belief system 2.2 social significance , short lived.. Flashcards
what fpes wilson say about rapid social change ?
rapid chnage disrupt and undermine establishment producing anomie
why did neighnur argue that sects are short lived ?
sects are world rej organisation
created after a split with an est church
due to their extreme view they will either die out
or compromise with the world and water down their beleifs become a denomination
death of a charasmatic leader can also lead to s to die out
whats an evaluation of neigbur of sects are short lived ?
jehovas witness didnt die out
prosperous but still have membership
children/ next gen still members
2nd gen dont lack fervour - still enthuistatic
i.e not poor and needy but still stay in the sect
what is s and b sectarian cycle ?
- a schism - tension between deprived and privelledged
- internal fervour- deprived break away to form world rej sect with a charasmatic leader
- denomination - 2nd gen looses its fervour + sees benefits of being more world accepting
- establishment sect become more world accepting + tension with wider society reduces
what is wilson path to salvation ?
2 routes of world rej NRMS + SECTS
conversionist - keen to extend membership will become world accomodation or world accepting - denomination
adventist ones - remain world rej hold out to be saved - not denom
world affirming nrms - wa cults such as scientology will survive as long as they adapt their products to suit their clientale
what is s and b reli market theory ?
reli are naturally reli and reli meets human need
people make rational choices based on costs and benefits of available reli options
reli provides us with supernormal compensators e.g eternal life after death
why are sects short lived ?
usualy only last 1-2 gen
niebuhr - must change into deno or will die out beacsue of children and grandcild not sharing the beliefs- the moonies
death of a charasmatic leader - cults - jim jones
changing social attitudes and rimwa - children of god - hippies
leave the sect once its served its purpose- heavens gate
what is the relevance and impact of c, s and nrms in society ?
lifestyle cults,nrms e.g scientology - low impact
suicide cults - high impact for small groups
only make a major impact when in public eye
haddon - seen as wierd and freaky - nrm better name
cult is a pejorative term with neg connotation
only taken seriously when evolve into a deno
bruce - low saliency and low impact
pm - reli and nrm of no relevance all about our personal id
how are cultsd percieved by public and mass media
cults gorups that media and the state acuuse of using brainwashing tech to recruit and explot members to break up fam
what did wallis wish to avoid about cults
the idea that all s and c are devaint and dangerous rather than respectable all western reli organisation that have appeared in the last 70 years can be categorised to wa , wr , world affirmifn
what is world acco
nrms - pentecostalism , baptism
wallis suggests that there reli should be classed as world acco nrms because their members lead convec lives and conform to maimnstream social rules
not supportive of soci change esp movement towards a liberal society
whats an eval of world accom
secularisation the decline in reli attendance is also undermining the denominational status of spme reli e.g methodist denomination has a rapidly ageing congregation which is not being relaced by young worshippers
what is world rej
sects like church see themselves as legitimised by god
belive theyre following one path among many spiritual
wallis sects as world reh nems as theyre highly critical of the outside secular world
wilson suggest tjay sects may belong to
introversionist - cur themself off
what is w a and what is cults ?
cults dont believe in god or worship may inc supernatural element
their main goal is to improve the individual place in the social world
cults tolerate other beliefs mainlt cuase theier belief is vague
What are women more likely ?
Women are also 2x as likely to believe that some people have a spiritual gift and can see hidden parts of the universe
What are women often associated with nature and children ?
Women are often associated with nature and are more attracted to NAM
Why are women attracted to BAM
Because it emphasises the importance of being authentic rather than merely acting out roles.
In a gender role women more attracted to this.
Than men because they’re more likely to perceive their roles as restrictive
What does Bruce say about new age offers a sense of self work
It offers a sense of self worth women are less agreegsive due to child birth attracted to new age promise of being authentic they wish to feel
What did Bruce say about women involvement in sects
2x as many women as women involved in sects
What did s&b say about sects
People may participate in sects because they offere compensators for organismic ethical
and social deprivation these form of deprivation are common among women and explains their higher level of sect membership
What is organismic deprivation
Stems from physical and mental health problems women likely to suffer I’ll health and thus seek healing sects offfer
What is ethical deprivation
Women tend to be more morally conservative theyre thus likely to regard the world as being in moral decline and be attracted to sects
What is social deprivation
Sects attract poorer groups and women more likely to be poor
What did Milan and Hoffman say about the 3 main reasons of women high level of religionism
Gender differences and risk talking which means risk that might be right if you’re not religious you can go help
Women are more risk averse than men cause they don’t want to take any chance
What does davie say about the visions of god
Women see god as loving and forgiving men see god as power & control thus men less attracted to reli than women