonary tissues
As pressure in the veins of the lungs increase, fluid is pushed into the air spaces
Asorbic acid (Vitamin C) Deficiency
RA - Best viewed in long bones
- White line of frankel
- Wimbergers sign
Thiamin (vitamin B1) deficiency
RA - CHF & generalized edema
-niacin [vitamin B3] deficiency - 4D’s
What is muscular dystrophy?
a group of chronic inherited conditions in which fat replaces muscle leading to general weakness and death due to failure of respiratory muscles.
paired uterine horns
uterine cavity that elongates w/ a single fallopian tube
complete duplication of cervix, uterus, and vagina
What are the differences between the blood anemias that were learned?
Iron deficiency- inadequate amounts of dietary iron or increased loss of iron
Hemolytic Anemia: shortened life span of RBC
Aplastic Anemia: failure of the bone marrow to function
Trauma Anemia: blood loss
What is hemophilia?
a disorder in which blood doesn’t clot normally
Turner’s syndrome
Klinefelter’s syndrome?
Appears on males with 2 X chromosomes