families and households (1) theories of family, family social change , marriage Flashcards
what is family
family is a social unit made up of ppl related to eacj othjer
by blood, birth or marriage
what did mudrock say about family ?
nf - is the family
4 essential roles
- reproduction
- education
- economic function
- sexual function
what did parson about family ?
= nf is the familu
2 irredicivle funvtions
- primary socialisation
- stablization of adult personalities
family lost its function to other insitutitons
what is expressive and instrumental role ?
er= mothers taking on the emotions ahouse wife
ir= breadwinner
what is parsons theory ?
warm bath theory - the mother rakes on the expressive role and destresses the family by cooking cleaning and being a housewife
what are some of the criticis, of functiona;osts ?
- ignores fd
-ignotes other ethnicities - ignores sociAL problems e.g rise in divorce child abuse and domestic violence the dark side of the
1st book - divorce
what do feminsist about divorce
feminist argue that married women are dual burden
required to take on paid work in addition to perforning domestic labour
conflict between hus and wife
gov keep chaning lawfor divorce shows social attitudes are chaning - eivdene
pm view on divorce
what does beck say about divorce ?
in contemporary soc we have become individualistic , we make decsiosn based on our personal fulfillment
no longer feel a duty to remain in rs if they dont fulfill us
seek pure rs - giddens a rs we feel sattisfies our needs if not we end the rs
what is romantic notion ?
having the perfect rs diddens also suggests we have a trend towards confluent love we expect a rs to be based on intimacy and cloeseness
what are the consequences of divorce ?
- increase in lpf
- increase in reconsituted families - 2013 8% of step families
- impact on rs
singlehood and one person household
changing attitudes to sex rs and parenting - co parenting
who will be in favour of lpf and who wont
nr - not
fem,plp,pm - will
nr - higher chances of living in poverty could affect progress in school
having to agree who will care for the children and where they will live - emotional stress
why do the nr dislike div ?
view as undesirbale because it undermines marriage and traditional nucelur family - they regard vital to social solidarity
high dr creates a growing underclass of welfare deendancy
femlae lp who are a burden to society , leaves boys without a role model
why do fem like div ?
see a high dr as desirbale becuase it shows that women are breaking free from the oppression of the patriachal nucleur family
what do pm say about div ?
see a high dr as shwoing that indiviual now have freedom to choose to end a rs when it no longer meets thier needs - major cuase of fd
what do func say about high div ?
high dvr is not a threat to marriage as a social insitition the result of peoeples high expectation of marriage
high rate of remarriage shows people continually commit to the idea of marriage
what do ingteractionist say about divorce ?
interactionalist aims to understand what divorce means to the individual , mrgan argues that it cannot generalise about the meaning of divorce beacuse every indivual interpretation is different
what do plp argue about divr
plp accepts that divorce can cuase problenms
e.g financial difficulties , lackof communications between children and non resident parents
carol smart argues div has become normalised
whar is the decline of tradiotional nf ?
nr believe increasing diver means increasing breakdown
ideology of the nf from the 1950- down
it was advertised on a cereal box - leach said it potrays happpy smiling nf
its an ideology - misleady view
what does jeffrey weeks day about fam choice ?
choose their own patnership
close firends becomes fmailies - provides support
increaed in 2002 it was legal for them to adopt
growing numb of les choosing to have children using ivf
what does social class , income and qulaity affect fam ?
wc - lower income - result in overcrowded households
life chnaces - harder to have good health and good employment mc have better jobs and income
children in wc have different experiences of fam life compares to mc
mc more likely to marry and nf
wc more likely to be divorce
how does ethinic div affect fam ?
asian fam - 20% are extended fam
beck - multicultural fam increased include patners from diff ethinic groups barriers between ethnic groups broken down and people can choose patners freely
what do pm say about fd
late modernity is changed by chpice and chance
opportunity to chosse identity and select lifestyle are increasing
post modern era is described as change as fluc and uncertainty
judith stacy 0 sees fd as reflection of pm sociiety
what is the rapport rapport ?
structural diversity
variations in terms of structure , household types and domestic divison of labour e.g differences between conventional families, lpf and reconsituited
class diversity - differences between mc and wc fam in rs with children and socialisation
cohort div/generational - fam type as the norm for genreation may differ to the next e.g have children in 1950s = nucleaur in 1990s = lpf
cultural diversity - diff lifestyle amongst different ethnic and reli groups
life cyce div - fam type influenced by satte of lifecycle theyre in e.g newly married have diff experience to those with dependant children
what is modernity ?
modern era = 1900s-1960s society has a fixed predictable structure , nucleurs the fam it shapes the bevaiour of individuals so they can perform important function for society
what is postmodernity
post modern era 1960s - present society has a no fixed structure but is characterised by choice and change , identites and rs are more fluid there is no such thing as the fam there are families
what does the late modernity say ?
some sociologists late modernist argue suggest society is someway near the late modernity
what does chester say - neo conventional fam ?
chester sees an increase in fd - doesnt see it in a neg way
only change is from conventional nf to neo conventional fam
nc fam as a dual earner fam does not see any evidence of major change
people dont want to stay in a long term basis e.glpf so nucleaur is still dominant
n0 of patterns
marriage continue after death divorce increases but they still remarry
cohab increased but its only temp
birth outside marriage increased
what is the difference between chester and functionalist ?
chester sees a change from conventional to a neo conventional where both spouses play instrumental or breadwinner role
what are the new right views ?
the nr oppse cohabiting same sex and lpf
growth of fd is the cause of social problems
nr are worried of growth of lpf
the lpf are harmfull to kids
nr beleive lpf cannot discipiline their kids , rely on welfare and educational family
nf cornerstone of socieety
what is nucleur fam to nr ?
nucleuer is the ideal, fam diversity is neg . lpf , reconsituited lead and crime - conservative mp said nucleur is best type
amoto nr view
what does chester argue ? - modernist
neo con fam - dual worker fam , 2 parents not always married , kids may get married eventually ppls still aspire to nf cohab is a prelude to marriage
evidence - people marry later and cohab increases
dark side of the theory
what are the fem views of fam ?
- verbal abuse
- manipulation
- physical
- emotinal
- financial abuse
what is domestic violence ?
psychological , physical , sexual financial and emotional violence or abuse
what are the causes of domestic violence ?
- alchohol may play a role in domestic violence
- during the last world cup , the national centre for domestic abuse ran a national awareness camaign with the headline - if england gets beaten so would she
- 47% increase during the football match
why are men less likely to report d.v ?
- not serious
- shame
- hegomonic
- dominant
what does the term masculintiy mean ?
it is dangerous andd toxic behaviours that are associated with being a man manliness
what happened to dv over the pandemc period ?
increase of calls od=f dv
what are the causes of dv ?
alchohol, beaten , crisis of masculinity - conflict
diffcicult to report dv because of fem and finan reasons -toxic masculinity
changing perspectiv
what do sylvia and jade say ?
feminism = dv is an important form of coercion , a serious violent crime, and a cause and consequences of gender inequality they called this gender asymetrical
relates to conflic theory - marixsts
inequality between w+m
social and finan inequality
what does marxixt fem say ? ansley
ansley - dv is a product of capitalism wives are takers of shot makle workers are exploited at work and they take anger on wife
fem argue dv be reduced if mena re women are equal
what do radical fem say ?
wide spread domestic violence is the result of a patriachal society
- why most dv is committed by men
- radical fem gives a sociological rather psychological
what does miller say ?
women are controlled physically, psychologically and ideologically by men
dv is part of a wider society its key division in society that helps to maintain power over women
what does doobash argue ?
dv is primarily rooted in mens control of women as a result of patriachal society
what is the evaluation of this ?
not all men are agrresive - elliot 1996
radical fem fail to ignore female violence e.g child anuse , violence against male
males are also victimes of dv
what did the ons 2014 say about women face gender risk of dv
- young women
-low income of financial difficulties
-high level of alchohol
what did the ons 2014 say about women face gender risk of dv
- young women
-low income of financial difficulties
-high level of alchohol
what is wrong with the functionalist
dont acknowledge thr dark side of the fam they view the fam as the warm bath theory
what does nr say dv
violence stems from instability of cohabitation and divorce
what is child abuse
child intentionally harmed by an adult or another child under the age of 18
can be a period of time can also be one off action - can be physically sexual or emotional and can happen online or in person can be lack of love of attention - this is neglect
why is children more valuable, dependent on olders , physically differences , financially dependent on parents
sexual exploitation
sexual abuses
what does gidden the late modernist say
more equal rs betweeen men and women
this is because contraception allowed intimacy rather reproduction for the rs existence
women gsained interdependence
in past fam were held by laws and powerful norm against divorce
today couple is free divorce is easy
what are same sex allowed to do now
not influenced by tradition
same sex been able to develop rs based on choice
allowed them to actively create fam structure that serve their own need
how is rs no longer holding togehter
law reli norms traditional insituitions - no longer hold rs together
what is rs based on
individual choice and equality - pure rs to satisfy needs
rs become part of the process of the individual self discovering or self identity different rs
way of estabilishing who we are
what is rs based on
individual choice and equality - pure rs to satisfy needs
rs become part of the process of the individual self discovering or self identity different rs
way of estabilishing who we are
what does more choice do ?
less stable rs , creates fam diversity . more lone parents
what does beck lm say
live in a risk society
traditional less influence and people have more choice
past- expected to mary for life - men expected to play breadwinner -women - clean cook
what did the traditional patriachal family provide
unequal and oppresion but it provided a stable and predictan;e basis for a family
what is the patriachal family undermined by
greater gender equality =- challenged male denomination wsomen expect equality in marriage and work
greater individualism ppl action are influenced
what does giddens say ?
the family and marriage have been transformed by greater choice and equality between men and women.
as a result couples are free to define rs as they see fit, fam diversity is pos for women but neg makes rs less stable
what does beck say ?
risk society - traditional norms have less influence and people have more choice.
individuals are more aware of risks when we make choices about famikly life and family structures. contrast with time when family roles were more fixed and people had less choice
what are the pos and neg of what beck says ?
pos = more choice , individuals can negotiate risk
neg= contrasts with less stable time with fixed roles
what does weeks say ?
fam with choice- growing acceptance of fam diveristy
gay and les have benefitted from chaning social attitudes, can now choose fam based on friendship and kinship rs.
but nf is still dominant fam type
what does stacey say ?
divorce extended families- greater choice has allowed women to free themselves from patriachal oppresion. divorice extended families = members connected by divorce rather than
what does late modernist - individualism say
in the past people lives shaped by fixed roles and traditions
contemporary society = free and disembedded from fixed roles = alt rs e.g no marriage and no wife
what is the evaluation of the late modernist individualism
plp challenge to individualisation
what is the summary of this ?
traditional and kinship still matter for many people
women find it harder to disembed from traditional roles e,g em still more likely to follow traditions = e,g live in nucleur = low divorce rates
fam have not broken completely by individualism
concept of fam is still important but its varied form e.g smart pets dead relarices friends are fam
what is the overall evaluation of this ?
concpet of fam is still important