Felony Oral Bumps Flashcards
Counsel, do you waive further reading of the complaint, the reading of the statement of rights and enter a plea of not guilty?
Licenciado, renuncia a la lectura adicional de la acusación formal, la lectura de los derechos y presenta una declaración de no culpable?
Should be released on his own recognizance or in the alternative, his bail should be set at the minimum recommended by the bail schedule, which in this case and in accordance to the charges it sold be 45 K. Submitted. People? Submitted. Bail is set in the amount of 125K.
Puesto en libertad bajo su palabra, alternativamente su caución debería fijarse con el mínimo que recomienda la lista de cauciones, queda a su debida consideración, Fiscalía. Queda a su debida consideración. La caución se fija en el monto de 125K dólares.
A saber
Un delito mayor
With a judge sitting without a jury
Ante un juez sin jurado
Which means
Que significa
To confront
A la confrontación
That is
O sea
That is, to face, to hear all witnesses
O sea, ver y escuchar a todos los testigos
A not guilty plea is entered
Una declaración de no culpable se presenta.
Counsel, please state your appearance for the record
Licenciado, favor de asentar su comparecencia en actas.
Welcome to Dept 2, Mr. Quebrado
Counsel, Do you waive further reading of the information statement of rights and enter a not guilty plea?
Case no. 9VA112233
To a speedy and public trial by jury
To the process of the court
To compel the attendance of witnesses on your behalf to present evidence on your behalf in defense of charge
To the privilege of self incrimination
To the privilege of self incrimination
The right to remain silent and to require the prosecution to prove the case against you beyond reasonable doubt
And admit the commission of the crime charged
And result in its revocation and the imposition of a sentence
Alberto Auebrado
Or denial of naturalization under the law of the united states
After you have served your prison term you may be subject to a maximum parole period of five years
State prison
Formal probation
Negotiated plea
Se volverá a registrar
Set this case for trial
Carjacking a felony how do you plead?
That there is factual basis for the client’s plea
Accepted and entered in the minutes of this court
we will take a 20 minute until the next case. We are adjourned until then