Chapt 7 - Cardiovascular Flashcards
Most common congenital cardiac lesions. Permit the mixing of blood in the pulmonary & systemic circulatory systems. Blood is shunted from the high-pressure systemic circulation to the low-pressure pulmonary circulation.
Septal Defects
An opening in the septum between the 2 atria of the ❤. Causes ↑ pulmonary blood flow & overload of the right ventricle
Atrial Septal Defect
An opening in the septum between the 2 ventricles of the ❤. Causes ↑ pulmonary blood flow
Ventricular Septal Defect
o Enlarged right atrium & ventricle
o Color doppler- preferred to show defect
Atrial Septal Defect
o Enlarged left atrium/ ventricle
o Color doppler – preferred to show defect
Ventricular Septal Defect
80% heal on their own
Septal Defects
Failure of the ductus arteriosus to close at birth. Essentially, blood that is meant for the systemic circulatory system is shunted back into the pulmonary circulatory system.
Patent Ductus Arteriosus
* Echocardiogram- modality of choice. Demonstrates the extent of the opening
* Color doppler- demonstrates the reverse pulmonary artery flow
* CXR- cardiomegaly, pulmonary congestion
Patent Ductus Arteriosus
A narrowing or constriction of the aorta. Most commonly occurring just beyond the branching of the blood vessels to the head & arms.
Blood supply & flow: Normal to increased-upper extremities Decreased- abdomen and legs
Blood pressure: Normal to increased- upper extremity. Very low- legs
Coarctation of the Aorta
* pale skin
* irritability
* heavy sweating
* difficulty breathing
Coarctation of the Aorta
* Rib notching on CXR (4-8th posterior ribs)
* Bulging on either side of the stenosis
Coarctation of the Aorta
* surgical repair- bypass graft or a stent
Coarctation of the Aorta
Results from atheroma (fatty plaque) deposition in the arteries. As the plaques accumulate the blood supply to the ❤ muscle decreases, which leads to ischemia.
Coronary Artery Disease “Coronary Heart Disease”
* chest pain
* myocardial infarction
* failure
Coronary Artery Disease “Coronary Heart Disease”
* Angiography is preferred- used in diagnosis and treatment. Shows strictures or narrowing that present as filling defects of the affected areas upon the injection of contrast
* NM, MRI, CT, echocardiography, and doppler may also be used to diagnose
Coronary Artery Disease “Coronary Heart Disease”
* Lifestyle changes
* Medicine
* Stents
* CABG (bypass)
Coronary Artery Disease “Coronary Heart Disease”
Refers to the inability of the ❤ to propel blood at a rate & volume sufficient to provide an adequate supply to the tissues. Most commonly caused by hypertension & coronary ❤ disease.
Congestive Heart Failure “CHF”
- Left-sided: Left ventricle cannot pump an adequate amount of blood equal to venous return. This overloads the pulmonary circulatory system.
- Right-sided: Right ventricle cannot pump as much blood as it receives from the right atrium. This causes a slowing of the venous flow.
Congestive Heart Failure “CHF”
* Left:
o Enlarged ❤
o ↑ vascular markings (hilar region)
o Pulmonary edema
o Pleural effusions
* Right:
o Enlarged right atrium/ ventricle
o Lower extremity edema
Congestive Heart Failure “CHF”
Left = backs up into lungs. Can cause cardiomegaly. ★ Needs Lasix & diuretic to get rid of fluid.
Congestive Heart Failure “CHF”
Refers to an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the pulmonary tissues. As pressure in the pulmonary veins rises, fluid is pushed into the air spaces. Usually due to CHF.
Pulmonary Edema
* Dyspnea
* Wheezing
* Pain
* ❤ palpitations
Pulmonary Edema
* CXR – hazy vascular markings
* If severe- “Butterfly” or “Bat wing” pattern
Pulmonary Edema
* Oxygen
* Avoid strenuous exercise
* ↓ sodium intake
* Medication – strong diuretic ★
Pulmonary Edema