Fascism & the Catholic Church Flashcards
Who were the Lateran Pacts between
The Lateran Pacts were agreements between Mussolini and the Catholic Church
When were the Lateran pacts signed
After 3 years of negotiations, on the 11 February 1929
What is the time signficance of the lateral pacts
- Lateran Pacts which officially ended the conflict between church and state that had existed since 187
What was the significance of the Lateran Pacts for Mussolini’s prestige?
- Mussolini’s personal prestige increased as he was admired for bringing an end to the Roman question
What did the Lateran Pacts recognize about the Vatican City and Catholicism?
- The Pope agreed to recognise the Italian state and its possession of Rome and the old Papal states.
- The Vatican City was established as an independent state, & Catholicism was recognized as the sole religion of Italy
How did the Pacts address financial compensation?
- The Pope received £30 million in financial compensation for surrendering his claim to Rome.
- The state would pay the salaries of the clergy
What privileges were given to the Catholic Church in state schools?
- Religious education of a Catholic nature was made compulsory in state schools.
What was the terms for youth groups in the Lateran pacts
- Catholic youth groups would be allowed to continue as long as they did not carry out any political activity
- Catholic Action was the only non-fascist organisation allowed to continue
What youth organizations did the Church sponsor that rivaled Fascist groups?
- The Church sponsored Catholic Action,
- which had 250,000 members
- and rivaled Fascism’s own youth and leisure organizations
How did Catholic youth organizations grow by 1939?
Catholic youth organizations had 388,000 members by 1939.
How did the Church resist Fascism’s totalitarian claims?
- The Church resisted through the Radio Vatican show
- broadcasting alternative news and the Pope’s condemnation of Fascism’s attempts to control Catholic youth organizations.
What was the Church’s stance on girls’ involvement in Fascist youth activities?
- The Church condemned girls’ involvement in physical activities of Fascist youth organizations, as it went against gender roles
What happened when Mussolini tried to close Catholic Action in 1931?
- The Pope publicly criticized Mussolini,
- leading to a compromise where Catholic Action youth groups could remain open with restrictions on sports - shows limitations on his dictatorship
How did Pope Pius XI react to Mussolini’s anti-Semitic decrees in 1938?
- Pope Pius XI openly criticized Mussolini’s anti-Semitic decrees,
- which conflicted with the Church’s right to allow Jews to convert to Catholicism.
- But the Vatican did not take practical action to limit persecution of Italian Jews
What shared views did Mussolini and the Catholic Church have?
- Both had a desire for stability, respect for hierarchy, hostility to liberal and socialist views, and valued family and marriage