Female Pelvic Cavity (25) Flashcards
Pelvis Major
(false pelvis)
- Continuous superiorly with the abdominal cavity
lateral- iliac muscle within the iliac fossa; iliac crest
anterior- anterior abdominal wall
posterior - L5-S1 Vertebrae
inferior- pelvic brim
Pelvis Minor
(true pelvis)
-extends from the pelvic brim to the pelvic diaphragm (elevator ani and coccygeus mm.)
lateral- obturator interns mm. and fascias
anterior- public symphysis
posterior- sacrum and coccyx
inferior- muscular pelvic diaphragm and associated fascias
Parietal pelvic fascia
the investing fascias of the pelvic muscles line the pelvic cavity and are continuous with abdominal muscular fascia
Pelvic peritoneum
peritoneum that invests abdominal organs extends into the true pelvis and partially invests the pelvic organs forming folds and spaces between them
Males and females-space on either side of the rectum (pararectal fossa) and urinary bladder (paravesical fossa)
Females only
pouches between the rectum and uterus/vagina (rectouterine) and between the uterus and urinary bladder (vesicouterine) and a fold between the sacrum and cervix of the uterus (sacrouterine)
Know the comparison chart between male and female on
pg. 2