fatigue and how it affects exercise Flashcards
what are causes of fatigue
-depletion of energy sources
- accumlation of waste products
- neuromuscular fatigue
what can fatigue be resulted from depletion of energy sources
-fall in amount of phosphagen, leads to fall in ATP
-another cause is a reduction in muslce and liver glycogen and blood glucose. once glycogen stores are depleted, muscles cease contracting as the body is unable to use fat as the only fuel source
what is phosphagen
is synthesised in the liver and transported to skeletal muscles for storage. it is used to form ATP from ADP and is particulary inmportant for intense excerise
what products accumulate during exercise
-blood lactate accumulation- raised levels of co2 increase blood acidity increasing lactic acid which dissociates into lactate and hydrgen ions
-carbon dioxide in the blood -co2 combines with water producig carbonic acid
-increased acidity- carbonic acid further broken down into bicarbonate and hydrogen ions. the hydroen ions contribute to the bloods increased aidity
explain neuromuscular fatigue
is an inevitable after effect of prolonged exercise. the phyical facors emloyed by the CNS may after prolonged exercise may becime compromised and reduce their ability to carry out their functions
what is excess post - exercise oxygen consumption ( EPOC)
it is the need for additional oxygen to replace atp and rmove lactic acid
what ae the two major components for EPOC
fast components
slow components
explain what is a fast component
(alactacid oxygen debt) the amount of oxygen required to synthesis and restore muscle phoshagen stores
explain what is a slow components
(lactaid oxygen debt) the amount od oxygen required to remove lactic acid from muscle cells and blood
explain the depletion of acetylcholine (neuomuskular fatigue)
muscles aren’t able to receive signals from the cns that stimulate the muscles to contract