Feed Intake & Regulation Flashcards
what part of the brain controls the food intake?
- lateral hypothalamus (hunger center)
- ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (safety center)
- instinctive desires necessary to keep up
organic life; THE DESIRE TO EAT
- The physical sensation of desiring food.
- physiological state
lack of desire to eat
appetite vs specific appetite
appetite: drive to eat foods with specific
flavors or sensory characteristics
specific appetite: drive to eat foods
that provide certain nutrients and/or
what are the list of factors affecting food intake?
- Palatability of the feed
- Dietary energy density
- Individual preference for animal
- Function, Age, or Size of animal
- environmental condition
- Availability of the clean/free choice water
- Other management and facility stressor
- acceptance and relish of a feed or agreeable to taste of the feed
- l in the process of locating and
consuming food - dependent on:
- properties of the food: physical & chemical
higher energy intake vs lower energy intake
higher energy intake = lower feed intake
lower energy intake = higher feed intake
what happens if the nitrogen requirements are not met?
- diet rate of passage is reduced
- varies with CHO digestabilibty
forage availability & quantity
- quality & quantity influence intake
- forced to consume plants with a slower rate of digestion
- Increase the concentration of feed that requires significant digestion reduces the rate of passage and physical fill
becomes limiting
feed intake between breeds?
- feed intake occur between selected lines and between
breeds and between different crosses.
example: Duroc pigs tend to eat more then most pig breeds
other factors of feed intake
- poor feed intake:
- post-weaning
- social & physiological
- environment
- dietary stress
- Total daily intake is limited by digestive
tract capacity = rate of increase must decline as the animal
what are the 5 theories of feed intake control mechanisms
- glucostatic theory
- thermostatic theory
- lipostatic theory
- aminostatic theory
- lonostatic theory
glucostatic theory
- inverse relationship between level of blood glucose and voluntary feed intake
- The hypothalamus has centers to detect blood glucose = in turn regulate feed intake
thermostatic theory
- the loss of body heat drives the mammal to converse body heat & consume food
- relationship between environment & feed intake
lipostatic theory
- Feedback from fat stores to the brain for long-term regulation of feed intake
- technique force feeding
aminostatic theory
- Balance of amino acids influences food intake
- imbalances:
- decreased food intake = decreased concentration of
limiting AA in blood = suppressing appetite
- decreased food intake = decreased concentration of
lonostatic theory
- Extracellular role of Na+ and Ca++ ions within the brain =
effects upon body temp and feed intake
proposed: body temperature is controlled by Na and Ca ion ratio
mineral deficiency = eating unwanted food requirements, not considering to be food
example: pigs eating dirt