Consent & Control in fascist Italy - indoctrination of youth & education Flashcards
…………….was the first fascist education minster (1923-29). His aim was to…
Giovanni Gentile was the first fascist education minster (1923-29). His aim was to improve literacy and educational standards
However, from1929 onwards his aims were replaced with the aim of…………., rather than raising educational standards
- indoctrination and obedience
Fascism & schools
what happened to textbooks
History textbooks that lacked suitable patriotic content were replaced that ones that glorified Italy making clear links to the roman Empire. In 1926 101 out of 317 history textbooks were banned.
Fascism & schools
how were classrooms decorated
- A portrait of Mussolini was hanged in every classroom
- Posters highlighted fascist achievements
Fascism & schools
Describe the control over teachers
- Teachers who did not agree were dismissed and from 1931 those who remained had to take an oath of loyalty to the regime
- From 1933 all teachers were required to be members of the PNF
Fscism & Uinversities
Universities were seen as less of a….
priory compared to schools as the government believed that their indoctrination would have worked already
Fscism & Uinversities
Universities were seen as less of a priory compared to schools as the government believed that their indoctrination would have worked already.
However, students were still expected to join the…
University fascist youth
Fscism & Uinversities
Why was the University fascist youth popular
- it gave students access to sports facilities half price admission to entertainment and enhanced career prospects
Fscism & Uinversities
describe the attendance of university
- The number of university students went from 54,000 in 1921 to 165,000 in 1942 who came from an increasingly diverse variety of backgrounds
Fscism & Uinversities
Only 11 of 1250 refused to join the PNF or swear allegiance to the fascists however there was wide spread reporting of lecturers making clear…
- 11
- their lack of support for the regime
What was created for boys aged 8 to 18
- On 3 April 1926 the Opera Nazionale Balilla (ONB) was created by formal decree with the goal or providing “for the physical and moral benefit of youth” for boys
- Much of the programme was focused around physical fitness.
What organisations were created for girls
- Girls had their own organisations, Figlie della Lapa (Daughters of the She Wolf) from ages six to eight,
- Piccole Italinae (Little Italians) eight to thirteen years
- Giovane Italiane (Young Italian Women) from 14-17.
- Again many of the activities were based around physical fitness.
What was the ONB
- compulsory for all Italians aged 6-11
- membership was not compulsory beyond the age of 11 until 1939, but non-membership made it difficult to enrol in further education and barred employment in the civil service
- Membership of the ONB, on the other hand, provided access to jobs and scholarships access to scholarships was difficult
What does OND stand for
- Opera Nazionale Dopolavoro - National Afterwork Organisation
When & why was the OND set up
1925 - following the closure of socialist organisations providing recreation and welfare
Describe OND activities
- gave workers a variety of social and sporting opportunities including bars, billiard halls, cycling groups, libraries and radios.
- each OND section typically had a clubhouse and recreation ground where the activities were provided
- Plays and concerts were provided, as was the showing of films.
- discount rail tickets
- acted as a welfare organisation providing relief for workers in times of need
- subsidised holidays end excursions
By 1939, OND had …. members
4 million
What was kept out of the OND
- There was a clear effort to keep the OND ideologically free and there was no promotion of fascist ideas
- However physical and military training was embraced by many giving the group something of an ideological slant