FARs Flashcards
When do you have to notify the NTSB concerning Rule 830? And what types?
Notify immediately if you have an accident or serious incident
What is an accident as defined in rule 830?
Accident w/o serious injuries:
Requires intention of flight
Substantial damage affecting flight characteristics and/or airframe strength
Serious injury: automatically applies as an accident
Any injury that requires hospitalization more than 48hrs w/in 7 days of injury
Fractures, severe bleeding, tissue damage, burns
What is a serious incident in rule 830?
In flight fire
Crew member incapacitation
Flight control sys malfunction
In flight loss of propeller (departs or releases from airplane in flight)
Loss of more than half of the info from electronic display (if displays are flickering then they dont need to know unless it is so bad it makes the display un-usable)
Uncontained turbine failure/ Turbine release outside of the engine cowling (if it goes out the exhaust then it does not require an immediate notification)
ACAS (airborne avoidance air system) or TCAS issues a resolution advisory while operating on IFR plan, if you have to comply w/ it or in A space
Overdue aircraft and believed to been involved in an accident
Written report if accident?
Report required w/in 10 days
By rule 930, do you have to submit a written report if incident?
Written report upon request only
Pilot In Command is…
Directly responsible as final authority in the operation of the aircraft
PIC cannot deviate from an ATC clearance except when
Receive and amended clearance, or
Have an emergency (to the extent necessary to deal w/ it)
What action must be taken when a PIC deviates from any rule in 14 CFR part 91?
Upon the request of the administrator, send a written report of that deviation to the Administrator
Commercial pilot wants to fly for hire?
Meet part 61 checkride experience
Required logbook documentation:
1) Experience used to meet certificate/ rating requirements
2) Flight review
CPL w/o instrument rating cannot…
Carry PAX for hire at night or a cross country more than 50 NM
Safety pilot requirements
Private pilot
Rated in category and class of aircraft you are flying
A person w/ CPL may act as PIC of an aircraft for compensation or hire, if that person
Is qualified in accordance w/ 14 CFR part 61 and w/ the applicable parts that apply to the operation.
As a CPL, to act as PIC of an aircraft for hire/ compensation you must only be qualified under part 61, but you also must be qualified under any other part that applies tot he specific operation (part 135, etc)
Complex airplane
Retractable landing gear
Controllable propeller
To be a PIC for a complex airplane?
Rec’d and logged ground training, flight training, and endorsement
((Before 4AUG1997 you dont have to worry about it the above)
What is a high performance aircraft?
More than 200 HP
PIC for a high performance aircraft?
Log ground training, flight training, and receive an endorsement
Tailwheel PIC?
Log flight training and endorsement
ARROW must carried in the plane?
Airworthiness (birth certificate for the plane, must be visible to PAX and crew)
Registration cert (tell you who owns the aircraft, not have to be visible)/ expires 3 years?)
Operating limitations of the aircraft (reachable by the PIC)… AFM
Weight and balance -provide aircraft is in W&B
AFM (airplane flight manual?
FAA approved and specific to that type of aircraft
To act as PIC of an airplane towing a glider, the tow pilot is Req’d to have
Private pilot and a logbook endorsement from an authorized glider instructor certifying receipt of ground and flight training in gliders, and be proficient w/ techniques and procedures for the safe towing of gliders
To act as PIC of an airplane towing a glider, a pilot must have accomplished w/in the preceding 24 months at aleast
The tow pilot must have made at least 3 actual or 3 simulated glider tows w/in the preceding 24 months while accompanied by a qualified tow pilot
91.103 Preflight actions: PIC become familiar w/ all available information concerning that flight
Runway lengths,
Alternatives (IFR or not in the vicinity of the airport)
Wx reports and forecasts
Fuel requirements
ATC traffic delays
Takeoff & landing distance data
Tow pilot requirements
PPL in powered aircraft
100 hrs of PIC in cateogory and class of airplane making the tow
Ground and flight training
3 actual or 3 simulated as glider tows w/ a pilot qualified pilot
Who is responsible for determining aircraft in condition for safe flight?
Who is to make sure the airplane is properly maintained in an airworthy condition?
Owner or operator
Who is responsible to make sure the logbooks are up to date? Proper maintenance entries? And verify aircraft has been returned to service?
Owner or operator
To determine airworthiness?
Preflight inspection
Review of Mx records
After any maintenance
Ensure logbooks are signed off properly
What additional inspection do you need for aircraft for hire/ commercial operations/ carry PAX/ student instruction?
100-hr inspection (based on tachometer)
May exceed by 10 hrs and only to reach a place for the inspection can be done. Next inspection if you go over is reduced by the amount you went over
Can you substitute an annual inspection for a 100-hr inspection?
Yes, but you cannot substitute a 100-hr for an annual
What must you do to return to service after alteration or repair?
Must be test flown before carrying passengers
Logbook must show it was test flown… must be at least a PPL.
Airworthiness Directives (ADs) are
Issued by the FAA to correct a safety problem and compliance is mandatory
Owner or operator is responsible
Compliance must be in the aircraft logbooks
Can an aircraft be operated if not in compliance w/ AD?
Only if allowed by the AD
A new maintenance record being used for an aircraft engine rebuilt by the manufacture must include previous…
Changes as required by ADs
Life limited parts are any part that a mandatory replacement is specified by
Hours and/or cycles
For life limited parts, do you need to have a maintenance record document the status of each LLP?
I.e. life-limited parts of each airframe, engine, propeller, rotor, and appliance
Preventative maintenance is defined by…
Simple or preservation operations
Replacement of small standard parts
May be done by pilot on own aircraft
Return to service must be done by pilot w/ PPL
14 CFR part 43.7
What is preventive maintenance reg?
14 CFR Part 43.7
((Not 61- certification of airman, nor part 91- general operating or flight rules))
If you do preventive maintenance, do you need to make a logbook entry?
Your signature
Your certificate # and kind
Description of work
Does an aircraft in distress have the right-of-way over all other air traffic?
What is the proper maneuver to avoid head-on collision?
Both give way to the right… category does not matter
What is the correct maneuver if airplanes are converging, same category?
Same category, Aircraft on the right has the right-of-way// Aircraft on the left has to give way
Note: If they are different categories, the least maneuver category has the right-of-wait
Are airplanes and helicopters considered to be equally maneuverable?
If an aircraft is towing or refueling an aircraft, does it have a right of way over other engine driven aircraft or gyroplane, etc?
Note: it would not have the right-of-way over a glider…
Will a glider have the right-of-way over a engine driven aircraft, airship, and/or a refueling aircraft?
Does the FAA require anti-collision lights at night?
Anti-collision lights (night and day)
Red flashing or rotating beacon
White are the strobes installed on the wingtips
Note: turn off the strobes if you are flying the clouds
When are navigation or position lights are required at night…
Must have on w/ sunset and sunrise… light the skies from sunset to sunrise.
Note: fur currency to carry PAX at night… night is defined as 1-hr after sunset or 1-hr before sunrise
Tail- white light
Left- red (your heart is on the left side of your chest and your heart is red)
Right- green (co-pilot is “green”)
If you see a white light or blinking red light then the aircraft is heading at you?
No, it is heading away from you.
If it was heading at you then you would see the position lights and possibly the landing light
What is the minimum altitude you can safety fly?
Landing w/o undue hazard if your engine fails
What is the hemispherical altitude separation rule?
Over 3k’ AGL
0 - 179 fly at odd altitudes (+500’ VFR)
180- 359 fly at even altitudes (+500’ VFR)
*based on your magnetic course, not your heading
What do you do if you have abnormally high altimeter setting, i.e. above 31”?
Check NOTAM to see what you are supposed to.
When must the Flight crew be at their station during?
Enroute, unless attending to duties or physiological needs
What pilots must keep their safety belts fastened?
During taxi, takeoff, landing, and Enroute, unless will interfere w/ their duties
Must have their shoulder harness fasten during taxi, takeoff, and landing (doesnt need to have it in cruise)
When do passengers must use safety belts and shoulder harnesses?
During taxi, takeoff, and landing, but NOT enroute
This rule doesnt apply to children under 2 years old as long as being held by an adult and doesnt apply to skydivers
Does the PIC have to make sure pax have been briefed on their shoulder harnesses and safety belts?
And they must make sure they have been notified to fasten their safety belts during taxi, takeoff, and landing
What is hypoxia?
Lack of adequate oxygen reaching the brain
When do you have to use oxygen?
Crew at and below 12,500’ MSL you dont need to use O2
Crew above 12,500’ up to including 14k’ MSL you are required to use O2 for flight time over 30min
Crew above 14k’ MSL cabin pressure altitude must use O2 100% of the time
PAX above 15k’ and O2 must be offered to them (PAX do not have to use them)
(Cabin pressure equals pressure altitude)
ELT (Emergency locator transmitter)
Transmit on 121.5 MHz
(243.0 Military freq)
Digital (see a red light?)
406Hz monitored by satellite
Tail number & type
How often are your ELTs needing to be inspected?
Every 12 calendar months
Battery replaced or recharged when 50% of useful life has expired or transmitted for more than 1 cumulative hour
When do you test analog ELTs?
First 5 min after the hour
When is a transponder w/ mode c required?
Class A, B, & C
Mode C veil (30 NM of Class B primary airport)
At and above 10k’ MSL excluding at or below 2,500’k
What is ADSB-out required?
Everywhere where a transponder is required.
ADSB-out broadcasts aircraft information to ground stations and relayed to ATC facilities
What interval do you need to test a transponder?
Test and inspect a transponder w/in 24 calendar months
Is ADSB-Out required w/in a TRSA?
What are the aerobatic flight requirements?
Maintain at least 1,500’ AGL
Minimum 3 miles of visibility
Cannot due in an airway, congested areas, or over class B, C, D airports
Can you drop something from an airplane legally?
Only if there is no hazard to persons or property
There is no FAA requirement to get permission from a “land owner” to drop something on their land, but prob a good idea of courese
Stalling speed or minimal steady state flight speed when the airplane is controllable
Stalling speed in landing configuration
O -out
Stalling speed in a specific configuration (generally in a clean configuration)
Best angle of climb, greatest gain in altitude in the shortest distance
Best rate of climb over distance
Design flap speed
Vfe -maximum flap extended speed (top of the white arc)
Max landing gear operating speed
Max speed you can fly when extending or retracting the gear
Max gear extended speed
Max speed you can fly once the gear is extended
Falcon 10
Vlo- 190 kts
Vle- 220 kts
Max structural cruising speed
Top of the green arc
If you go beyond make sure it is smooth air and dont make abrupt changes
Never exceed speed
Top of yellow arc/ red line
Go beyond this speed and you risk things falling off your aircraft
Which certificate do you need to carry passengers or property for hire?
Part 121 Air carrier (airlines) or Part 135 air taxi
What is a commercial operator (person or operator)?
Compensation or hire
Persons or property
Other than an air carrier (I.e. not an airline)
What does it mean to operate?
Causes aircraft to be used or authorizes its use
What is operational control?
Company operating the flight, not necessarily the pilot
Authority to initiate, conducting the flight, or terminating the flight
What operations are exempt from having a operating certificate, part 119 exemptions?
Crop dusting
Bird chasing
Aerial photography
Student instruction
Skydiving w/in 25 miles
Sightseeing flights w/in 25 miles of airport
*you do need a commercial pilot certificate to operate
*do not need an operator certificate
If you carry people of cargo for hire then you need a commercial operator (air taxi) certificate or an air carrier certificate (airline)
14 CFR 119 regulates air carrier and commercial operations… part 119 excludes certain operations (like parachute jumps w/in 25 SM radius of the airport)
As a commercial pilot, you decide to start a small business flying non-stop tours. What authorizations, if any, are required to conduct?
Letter of Authorization (LOA) from your local flight standards districts office (FSD).
These flights must be conducted w/in a 25- SM radius of your departure airport.
What do you have to do to fly in formation?
Not authorized unless arranged in advance w/ each PIC
Not authorized w/ passengers for hire, unless you have a waiver
What are operational requirements for night and over water for hire?
Night- Landing light.
Beyond power off gliding distance to shore- flotation device
What must you do to operate a large civil aircraft (more than 23,500 lbs) lease?
Must mail FAA a copy of lease w/in 24 hrs
Portable electronic devices which may cause interference w/ navigation or communications system may not be operated on a US registered aircraft being operated
Under IFR