families and households (2) Flashcards
What does the Post modernist perspective - life course analysis mean ?
The meaning people give to the idea of the family and the decisions they make regarding family practises
What does the Lifecourse analysis - David Morgan mean ?
The meaning people give to the idea of the family and the decisions they make regarding family practises are influenced by their stage in the life course. People are free to choose diverse family relationships but some choose to follow traditional norms.
Post modern argues that sociological studies of the family should focus on life courses
Life course is made up of several stages: Birth, early childhood , puberty , marriage and death
What does the Family practises - Harven and Morgan mean ?
Meaning people attach to these events will vary. Individual family members will interpret their lives, relationships and choices differently. There is no one set way of doing things.
What does the Personal life-smart mean ?
Should avoid using the term “family”,instead apply the concept of personal life to describe a range of lifestyle choices. Relationships and household settings which stem beyond the transitional blood ties, concept of families is to associated with value judgements about what deals or normal
What evidence is there that family diversity has taken place ?
Family diversity has taken place as Chester argues it is increasing but he still believes the nuclear family is still the dominant type. For example cohabitation has been increasing since the 2000s as the divorce rate increased since 1991.
As chester says cohabitation is a prelude to marriage. People are getting married later on in life and the average age for women is 37.5. This shows that family diversity has taken place.
Beck argues that the family is in decline. As society is becoming more fluid. Families are becoming zombies as the special meaning is being lost. Plp considers kin relationships and pets as family. This therefore broadens the concept of family anf there is no special meaning
What evidence is there that conjugal roles has become equal ?
British farmers care of infants and young children rose 1975 and 1997
From 15 minutes to 2 hours
The time spent by british men on domestic work rose from 90 minutes per day to 148 minutes per day in 200
What Evidence is there that conjugal roles is not equal ?
Women spend over 2 hours and 30 minutes on doing housework . 1 hour and 30 minutes more than men
Over all men have an extra 30 minutes of free time
What is domestic labour ?
Housework and chores in the home
What is domestic division of labour ?
How labour is divided up
What are conjugal roles?
The roles that spouses take on in home
What did young and willmott argue ?
1970 - emergence of the symmetrical family- the sharing of domestic work and leisure activities between spouses.
Relationships of this type are known as joint or intergrated , conjugal roles as opposed to segregated conjugal roles.
Some sociologists have suggested that there has been the emergence of the new man who shares the responsibility of paid work , child care and housework
What does Oakley say ?
UT oakley (1974) argues that young and willmott claim of increasing symmetry is based on inadequate methodology. Their conclusion is based off one interview questions which was worded in a way that could exaggerate the amount of housework done by men
A small scale research done by oakley and edgell -1980 found that little sharing of household tasks
What are the housework and child care sociologists and their views ?
Gershury - (1992-1999) found that the husbands of working women continued to do less than half the total unpaid work done by their spouses’
However, although the dual burden of paid and domestic work remained for women , men seemed to make more effort to do housework when their wives were in paid work.
Ferri and smith 1996 - through data from national child development survey used they found that :
Still unusual for men to take primary responsibility for childcare, even in dual earner families
Employment of women outside the home has had little impact on contribution of men to childcare or housework
famileis and households
What are the conjugal roles and hours worked sociologists viewed ?
Young and Willmott - found that the difference between mens and womens work time in the home were not that great.
Man yee kan - income, employment and age affects how much h/w women do.
every £10,000 in women’s annual income reduces weekly household time by 2 hours
conjugal roles and hours worked
What are the conjugal roles and power worked sociologists view ?
Volgel and pahl (1994). They found an increase in the proportion of relationships with egalitarian financial arrangements but this proportion remained small. 23% men & 7% women
Edgell 1980 - he found that women tended to dominate in areas such as domestic spending and children’s clothes, but men dominated in areas that were considered more important, such as moving house and overall finance.
conjugal roles and sexuality
What does rolles relationship mean?
Role expected and allocated to different members of the family and how they affect and interact with those of others family members
Is power and relationship?
how power is defined and distributed in families and and how this affects relationships between family members feminist view
What is the march of progress?
Gershury 1994 adaptation light adaptation lagged men doing more
Sullivans - men are doing more women are doing less than before as woman are in paid work
What is the feminist view?
Women working has not lead to equality
little sign of new man
man spent 10 hours on care for family where as women spend 23 hours
woman do twice as much as men
woman likely to do laundry cleaning look after the sick shopping while men do small repairs since 1994
Alan 1990 nineteen eighty-four argues that woman take task such as washing cleaning or less satisfying
division of labour is unjust
What is contemporary evidence?
middle class household less egalitarian in lockdown
in conclusion it is it is inclusive va as every household is different as the Norms is different covid-19 is temporary so it was lockdown
What is the Cultural ideology view ?
DDL LS is determined by patriarchal norms and values which Space gender roles
Gershuny- parental role models are important children’s parents adapting to the New Normal of working women and men doing more housework
man yee kan - younger men domestic work generational shift
what does pitcher say
childhood is a clear and distinct life stage form childhood
- laws regulate what children can do
- different dress /clothes
- specific protection and servies for cildren e.g child protection ,day care
why is childhood a golden age ?
time of happiness and innocence
children need protecting from the dangers of the adult world
what did aries 1960 say ?
analysed painting - concluded childhood had only existed for 30 years - not in medieval europe
suggested the cult of the child had developed
childeren refe3red to as little adults
13th centurey concept of childhood emerges
How has the role of children in the UK changed?
imr decreased bettwer living conditions more rights - lawas more money free eductation becoming a consumer - e,g toys ,clothes parental supervision lpf Depend on parents financially for longer (BOOMERANG)
What does the shorter 1975 say?
In the past parental attitude towards children was very different due to High death and infant mortality rate
more neglect towards children
what evidence is there that childfren are becoming consuemrs >
Beder (2009)
2004 $15 billion spent on marketing to children
2009- A UK child on average views 18,000 TV adverts a
Impact of the Internet- less regulation-ads merge into
programmes and content
Advertisers can now bypass parents as the ‘gatekeepers’
and can exploit children’s ‘pester power’
what does wagg 1992 say?
childhood is socially constructed . there is no univrtsal childhood experienced by all
how do socio;ogists voew childhood ?
sociologists view childhood as socially constructed in other words as something created and defined by society
the position childhood occupy in society , is not fixed but differs between times, places and culture
megalo recruit - day care agency
what does socially constructed mean
product of society created defined by socety it comes from relative not fixed
what is childhood in the west ?
pitcher - childhood is seen as a distinct stage
cunnigham - children are seen as the opposite to adults
what are childhood in other cultures liek ?
bennedict - childen in simpler non industrial societies are treated differetly from their modern western counter parts :
more responsibility at home and work
less value placed on obediance to to adults
children sexual behaviour is viewed differently
what is a child centered family ?
many sociologists have argued that families have become more child centered than they were in the past because family life revolves around the interests and needs of the child
what is childhood over time was like ?
Aries (1960)
Analysed paintings and concluded childhood had only existed for 300 years. (i.e. Did not exist in Medieval Europe)
- He suggested the ‘cult of the child’ had developed
- Children used to be referred to as ‘little adults’
- They worked, ate, dressed and lived as ‘adults’
- 13th Century- concept of childhood starts to emerge.
Shorter 1975:
In the past parental attitudes towards children were very different due to high death and infant mortality rates
More neglect towards children.
what has caused these changes ?
sociologists agree that industralisation shift from agriculture to facctories productions as the basis of the economy - underlines many reasons
modern industry needs an educated workforce and required compulsory schooling of the young
industrlaisation key to bring about the modern idea of childhood and the changed status of children
how has the role of children changed over time ?
Infant Mortality decreased
Better living conditions
Have more rights
Have more money
Free education for all
Become consumers – Toys, clothes, technology
Tighter parental supervision
They have a say in family decisions
Often raised by people other than a parent
Experiencing breakdown in families (LPF)
LPF, Reconstituted, Gay, Foster families
Depend on parents financially for longer (BOOMERANG)
what is the key concept of child centered family ?
Many sociologists have argued that families have become more child centered
than they were in the past because family life revolves around the interests and
needs of the child.
The amount of time that parents spend with their children has doubled since the 1960s
Parents are more involved with their children, taking an interest in their activities, discussing decisions with them and treating them as equals.
Children’s welfare is often seen as the priority
Why are families more child centered?
Families are smaller
Compulsory education makes children dependent on parents
why is society more child centered ?
Society has become more child centered over the last century:
children occupying a more central role than ever, with more money and time
being spend on them than ever,
children are increasingly the ‘primary concern’ of many public services and often the sole thing that gives meaning to the lives of many parents.
what are the features of a child centered family ?
1.Childhood is regarded as the opposite of adulthood – children in particular are viewed as being in need of protection from the adult world.
2.Child and adult worlds are separated – they have different social spaces – playground and school for children, work and pubs for adults.
- Childhood is increasingly
associated with rights.
what are the features of a child centered family .?
Child welfare policies protect children in the
family – Laws prevent them from working,
children MUST go to school, children have
rights, social services can intervene if
2 – Adults have fewer children – This enables
them to spend more time with each child. The
amount time parents spend with children has
increased in recent decades.
3– Parents spend more money on their
what are the evaluation of each of the points
It is possible to interpret these laws as preventing the family from being more child
centred – e.g. compulsory schooling.
This is not true for all families – Many parents, especially fathers work long hours and cannot see their children.
using inequalities/ Marxism. - less money to spend n them / welfare - not for low ncome families
marxim- consumer capitalist society inequalities / mcm are able tp spend more money on their kids
whatis helicopter parent and cotton wool kkds ?
‘Helicopter parents,’ - (also called a
cosseting parent or simply a cosseter) is
a parent who pays extremely close attention to a
child’s or children’s experiences and problems,
particularly at educational institutions.
cotton ‘wool kids ‘who are dependent and anxious –
resulting in Kidults
what is demography ?
the sattistical study of trends and patterns of the women population
what is br ?
br - number of lives births per 1000 population
what is tfr ?
n0 of childern women have in their fertile year
what is dr ?
n0 of dr per 1000 population
what are the reason for a decline in br ?
covid 19
industrial revolutioon
what did wilkinson argue ?
wilkinson coined the phrase gender quake which descruves the radical changing attitudes towards family life , child bearing, education and careers between the generation of young women brought up since 1980s
what do child welfare policies do ?
protect children
spend more time with each child
more money on their children
what does furedi say ? the neg side of child centred fam
helicopter parents
cotton wool kids
distinct life stage - putcher /aries
more priected, more priveledged - cunnigham
what does wendi stainton - rogers say ?
- childhood has become more protected and priveledged time of life
-protected by laws, rights , eductation, health - priveledged - holidays, consumers, child cneterd family
children over all status and role improved late 20th century
what did postman say ?
childhood is dissapearing as children are less ignorant and innocent and now more knowledgabke and cynical
due to exposure to tv culture and move from print medic e.g books , paper , news maagazine
this is blurring adult and children world
what is an evaluation of post man ?
opie - still a seperate children culture - e.g schools ,parks toys , services and products