families and households (3) - childcentre, march of progress, demogrpahy , social policy Flashcards
what does jenks say about childhood ?
does not believe childhood is dissolving but believe it is changing
childhood was seen as a preperation for the child to become a productive adult in the future
childhood is changing as society moves from modernity to postmodernity-
what is postmodern society like ?
adults become mpore fearful for their children security
what is the march of progress view ?
aries and shorter argue that children position have improved
family and society beocme childcentered
children have better care
shielded from certain aspects of life such as sex, porn and death
- legally protected from abusr
- not allowed to work before the age of 13
- keep in compulsary education from age 5-18
-legally restricted from buying tobacco - cheaper fares
resruction of child hood what does palmer say ?
toxic childhood - rapid tech and cultural changes in the last 25 years have damged childrens pjysical , intellectual and emotional developments
e,g youth in uk have a league table for obesity , self harm , and teen pregnancies
suggests the modern idea of childhood as innocent and protected is wrong
resruction of child hood what does palmer say ?
toxic childhood - rapid tech and cultural changes in the last 25 years have damged childrens pjysical , intellectual and emotional developments
e,g youth in uk have a league table for obesity , self harm , and teen pregnancies
suggests the modern idea of childhood as innocent and protected is wrong
what is a conflicy view of that ?
marcher prgrees is over generalised and ideakised image
ignores inequality between kids and adults
inequalities among children - against the west
western societies
- gender difference s
class inequalitiue s
ethnic difference s
inequalities between division and adults
firestone argue that extensive care and protection are just oppression
conflict view why else has childhood not improved
childhood has not improved because there are inequalities among children some are stil unprotected and uncared for
inequalities between childfren andadults
girls take more inequalties than boys
children born in more deprived families have poorer health , fall behind at school , placed on child protection resister = neg impact on life chances
what did firestone argue ?
children face to much control and protection from adults e.g not allowing children to work is a form of inequality - radical fem
what can to much adult control lead to ?
neglect and abuse
control over childs space - where to play , avoiding stranger danger
control over time - when to eat wake up
control over bodies - who buys clothes, piercing ear
control over resources = children cannot earn money , state gives bewnefit to psrents
what does gittens argues ?
inequalitites between children and adults exercised through males power and control of the family and children
power is shown through violence towards women and children
age patriachy
what does gittens argues ?
inequalitites between children and adults exercised through males power and control of the family and children
power is shown through violence towards women and children
what is tfr
the number of children born to an average women during her chld bearing life
what is gfr
the number of children that women of childbearing age have in one year
what does wilikinson say - genderquake
women have had a sig shift in their expectatiobs thier focus has moved away from the traditional roles and towards career etc
changing expectation big impact on the tfr and br
what are the impacts that happened to the tfr
tfr for women aged 30 and above has increased
tfr for those below 30 has decreased
the age of married women giving birth has increased by 6 years
highest fertility rate aged 30-34
154% increase in births among women aged 35-49 between 1971 and 2012
why is the tfr low
financial fears
having children later
n0 of women having children in their 40s has also risen. 4.9 live births per 1000 in 1981 to 14.7 births per 100
what is the impact of changing births and fr on the family
decline in family sizr
child centerdness
increase in older women - squeezed middle bean pole family
increase in dual worker
voluntary childless hakim push and pull factor s
dependency ratio the balance between the
what is the dependency ratio
the balance between the size of the productive/working population vs dependent part of the population
why was the dr falling
n0 of birth exceeds the death rate
1901 632000 deaths
fall in dr - rising wage s- not in poverty improved standard of living
clean water
intro to welfare
in 1948 nhs resulted in better and free healthcare
in 2000 vacinnation
better diet
decline in heavy industry and manual labour
what is the impact of changing death ra
greater life expectancy
population increase
ageing population - the proportion og olfer people is growing and the proportion of younger people is declining
changes to dependency ratio
smaller fam sizes and bean pole fam
what is beanpole fam
fewer children multiple generation
what are the consequences of ageing population
more healthcare needed greying population ageing population
more housing and assisted housing to supoort elderly people - solo living
children women burden of care - squeezed middle
unpaid labour - free childcare
financial lsupport for adult children
work longer - retirement
reduce state pension
is ageing population a problem
cost gov
more high tax
reduces pension
build on welfare
higher dependency ratio
why is ageing pop not a problem
generate money
older people can work
do free childcare
what is age status
its socially constructed out society choose to view old age as a problem - pm
what action has gov tackle social issue of age pop
more spending on healtch care
change and removal pf retirement age
chnages to state pension
vjmahes to social care obligatory
what is net mig
the difference between the no immigrating and the number of migrating
what are the trends
untill the 1980s more migration than immigration
what happened in 1950
black immigration from the carribean - 1948 windrush
pushed by poverty , pulled by jons
what happened in 1950
black immigration from the carribean - 1948 windrush
pushed by poverty , pulled by jons
what happened in 1960 and 1970
immigration from south asia
paki and bangal
what are the current trends
diff patterns for eu and non eu mig
eu net mig has fallen since 2016- brexit
non eu net mig has gradually increased since 2013
as immigration has risen and emmigration remained broadly stable
rise in non eu immigration - co,ing to the uk to study
how will imigration and emigration afect family
more diverse and more cultural socety
rap -rap - cultual div in family tyoe lp, nf , bigger fam south asia
changes household structres includes more households multi fam households
what is the impact of immigration
- these changes will afcet the age structure of the popularity becuase
younfer more fertile more babies
how is globalisation the result of these processes
globalisation is the result of man processes including the growth of communication sytsem globalisation has increased international migration
what is policy
policy is a set of rules and regulations usually intoduced by the giv to allow agencies such as welfare benefits or schools to operate
what is social policy ?
is the gov bodies aimed tackling social issies or prob in society e.g compulsary to go school up to the age of 18 - fine parents if not
what is direct policies ?
laws and legis aimed at specificaly as fam life e.g marriage and divorce , abortion or contraception, child protection , adoption
what is indirect policies ?
on other social and economic issues which also affect fam life childcare , edu , hosuing
what is left wing ?
ppl and groups that have liberal views they support progressive reforms
what is right wing
ppl or groups who have conservative views - restore tradition ones and limit change
what are some labour policies ?
increase in child benefit
fam tax credit
sure start
new deal
supporting fam documents
what does increase in child benefit aim to do ?
to take all children out of pov child benefit increased by 26% from 1997-2001
labour has lifted 600,000 children out of poverty
but its now reduced
what does working fam tax credit do ?
tax credit top up the wages of parents moving from benfitd to low paid jobs
low impact still around but shut by gov
what is sure start ?
provides health and support sevices for lic fam with young children
tories shut them in 2010
what does the new deal do ?
designed to help people find paid employment aimed at lone parents
in 2001 to attend annual interview about job opportunities
no longer exists
whats the new labour policies ?
what is supporting fam documetns